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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. as usual , two wheelers normally travel minus the situation awareness , plowing ahead regardless, hoping other vehicles gave way to them. If accident happens, blame it upon karma .
  2. The poor guy can testify to that.
  3. Regardless, when calamity comes, whoever’s fault it is, the motorbike or trike rider’s skin will meet the road surface.
  4. Being a majority Buddhist society believing in karma, Thais attribute their fate to karma and not their current action. As a country , thailand is still a society severely lacking social awareness and road safety. The government has its hand full trying to educate the masses trying to lift their awareness. A herculean task for any leader with inherent corruption where having money can makes many problems go away.
  5. Sadly it is what it is. Until Thais place a much higher emphasis upon their lives, the carnage will continue especially for those at the lower strata of society where there is little incentive or inclination for improvement of their lot. When you progress to a higher status of living and responsibility, you will automatically shift to a higher level of awareness of your precious fragile life. when you are still at the lower rung of society, living or being dead is just a process of existence.
  6. In the merciless world of Darwinism, the losers would not survived to pass on their genes to populate the earth. Our current world situation of soft governance is the result.
  7. Though I agree with you on some issues, I want to offer my input as a 2 weeks stay a month in Bangkok for the past 28 years. I am Malaysian by birth but lived mostly in Thailand as missus is a Chinese descent Thai. thai immigration policy may be regressive with respect to long stay visa issue , service standard, scams and such however, thailand infrastructure is second to none other than Singapore. Internet speed is impressive. Hotels ,both luxury and budget ,aplenty. Restaurants can be both luxurious or cheap satisfying all budgets. Nightlife is also affordable. You can have a good holiday with any budgets . Of course rates of yesterday is over as society progresses but that is to be expected. Malaysia ,which I am familiar with, had not progress both economically or socially these past 2 decades while Thailand plow ahead. Given the Thai abilities, it is impressive that they had managed to govern their country as it is and not run the country to the ground.
  8. As I understand, thailand has still the best features for tourists from beaches , islands to mountain resorts. An all rounder indeed. English is fairly understood here too unlike vietnam . Moreover Thailand has facilities for high end tourists to low budget tourists especially Bangkok which other countries have to try really hard to emulate. overall whatever her faults, thailand still has the best infrastructure around.
  9. Mainly foreign visitors are Russians, Chinese and Indians though neighboring malaysians of over 4 millions on short jaunt also visit annually.
  10. Seems they wanted to move the soldiers and police and their families from tak to Yangon together with the valuables . Instead the plan stalled after the police and soldiers capitulated to the opposition party so no plane flight happened .
  11. China is a vast country with various strata of society. Super rich to super poor so to each their interpretation ofhygine and food safety. Western countries are less polarized in wealth distribution and share similar food safety standards. Not in China though.
  12. Raw marinated Thai food is depended upon where you ate. If at fine restaurants , it is ok . Open air night market is not recommended as raw food goes bad fast. Moreover Thais use lime and chili to control the bacteria population for their raw and cooked food not heat. These open air raw food is not suitable for tourists . Same goes to most asean countries. use your common sense when travelling abroad.
  13. It is not only the disgusting behavior that offend the Thais. The sanctity of erawan diety shrine is also compromised too .it was installed there after careful geomancing and now it is tainted. totally disrespectful regardless mental illness or not to others. imagine defecating in front of the pastor during mass In the church.
  14. Disgusting behavior taking no consequences of his action for other foreigners. Can you blame Thais if they think all foreigners treat their country as a dump? Taking what they need and <deleted> on what they don’t.
  15. Honking itself is a culture upon itself. There is the short one beep type, a short two beep type for “ look out warning” a long blast honking for “ look I am getting impatient “ a really long blast honking meaning “ fxxx you , get out of there ! Do you know who I am “ using car headlamps highlighting is a better choice for certain situation and again there is highlighting culture involved too.
  16. Honking in Thai culture is degrading and disrespectful . Moreover who the honking is intended for is debatable. Better to use highlighting with headlamps if only to inform respective party .
  17. Especially when their girlfriends are in the truck with them .
  18. 200 million won is only about 5.5 MILLION not billion Thai baht. Writer is not currency savvy I think .
  19. Thais took offense to the act of kicking another Thai on the back while she was sitting facing away from him harmlessly. People in Asia took offense to being kicked like a dog because it denotes a lower status ( regard) of the person being kicked. I witnessed a scene in India while sitting in a car driven by an Indian friend visiting his huge home. He was driving me back to my hotel from his home where upon reaching his house gates which was a distance from his house, the gate did not open because the guard was snoozing ( maybe drunk? ) siting by the gate. Wordlessly he just emerged from the car , walked over to the guy and literally kicked him repeatedly like a dog. That, was a cultural eye opener for me.
  20. Maybe water which is available is used to wet the contents of the luggage to slow the burning. .. while airline staff get the fire extinguisher…
  21. No alcohol sales during 2-5 pm is always a bother when shopping for groceries because this is the time when the foot traffic is less. I like to select this period to shop for groceries after my lunch.
  22. Driver talking nonsense into the phone to drive away boredom.… a national pastime I had seen numerous times both public and private transport. Thai drivers figure that it is too boring and a waste of their time just driving attentively on a deserted street…..until it wasn’t.
  23. Always wise to use a backpack with a hidden zip pocket on the side between the back and backpack to discourage pickpocketing.
  24. Seems to me many foreigners under 30 try their best to remain in pattaya and phuket regardless their financial situation. Could the laissez-faire attitude of thailand influence their thinking ?
  25. In countries like thailand and China, it makes sense to let the medical profession or police to handle traffic accidents. You get to be blame because the victims can claim compensation for your insurance if they are not insured. Let the locals handle their fellow people . They know the method. Sad but it is what it is.
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