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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. The less hookers there are, the more rapes there will be. Think about it.
  2. I must admit I have seen a lot of hot ones on Beach Road.
  3. But Tom Cruise is only 5ft 6ins tall, how can he be attractive to most women? I'm not talking about hookers here. If you had said a young Elvis or Brad Pitt with a clean shaven face, then I would understand.
  4. I wonder how they manage to get through customs, were the people reporting them because it was foreigners, or was it hookers in general? If the latter why do they go for walks along Beach Road when they know there are hookers there? I enjoy a walk along Beach Road, the hookers don't bother me. I must admit I enjoy looking at most of them although I never pick any of them up. I would be happy to see the police picking up the foreign hookers, why don't the Bangkok police not start picking up the Nigerian drug dealers who frequent the area between Soi's 5 and 11?
  5. Link does not work.
  6. Because they are Thai and they hate foreigners.
  7. Anyone who is drunk and incapable in public should automatically be put in jail until they are sober if it takes more than one night, then so be it, followed by a fine.
  8. My wife is very pretty, and I have been very happy. I think she would have been rated a 9 when she was in her twenties and thirties.
  9. You mean like a young Elvis? No! Definitely not.
  10. Of course they should, but knowing the Thai medical profession, the first thing they think about is money, and this poor guy had his stolen by these filthy animals.
  11. That's true Bill, but at 80 years old it is unlikely he will have hospital insurance, I hope that the Pattaya authorities do the decent thing and foot the bill.
  12. Same to you and thanks for all the help you have given me through the year.
  13. Thanks everythings fine now and I have also installed GLARY UTILITIES.
  14. The police would not be able to piss test me (you can refuse and go to the police station) like alone a stupid village headman and his cohorts.
  15. Is there a regular minibus service from the Mochit minibus terminal to Pattaya? I am asking this because I regularly take a taxi, but the last two times, the taxi drivers took me the long road through Chonburi taking a lot longer. I agreed a fixed fare with the taxi drivers, so it's not as if the drivers were cheating, it costs them more for fuel than it would if they took the normal way, and there is three tolls on both ways, so they were not saving there.
  16. We will just agree to disagree.
  17. After child abuse and rapists, capitalism is the scourge of the UK, ie old people dying right now of cold related illnesses and have to choose between heating or eating due to very high power bills which make the power companies very extreme profits. Capitalism is and has been for years killing off a lot of old people in the UK. I would say there is a lot to complain about.
  18. Maggie Thatcher did some wrong things, but she also got a lot of things right, like scuppering the miners who were responsible for Wilson leading the country into bankruptcy in 1976, and sorting Scargill out.
  19. What???? A break from telling lies??
  20. The country was run by a certain general with zero relevant experience and only a Military Academy education after an illegal coup in 2014 which lasted 9 years. No wonder the country is known as The Banana Republic of Thailand.
  21. Medical insurance, apart from the odd company, these insurance companies will cut you off when you get old even though they have taken your money for years and had no claims, or raise their rates substancially, so don't blame people who do not have medical insurance.
  22. Christmas and New Year, is it not an excuse for hotels, air fares etc to raise their prices? and not just in Thailand. It is just pure capitalism.
  23. Can you tell who the Russians are by just looking at them? Russians are white same as UK, Americans etc.
  24. Music????
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