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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have never followed all the rules of the law and I'm not a crook. Just because something is law does not always make it right.
  2. Central Plaza in Nakhon Sawan. It only opened a few weeks ago.
  3. What about Elvis? He had fair hair (not blonde) before he became famous. All his adult life he had dyed black hair, surely no one is going to say it didn't suit him. he had a very handsome face so would it have mattered if he never dyed his hair. It could be the case that if he had lived into his sixties and seventies his dyed black hair would have made him look as ridiculous as these old Thai politicians, or in the case of the soldiers, would be politicians.
  4. I went there again today, again the bike parking area's were full of small bikes, so again I parked in a car space. I was then approached by a pretty girl attendant who told me I cannot park there. I told her in a nice way that I am staying parked here unless she can get my a suitable parking place, she went on her radio, had a discussion with someone and then told me it's OK I could park there. So there really is no spaces for bigger bikes there at all.
  5. Thanks Sandy. I booked a hotel and was pleased with the price and no add on's. I was really surprised to see it was Agoda. I had avoided them for years.
  6. Private property?? It is not private during opening hours. If the place can provide parking for it's customers cars and small motorbikes then it can provide parking for bigger bikes and if a cars parking space is available then that will do me fine.
  7. There is no big bike parking area, I have ridden round the place looking for it. I am going there again tomorrow, we'll see if anything happens then.
  8. I parked in a car parking space the last two times.
  9. Some people won't refer to my bike as a big bike, it is a Honda Forza 300, but it is twice of a Click or Wave, then there is the saddlebags. If any parking attendant try's to stop me then he is going to need to find me a suitable parking place, I am not the kind who just takes orders from anyone, I am entitle to a suitable parking place.
  10. I have already done that, and I am not putting my bike alongside all the small ones. I will just use one of the big car parking lots.
  11. I did, I was sitting on the bike, he could see it, there were two other motorbike parking lots but there were a lot of small bikes there and many others coming in, I wasn't parking my bike alongside these.
  12. I tried that and I am not prepared to put my bike in amongst the small bikes the attendant wanted me to use, the place was filling up with only small bikes so I was not leaving my bike there.
  13. I ride a big motorbike with saddlebags on it, I could not park it beside all the smaller Waves and Clicks for obvious reasons, so when I park my bike in the new mall, I need to use a car parking space, am I wrong for doing this?
  14. I know that when you take money from your Thai bank account in another province you get charged for it. But what about when you deposit money into your bank account in another province? Do all banks in Thailand charge you for this also?
  15. True, but if anyone really wants to find out the honesty of taxi drivers in Thailand ie the fare from Pattaya to the Mochit bus terminal is 1,300Bt, so it should be the same for the return journey. So ask a taxi driver at Mochit bus terminal for a fixed price to Pattaya and I would bet that 99.9% will ask for more than that. I did that and there were various prices from 1,600Bt to 2000Bt, Not one quoted the proper price of 1,300 Bt. I did eventually get one for 1,300Bt, but I negotiated down from 1,600Bt. That proves to me just how honest Thai Taxi drivers really are. They obviously thought I was a tourist.
  16. Be careful here, I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect there was self defense involved here by the two guys from New Zealand.
  17. i used to always avoid Agoda because of their small print tax add on's of 17%. But last week I booked with Agoda by mistake and found their were none of this small print nonsense and everything went through just fine. Would I be right in saying that Agoda is now upfront with their hotel room prices?
  18. Anyone being involved with drugs in any way is not a victimless crime???? How many people have suffered or even died because of the actions of drug addicts? Dealers are also every bit as bad.
  19. There is nothing nice about anyone using any kind of violence on a woman. If I ever found out that any friend of mine ever lifted his hand to a woman, he would not be a friend anymore.
  20. Did it not get gradually worse since the soldiers staged an illegal coup in 2014. the baht got stronger and is only recently starting to get weaker. These soldiers have a lot to answer for and their leader is prancing about a free man, while many are shouting for Thaksin to be ojailed. At least Thaksin was elected by the electorate as was his sister and the country was a lot better then than it is now.
  21. Is it not the case that rather than dye your hair black, you should beware of dyeing you hair black if your skin tone is not dark. The older Thai politicians all dye their hair black because they have dark skin.
  22. I am certainly not boasting about it, I am only saying that it does not have to be the death trap people seem to make it to be.
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