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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Who's that?? The old UK prince with all the medals, ribbons and funny hats?? Oh! Wait! He's the old UK king now.
  2. Shredless marmalade. Lemon Curd. Fried egg with beans. Spam or corned beef.
  3. "Not seen Bob Marley and reggae yet...". Is the topic not about music?
  4. Peltin Elton?? Is he an example to follow?? A serious question here. How is it decided who is the wife and who is the husband? Do they flip a coin or what?
  5. That may be my last resort, but I was referring to another poster who said I can order from Honda shop, but thanks for all the help you have given me.
  6. My local Honda dealer cannot order seat cover for me, but thanks.
  7. i just cannot get in to Shopee, I am registered with them but that's it.
  8. Pity anyone who gets a Peltin Elton song in their head.
  9. Do they have the funny handshakes in Thailand like in Scotland?
  10. The UK is definitely worse than Thailand for being behind the times. ie lawyers wearing wigs prancing about courtrooms like transvestites, very common about two centuries ago. People with Sirs in front of their names which comes from around the days of Robin Hood. Muslims and other immigrants being First Ministers (in Scotland's case) and various other political positions all over the country. Need I go on?
  11. 4) Yes, Maneraat is cheaper and the bank they use is just round the corner on Beach Road.
  12. The Indians will know all about that.
  13. What about speedbumps? There are quite a few now in my small town/village. I personally witnessed an ambulance with lights flashing being forced to almost a full stop and bump at a road leading out of my village within three speedbumps over a short distance which meant six stops going to an emergency there and back to the local hospital. Just think how much stopping and bumping these speedbumps are causing in medical emergencies.
  14. I kept trying to login to Shopee to many times and have been told to try again later, so I will. Thanks again.
  15. No point, I tried to get a refund of about 3,500Bt from Lazada for a refurbished laptop. a waste of time.
  16. The shop where I bought my last seat cover was in Chiang Mai but closed down years ago, maybe someone in Chiang Mai knows if there is another one.
  17. There are no taxi's in my village/small town.
  18. No I bought one from one of Lazada's cheating sellers, it was little more than half the size and it certainly did not do.
  19. Anyone know where I can buy a Honda Forza seat cover? The place I bought my last one was in Chiang Mai but it closed down. Thanks.
  20. On Tollways the answer is motorbikes about 400cc upwards. But to ban the likes of a Forza on carriageways ie the one's around Don Muang airport is ridiculous. as I don't agree with that rule I just break it and keep 300Bt handy, out of several times I have only been stopped once.
  21. Really?? How many shows has he cancelled recently?
  22. The biggest downside in Thailand is the way westerners have been treated by the Thai governments. I have been here now for nearly 20 years and comparing Thailand 20 years ago to now, things are much worse today. If I knew that I would have to do things now that I did not have to do 20 years ago I would never have settled down here. ie being treated like a common criminal with this 90 day reporting nonsense, but people who arrived here around 20 years ago will know what I mean. I always wonder how it will be for westerners here in 20 years time. In saying that, the good still outweighs the bad compared to the UK.
  23. An IQ test by who?? Oh! You mean by officials on passengers flying to Thailand? Good idea as long as the test is not carried out by officials already in Thailand.
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