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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. People with tattoos and not just bargirls, men as well, are people who have low IQ's disfiguring themselves and following people like sheep, then they always say "cheers" when they clink glasses for a toast, then they forget the marmalade.
  2. I am now finding that now having the paid version, I cannot get shuffle. I got shuffle on the free version.
  3. Yes I saw George Jones 3 times in concert, twice in London at Wembley Arena and in a show in Nashville Tennessee.
  4. I think you mean you can't down load the music on to another device right?
  5. Thanks. I think I will pay the 139Bt per month. I assume it will be fine on, ie flights to the UK.
  6. Thanks. At the moment I have the free version and can still download music, I am not really interested in podcasts. The sound is of very good quality, so unless I am missing something, what is the point of paying 139Bt per month?
  7. I am downloading songs on Spotify. It seems a very good service, if you are on wifi or even your mobile data you can play your songs with a very good sound on the bluetooth ear buds. You have a choice of the free downloads or you can pay 139Bt per month for playing your music normally without the need for wifi or using your mobile data. I don't mind paying the 139Bt per month, but what is the point if you will already mostly have the wifi or mobile data anyway. Is there any other advantage with paying the 139Bt per month for always?
  8. What is the difference between that and MP's drawing their full salary while working at other jobs ie company directors, lawyers etc?
  9. Just a guy with a low IQ. The tattoos prove that. 5 years jail then deport.
  10. Correct, but I always make sure that I never do anything to the detriment of ordinary people.
  11. I don't mind following peoples rules, but only if I agree with them.
  12. That's good that you've never smoked in your life, I'm the same, it's just as well that I hardly ever eat in a restaurant as I would immediately demand anyone who lit up while I was eating put it out. Would you tolerate anyone smoking near you if you were eating in a restaurant?
  13. But no tones, that is the real killer. Just my opinion. Same word for two different things, but different tones.
  14. When I first came to live in Thailand I went on a Thai language course in Bangkok for a month, I was learning the language, but my big drawback was understanding Thai people talking to me, it put me right off.
  15. If it wasn't for tones I would have been proficient in Thai language years ago. Second language?? If Thai was like a normal language, ie French, Spanish, German etc, etc, most farangs living in Thailand would probably be half decent at the language.
  16. That's right, but what sort of profit are the visa country making? Quite a bit I'll bet.
  17. OK will do and thanks a lot.
  18. This morning the desktop would not come on again after being on sleep all night, yesterday it did not come on after being completely off. I did as you said, pulled out the plug, put it back in switched it on, and it started right away. What is the best thing for me to do, leave it on sleep all night or switch it off completely? Thanks again.
  19. Yes I have uninstaller, it's not there.
  20. Yes there was an unsubscribe link, but that was maybe 2 or 3 months ago, I used it 2 or3 times but it still keeps coming back. I never subscribed to them in the first place. I will check the ad blocker. Thanks.
  21. Thanks Bill, but there is nothing to get me to their customer service. Surely there must be some method on my laptop I can use to get rid of them.
  22. I used to use this agent, and their service is great, but the price of 3,700Bt?? What was it before the Chinese virus? Certainly a lot less than that.
  23. I always thought a scooter was a thing that children used you hop on and off on the pavement. Now we have small motorbikes with engines and people still call them a scooter.
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