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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have tried a few times to get through to them without success, even though they admit I have an account with them.
  2. I have some respect for you because of your post count, but in recent months AN has improved a lot, especially with a lot of good information for us expats. I do not believe that the "king" or any Admins would be responsible for the mix up with the photo's.
  3. "Edit: On an aside, if I was the king (or owner) of AN, I'd be a little worried, too." Can you explain that a bit more please?
  4. You mean nobody has ever challenged or "invited" you outside? Not even at school?? I don't believe you, or did you always get out the way quickly before they did?
  5. "Typical Typewriter warrior." Can you explain please? I am only saying what I would do when I was younger. If someone ever threatened me with violence or challenged me to go outside, I would just hit them on the spot. I was not stupid, if someone challenged me to go outside he knew he is going to beat me one way or another.
  6. "Two grown men fighting,"?? There would not have been a fight, just two hits, my fist hitting his face then him hitting the ground.
  7. Muscle bound?? You mean all these big titties.
  8. Hit the guys head off the counter or something like that, when I was younger I certainly would have.
  9. What an ugly looking character in that link, I know facial hair is fashionable now but that is just ridiculous.
  10. It seems to me that Malcolm B had the right idea.
  11. You're lucky, I have been a Shopee member for years and have never been able to even buy anything from them, they are best just forgotten. Lazada are also a bad lot with their cheating sellers, but at least you can buy from them and always get their deliveries. I only use them as a last resort.
  12. and what about the emergency vehicles in life or death situations? These speedbumps are only there because the police will not do their jobs and get out of their offices and catch these speedsters.
  13. As long as the authorities are getting their palms greased you will be safe enough.
  14. Understandable. The soldiers in charge have probably around the same IQ as the ordinary Somchai in the street.
  15. "What concerns would you have about using such a marketplace." Why should we have to take a photo of anything we want to sell? I have no interest in photography and wouldn't know how to send a photo.
  16. Makes a good change from Peltin Elton.
  17. Yes, I am looking for a sandwich without cheese or salad in 7-11, very hard to find.
  18. This topic would interest newer AN members and guys who are thinking of coming to Thailand to stay, that changes all the time. I have been here for about 20 years and topics like this still interest me.
  19. Yes, my first car was an old mini van I bought for 16 GBP, it lasted long enough to give me driving experience, yes I was a bad boy and drove it around without a full license and L plates for about 3 months, then took about 5 lessons to sit and pass my test.
  20. Great topic Charlie, although I never and still don't have a great interest in space or the moon and it has nothing to do with Thailand, I think it would be a great idea to find other topics which could be a great interest to AN members to find out their opinions on. How about doing something like this every month or even more, I think it would go down very well with AN members, this topic ran six pages, I'm sure there are many other topics would would be just as popular.
  21. I found that when driving or riding in Bangkok it was much easier than in any other Thai city like Nakhon Sawan or Phitsanulok. Maybe it's because Bangkok's roads are much more busier and people are forced to go much slower and be more careful.
  22. There is one keyboard warrior who once wanted to fight me, I did use the report button, but if it was back in the UK and I was a bit younger I would have been glad to have met him.
  23. or too much to drink.
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