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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. What about underage schoolkids riding motorbikes under the polices noses? Their or their parents motorbikes should be confiscated.


    KKK. The biggest problem living in Thailand the way I see it is the mentality of the Thai people, it is dreadful, but I feel the people are much nicer than the UK, and a lot less confrontational. It does not matter which country you live in there will be problems, but I am a lot more happier living here than in the UK, where it is just TAX TAX TAX. And obviously I completely agree with you about the children riding motor bikes should also be taken away from their parents.
  2. This man is a teacher, so that means he must be well educated, but a good education and common sense don't neccessary go together. I mention common sense because the guards probably could not speak English. In any country where there are Muslims around, you can't blame the security guards for being over protective. I have lived in Thailand for seven years, and I have never had a problem with any security guard, or policeman, and yes, I do drive.

    As for notices in the BTS stations, I have read that you should give up your seats to children and monks, there is no way I would do that, these people are as capable of standing as I am, but I haven't seen any notices about balloons. This teacher should have realised that the security guards were only protecting the public. As for the voilence, only witnesses can decide.

  3. From my experience Siam Legal will do a good job for you, they arranged my marriage in Bangkok for me and provided an excellent service. But, when I asked them to do my marriage visa for me. they said that as an existing customer they will do it for a discounted price of 15000 Baht. I agreed and got back in touch with them, but the price escalated to around 32000 Baht. When I complained, they said "that is only our fee, there is also a fee of this and this and so on" I told them no, and said they should have told me at the time, and they then said they did, but I can assure you they did not.

  4. THe increase as been stated this year is 5.2%. The rate of inflation is now falling and is expected to continue for the forseable future, probaly down to under 3 by the year end. But you need also to think of the rate here and have you noticed that the new over stickers on prices that were 20,25.30.35,40,45 etc all went up by 5 or in some cases more which is more than the uk rates. only one small example admitted noticed it in Big C food park yesterday. Fuel has gone up from 32 to 36 in about 3 weeks. When I came back in June last year I could buy a bag of coffee sachets for 79, last time 92 or 101 in Big C. The inflation rate here is rising very fast and with a frozen pension that is bound to have an effect. maaybe eat and drink more at home? We limited in what we can control and do, we just have to get on with it as best we can.

    Still no one with 3+ years of annual increases here then?

    No one is going to admit to having 3 years+ of annual increases. How can anyone get caught unless they are shopped by someone. You could be living in the Philipines. Your address and your national ins number is not on your passport.
  5. The border agency will know when you leave and re enter. I think your 6 months here and there may not be how the DWP interpret your situation, I think you will find that once they know you are here you annual increases go out of the window, When you get back you can phone and they will re instate whilst you are in the UK.

    I dont know how sofisticated their systems are but either a lot people are being dropped in it by tipsters in the UK or they more advanced at spotting than previously thought.

    Someone who comes here for 6 months of the year has just had his benefits withdrawn, went round his house at 8am several times to see him, of course he was not there so benefits ended. Have heard of similar stories recently with pensioners losing their increases and heating allowances.

    That you paid your taxes etc etc count for nothing with this regulation which is thought to affect about 500,000 people. That you are not a burden on public services in the UK and the amount of money that you saving the country count for nowt, if you go to the Phillipines everything is as it would be in the UK they have the reciprical arrangement, Thailand does not.

    If you have already claimed your pension, you could just play dumb and see what happens, if they contact you well you were exploring the possibilty of moving and you looking into it, gaining knowledge, see if its the life for you etc etc.

    Hope that helps although its not good news is it and what are you doing about heathcare?

    Nong 38. I am too old for health care, I only have my UK State Pension. I don't drink or smoke. so just now it is not hard to live on about 22000 Baht ber month, It is the future I worry about. When you mention the Border Agency, Do you mean the UK or Thai or both? Can the DWP ask to see your passport? What about the Data protection? That is good advice about playing dumb, but if you have already been in Thailand for say two years, it will be stamped on your passport, and you would have to repay the increases for the last two years if they found out.
  6. The border agency will know when you leave and re enter. I think your 6 months here and there may not be how the DWP interpret your situation, I think you will find that once they know you are here you annual increases go out of the window, When you get back you can phone and they will re instate whilst you are in the UK.

    I dont know how sofisticated their systems are but either a lot people are being dropped in it by tipsters in the UK or they more advanced at spotting than previously thought.

    The UKBA doesn't make any records of people exiting the UK, they only record entries.

    Unless you or a neighbour tell them, and you keep a mailing address in the UK, they will never know where you are or where you went.

    If anyone asks, you like staying in the Phillipines as this does not affect your pension payments.

    Thanks, You have been very helpful. Is there any way the UKBA can see what is on your passport? That would soon tell them you were, or are not in the Philipines. Also, How can UKBA record any entries? If they could, they would know I was in Thailand and not the Philipines.
  7. I have been living in Thailand for almost three months, although I have been to Thailand a few times in the past. I am on a UK state pension, and no private pension. I know I can live six months in Thailand and six months in the UK and still get my annual pension increases, if I stay in Thailand over the six months, how will the UK DWP know if I stay more than six months in the year? Do they have the authority to check my passport? I am very angry that if I stay in Thailand permanently, I won't get my annual increase, as I have worked and payed taxes all my life, and I should be able to live anywhere in the world, and still get my pension annual increases.

  8. The road from the intersection on Highway 117 to Photaley in Phichit Province is absolutely disgraceful, and it was not affected by the recent floods. I believe it is caused by vastly overweight trucks. Photaley itself was affected by the floods, and as you enter Photaley on the way to Bangmunnak, then again, as you leave heading to Bangmunnak, it is disgraceful, and there is no sign of it being fixed.

    Possum 1931

  9. While I'm sympathetic to the OP and his frustration, I'm at somewhat of a loss to understand why he would be so upset at such a minor thing. To me, service is number one. The OP clearly states that the waitress was "efficient" in that regard. But this is what upsets him:

    "When we greet her with a friendly hello, how are you etc, she hasn't even the courtesy to reply but just gives a

    sullen look and walks off."

    So she resisted his come-on? Is that it? If the waitress is half-attractive, I'm sure she gets that all day long. If I was her boss, I'd say that it was not part of her JD to kiss-up to every paying customer who was hitting on her. Why is it necessary to even greet her, ask her how are you, etc.? The girl just wants to take your order.

    Anyways, just giving a counter-point. Super member. Yes, you are so right. Just give her a smile when she comes to take your order, I'm sure she will just smile back and that's it Possum1931

  10. I live in Thailand and arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport around 15 30 on 29th Nov 2011. went to Nok Air desk to buy a single flight to Phitsanulok leaving around mid day the following day. I put the money (about 2200 Baht) on the desk to pay for the flight. After I was told I was only allowed 15 Kilo of baggage I had about 25 Kilo as I had arrived from the UK. Because of this, I had to refuse the flight and picked up my money from the desk where I laid it. I then looked at my money and there was 1000 Baht short. there were two or three Nok employees behind the desk. I asked them where the 1000 Baht went to, and they just looked at me.

    Always check your money carefully when dealing with Nok Air staff.

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