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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. Typical lazy English trolling. tongue.png

    There is already a Scotland thread rij...so this one will soon be...


    No you've gone all defensive scotch boy, i look at the forum most day's and there's never been a Scottish thread, I was genuinely opening discussions I know you Scottish lads dont get much to talk ' scotland about and as scotland are currently such a hot topic, I thought i would oblige can i help it that the talking point is your team got hammered 5-1 LOL or maybe you just dont want to talk about it.

    Rijit, Scotland is just a joke,the international team is a joke, and what about the cheating bigoted Glasgow Rangers. They seem to hold a world record for the amount of League Championships they have "won". the fact really is they cheated their way to trophies and titles in the last 13 years by not paying taxes, and buying players illegally using ebts which gave them a big advantage over Celtic and other Scottish teams. do not rest in peace the mighty Glasgow Rangers.
  2. A very tricky group...but best of luck to you.

    I see a result against Croatia in your first game as being vital, with that, you might be able to carry the momentum through and pick up some points against Italy and Spain.

    Lose it, and you'll be joining England on the plane home.

    Yes, good luck to the Republic of Ireland, they always do so well for a country of only four and a half million people, unlike Scotland, they always seem to get a good manager.
  3. First day of class, the kids have 9 rules to write in their book. Includes such things as profanity, arrive on time (failure), greet the teacher, ask to leave or walk into the classroom, have books, etc etc.

    As they forget some rules, remind them by having it read by the entire classroom.

    You failed to tell us what age level are you have the most difficulty with.

    Day one, I set the rules, and they know I am the boss in the classroom. If you fail to do this, you lose them for the rest of the year.

    M level students, separate the leader from his buddies.

    P level students, have them sit with girls (if it is a boy).

    Always use the Thai teacher for help. They are feared and use that to your advantage. Never hit them, as you will be the farang mai dee. Calling a Thai to help does not undermine your authority. On the contrary, the Thais want you to use them for discipline. Works wonders in my classes.

    Give homework, do sit ups, stand with arms above their heads. Many things you can do.

    What I do with my Prathom 5 and 6 kids is when they continue to be naughty, tell them to stand up on their chairs, sometimes for a short time, sometimes till the end of the lesson depending on how naughty they have been. another one, tell them to stand outside in the corridor, they hate that as they know they are in trouble when a Thai teacher walks past.
  4. Thaksin makes a habit of saying things that he later regrets. But actions speak louder than words, and they aren't back-pedalling.

    For a supposedly 'shrewd' politician Thaksin does have a record of amazing gaffes. I guess he is as confused as anyone else by the tangled web he weaves

    I didn't know he studied in America, but often where Thailand is concerned, even a lot of the best educated folk in Thailand lack common sense, believe me I know what I am talking about, I am a school teacher.
  5. I bought a Toyota Corona 1600 fitted with LPG from Ex Pat Motors in Bang Na about two years ago for 16000 Baht, Yes, it is more than 15 years old, but has been very reliable. The owner is Farang from the UK, and he is always there at the end of the phone if I ever want any advice from him. I would definately recommend this company.

  6. Always beware of using small vans anywhere in Thailand, especially between Bangkok and the Nakhon Sawan and Phichit areas. they regularly stop to fill up with gas behind big queues of traffic, sometimes having to wait more than an hour. Better with the big buses, they are much quicker. Anyone else had these experience with the mini vans?

  7. If she does not have a passport she will require a visitors pass and believe that must be done at a different location and probably not open and surly not in a timely manner for your plans. Perhaps someone can confirm your ability to make schedule - my knowledge of Nong Khai crossing dates back a few decades (and involved boats).

    Lopburi, do you know if the Ventiane Thai Embassy will supply a non emigrant multiple entry O visa based on marriage one year extension?
  8. ]Do cars actually need MOTs in Thailand?

    Yes once they are 7 years old. I had to do my pickup this year and they tested brakes/lights/horn/indicators/emissions.

    Amusingly my airbag warning light is illuminated as I have removed the airbag wheel, this was not an issue !!

    Thanks Spoonman, so you won't need to MOT your car for another seven years, I have a fifteen year old Toyota Corona with LPG, I payed 150.000 Baht for it about two years ago,it has been very reliable, it got checked over when I went to tax it, it took about five minutes, maybe that was it's MOT.

    I was under the impression once a vehicle is 7 yrs old they need an inspection every year.

    I don't know mate, I really don't think it matters, after all "This is Thailand."
  9. ]Do cars actually need MOTs in Thailand?

    Yes once they are 7 years old. I had to do my pickup this year and they tested brakes/lights/horn/indicators/emissions.

    Amusingly my airbag warning light is illuminated as I have removed the airbag wheel, this was not an issue !!

    Thanks Spoonman, so you won't need to MOT your car for another seven years, I have a fifteen year old Toyota Corona with LPG, I payed 150.000 Baht for it about two years ago,it has been very reliable, it got checked over when I went to tax it, it took about five minutes, maybe that was it's MOT.
  10. why are you all having a go at this guy? he asked a simple question on an open forum,respect it and give him a decent answer or shut the <deleted>> up.

    Thank You! I didn't think I was breaking any rules, if the topic needs moving just tell me, no problem. Jesus, you get attacked on this forum for no reason at all. I don't understand the mentality of some of these posters.

    Probably no wonder this forum has such a bad rep.

    Unfortunately you need to develop a thick skin if you're to post on any forum. I don't think TV is unique in that.

    The hot humid weather in Thailand destroys batteries, hot battery = dead battery fairly quickly. So only reliable for 2 years.

    Why are second hand cars expensive.

    Thailand doesn't put salt on the roads in winter, so the cars don't go rusty, so they hold their value.

    Labour costs in Thailand are 50bht an hour compared to 50UKP an hour in the UK.

    Large import duties on cars make it worthwhile keeping them running for a longer time.

    I've found running an old car in Thailand to be extremely cheap, parts and labour cheap. Insurance and MOT testing cheap.

    All in all, far better value for money than the UK.

    Fantastic answer.....thumbsup.gif

    Do cars actually need MOTs in Thailand?
  11. Siam Commercial Bank is dreadful to deal with, I had an account there, I was a school teacher and had a work permit, I asked them if I could have a credit card, they asked to see my work permit, then told me "no problem" Shortly after, I got a phone call from them asking me to go to the bank and fill in something, I did that, they again said "no problem" and told me I would get my credit card in about two weeks.Having heard nothing from them after four weeks, I went to see them and they told me my application had been turned down, they did not have the decency to contact me. I had been with them for about five years.

  12. I got my Non Imm 'O' visa from Hull, six years ago. I have it extended every year, on the basis of marriage. It has "Employment Prohibited" in large red letters at the bottom. I had no problem getting a work permit

    Jeiyenyen I will need to get a years extension around October, can you tell me where the nearest Thai consulate outside Thailand is (I live in Phichit Province)and want a non-emmigrant muliple entry O visa based on marriage just like you.

    If you are applying for an extension, you do that at an immigration office. If you are applying for a new visa, then you go to a consulate outside of Thailand, Savanakhet, Laos seems to be a good choice for now.

    Thank you Beech Guy.
  13. Jeiyenyen I will need to get a years extension around October, can you tell me where the nearest Thai consulate outside Thailand is (I live in Phichit Province)and want a non-emmigrant muliple entry O visa based on marriage just like you.

    KL Malaysia if you can show 100,000 Baht in the bank or Savanakhet Laos who currently issue without the need to show money.

    Thank you Lite Beer, 100,000 Baht is no problem, I will just check the plane fares to Laos and Malaysia from Bangkok.
  14. If you are around the tourist part of Kachanaburi, beware of the prices of everything like cold drinks, ice cream for the kids etc. Like any Thai town there is the 7-11s, and they have the same prices as 7-11s anywhere else, but someone has made sure there are no 7-11s anywhere near the vicinity of the bridge, ex, can of coke 7-11 14Baht, tourist area, 20Baht. I know most tourist don't mind being ripped off as they have plenty of spending money, the vendors in the bridge vicity know this.

    If you go on the train run, this is very good value and I would recommend it, but if you get off the train at any of the stations and wait for it to return on the way back, the vendors for buying cold drinks etc, are much worse. ex,for a small ice lolly which normally costs 7 Baht. one vendor wanted 30Baht.

  15. they are a cheapo airline not a quality airline.....

    Fly Malaysian Air or Thai Air if you want quality....

    I always thought all the male cabin staff are gay.....

    H90, the word is Homosexual, not Gay, and this quote is not being Homophobic, just the truth.
  16. If I thought the amount of my donation was going to be read out, I might be discouraged from giving my modest and measly token offering. It takes more than a bit of blush to make me take the folding stuff out my sporran, and if I could avoid the embarassment and save a shilling at the same time, I'd drink to that.

    If I am correct in my understanding, the monastery was not 'naming and shaming'; it was reading out a list of benefactors. Others could, if they wished, draw their own conclusions about the level of benificience noted, and, if they wished, take the village electoral roll and mark off the names as they came out. The OP's name was probably not read out because the Pu Yai was embarassed at not being able to pronounce farang names... I normally just put my donations in the donation box anonymously anyway...


    Street cowboy, what is a sporran? Is it another name for a wallet?
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