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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. It really depands on many things.

    What bike I am riding at the time ?

    Who is with me or if I am alone ?

    Where I am going ?

    Weather. traffic and time of day, (Night or day light)

    Up north, many of the roads you don't hardly see a car all day. and the road is yours.

    But I ride aobut 100,000 km a year and that includes many longer rides. (the most was 1300 Trat to Chiang Mai in 13 hours on my ninja)

    I hardly never ride on the left sholder as you say. Cars parked there and A-holes turning left right in front of you from the middle lane. I tend to ride on a line in the center, It give me more options as were I can go.

    here you must pay attention 100% where back in the states you did not.

    However, how I ride here. I would be put in jail in hours back home.

    I daily go through red lights, split lanes, go the wrong direction, make illegal turns, as well as drive on side walks and other off limit areas and some time flat out speed

    If you drive on sidewalks, I hope someday you get seriously injured, you deserve it for putting innocent people at risk, ignorant SOD.
  2. I agree with Kalbo, first get your food intake in check. Training is good for getting in shape but diet will help you loose the fat. Its much easier to eat a bit less then to burn it. There are exceptions to this rule like Tropo who really burns a lot.

    I burn ok but no where near his amounts. I burn around 500cals in 45 minutes on a rowing machine. But for a female it would be much harder to get those numbers.. let alone numbers that Tropo burns.

    I would say get some lessons in free weights.. use them and do cardio.. but formost check your diet. So scratch out sugar drinks and so on. There is a lot of information on healthy food.

    Dont worry you will not be a beefcake overnight. If it was that easy everyone would look super good.

    Being vastly overweight is just plain ugly, whether it is with fat or muscle.
  3. While tragic, I have a hard time feeling sorry for people who do not exercise common sense and drive without a helmet. Additionally, why is this kid driving a scooter with no license. He is not old enough to get one and his parents should be held accountable. That said, they will have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

    He is allowed to drive a 100cc bike at 15 if he has a licence.
  4. Dude,

    You seem to me to be having a bit of a crisis over nothing.

    If you think a girl is incapable of showing or having real emotions just because she works in a bar, then it says more about you than it does them.

    My advice would be to maybe try being a Cheap Charlie fr a while and see which birds stick around.

    Heavy drinker, I think you have been doing too much heavy drinking, It's very simple. Do you want a girl who wants you for you? (I believe there are many decent woman who live in Pattaya) or one who only wants the business over and done with, get your money, so she can move on to the next man.
    • Like 1
  5. I had to learn French at school half a century ago and was a complete failure, so in your opinion how can l now learn Thai, l tried and am still a language failure. So where do l stand in your opinion.?

    I think that you are one of those that looks at stuff through your own eyes and abilities and not thinking of others abilities, sadly. sad.png

    Transam. When I was learning French at school (I've forgotten it all now) the teacher was also speaking English, explaining what the English words were in French. I have just started learning Thai in Bangkok, and the teacher never uses English, I understand they are not allowed to, (I have only had three lessons so far) and when I was taking part in a conversation exercise obviously in Thai, I was speaking Thai not knowing what I was talking about. But as I said, I have only had three lessons.
  6. I'm going to make a few rash assumptions as to guilt, but I find it absolutely delicious that years of training and possibly thousands of quid to finance a terrorist plot, it all goes down the drain because some idiot didn't pay the insurance on their vehicle. I hope after a couple of decades to think about it, they get deported back to whichever shit-hole they come from, even if it's Birmingham.

    More than likely UK citizens.

    I agree, but they are probably offsprings of people from abroad who came to settle in this country, remember the London bombings in 2005? One of the reasons why Enoch Powell was right what he said about "rivers of blood"
  7. Why are they so shocked he isn't covered for a motorbike I don't get it, all insurance policys exclude motorbikes and most extreme sports which need additional payment. I know people who have paid the bike cover and mistakenly believe they will be covered even though they do not have a valid bike licence.

    Sorry to digress - we have an annual backpacker-type medical/public liability only policy from Australia and we are fully covered provided we are not in breach of any local law - i.e. over the drink driving limit or (the one that gets most people) an International Drivers Licence endorsed with BIKE, which means you have passed your motorbike test in your home country. Lots of tourists get an International Licence and think they're covered, but they're only valid for cars unless they are endorsed with BIKE. In a previous life, I used to write small print, so I always read it. In this case, even though I was certain, I sent them an email asking for confirmation of insurance coverage of person and property in the case of a motorcycle accident, asking them to quote my entire message in their reply, which they did. It's the kind of policy that you can't renew - we get a new one each annual visit, and I send the same email asking for confirmation before paying up. I pay about $1,500 for the policy (2 people, medical only). I can get a one that is pretty much the same for $500. It pays to read the small print. I know in England, almost all insurance policies exclude riding and even being pillion on a motorbike. We're not covered for any kind of racing except foot races, suba diving unless we got our PADI in Australia (i.e. not a developing country) and a few other silly things that we wouldn't consider doing, but we definitely are covered for motorcycle accidents. My sympathies go to the victim and his family, and this should serve as a reminder to everyone to read the small print. It's designed to confuse you, but be diligent with it and ask (in writing) anything you're not 100% clear on.


    Riding a motor bike is not a sport, unless on a track offroad, it is a means of transport.
  8. The large number of motorbike accidents in Thailand involving foreigners, is precisely why the out of the box insurance cover excludes coverage.

    It should be against the law in any country or line of business to use small print, It is a way of trying to dupe the customer. In this case, the insurance company had FULL COVERAGE on it's policy, then contradicted itself. They should be made to pay out.
    • Like 2
  9. In reply to Stevo2 , and not saying that's it 's your school that is the school in question

    A friend of mine who like us has a house in Surin applied to a school in Surin city who had and still have difficulty in filling posts, he has some 18 years experience in Thailand and a number of years internationally prior to that plus U.K. teaching experience and a genuine M.ED

    He was refused on three occasions, his crime is that he is approaching 67, he looks about fifty and is fit, money is not important to him as he has pensions yet he enjoys teaching, health first class and not a drinker married and stable.

    Why do these schools who find difficulties in recruiting staff ignore this talented person one wonders ?

    Indeed as the Thai saying goes, ''The school is dying to spite the graveyard.''

    I think it is more a point of the authorities turning him down than the school. The school where I work have be advised by the Labour office about age restrictions.

    I do, however, agree with you. The schools could at least give the guy a two month probationary contract or something.

    There are no wage restrictions for work permits, I have had two.
  10. In reply to Stevo2 , and not saying that's it 's your school that is the school in question

    A friend of mine who like us has a house in Surin applied to a school in Surin city who had and still have difficulty in filling posts, he has some 18 years experience in Thailand and a number of years internationally prior to that plus U.K. teaching experience and a genuine M.ED

    He was refused on three occasions, his crime is that he is approaching 67, he looks about fifty and is fit, money is not important to him as he has pensions yet he enjoys teaching, health first class and not a drinker married and stable.

    Why do these schools who find difficulties in recruiting staff ignore this talented person one wonders ?

    Indeed as the Thai saying goes, ''The school is dying to spite the graveyard.''

    Siampolee, You have just described me, exactly to a tee. This is a very ageist country, a drinking, smoking, bar hopping blue eyed blonde is always more preferred.
  11. Hi robblok

    Many thanks for your reply and your continued input is much appreciated.

    Some additional information;

    I have always been very fortunate that being tall and having an athletic physique (from years of sport) I can generally get away with being out of condition (within reason!) without it really showing............fitness levels would obviously be affected but visually it’s not that obvious. Even now, after the past five years with only moderate amounts of exercise and eating and drinking far too much, I still have a long way to go before I can stand in a bar with some of my fellow expats and brag about who has the biggest stomach and looks closest to being eight months pregnant..............thankfully!

    My diet is not too bad and by coincidence I also have oatmeal for breakfast - I also add blueberries for taste and additional health benefits. Apart from this I eat predominantly Thai food (but no fattening curries!) either at home and cooked by my wife or out at local restaurants. My choice of dishes is very healthy but I am clearly eating too much and perhaps more importantly exercising too little.

    Whilst I certainly wouldn’t have the audacity to suggest I know anything about the bodybuilding world, I have had some experience using a multi-gym – apologies if multi-gyms should not be used in the same sentence as bodybuilding!!

    Joking aside, I have access to a multi-gym in my home which I shipped over from the U.K. when I first moved to Thailand but, for reasons already mentioned this has since received very little use. I would obviously like this to change and I am hoping that the book/programme you are recommending will be compatible with my multi-gym.............I will try and attach a photograph and perhaps you would be kind enough to confirm.

    Incidentally, when I was using the multi-gym in the U.K. it was for strength and toning and I just followed the somewhat basic instructions which came with the equipment. This is probably why I became a little disillusioned as I was not seeing the benefits that I expected. On reflection, I now realise this was due to poor instructions and general ignorance on my part - with the correct training I’m sure things would have been very different.

    I am hoping that once I start to see the desired results (by using the book/programme you recommend and in conjunction with a healthier lifestyle) I will become sufficiently motivated and my exercise routines will replace, or at least reduce my excessive socialising and subsequent over-eating and drinking. Having said this, I certainly don’t want to become the fittest hermit in town and I trust that with strong willpower it will still be possible to enjoy a reasonable social life, albeit with smaller food portions and no alcohol!

    Thanks again for all your help and encouragement.


    Hi robblok

    Many thanks for your reply and your continued input is much appreciated.

    Some additional information;

    I have always been very fortunate that being tall and having an athletic physique (from years of sport) I can generally get away with being out of condition (within reason!) without it really showing............fitness levels would obviously be affected but visually it’s not that obvious. Even now, after the past five years with only moderate amounts of exercise and eating and drinking far too much, I still have a long way to go before I can stand in a bar with some of my fellow expats and brag about who has the biggest stomach and looks closest to being eight months pregnant..............thankfully!

    My diet is not too bad and by coincidence I also have oatmeal for breakfast - I also add blueberries for taste and additional health benefits. Apart from this I eat predominantly Thai food (but no fattening curries!) either at home and cooked by my wife or out at local restaurants. My choice of dishes is very healthy but I am clearly eating too much and perhaps more importantly exercising too little.

    Whilst I certainly wouldn’t have the audacity to suggest I know anything about the bodybuilding world, I have had some experience using a multi-gym – apologies if multi-gyms should not be used in the same sentence as bodybuilding!!

    Joking aside, I have access to a multi-gym in my home which I shipped over from the U.K. when I first moved to Thailand but, for reasons already mentioned this has since received very little use. I would obviously like this to change and I am hoping that the book/programme you are recommending will be compatible with my multi-gym.............I will try and attach a photograph and perhaps you would be kind enough to confirm.

    Incidentally, when I was using the multi-gym in the U.K. it was for strength and toning and I just followed the somewhat basic instructions which came with the equipment. This is probably why I became a little disillusioned as I was not seeing the benefits that I expected. On reflection, I now realise this was due to poor instructions and general ignorance on my part - with the correct training I’m sure things would have been very different.

    I am hoping that once I start to see the desired results (by using the book/programme you recommend and in conjunction with a healthier lifestyle) I will become sufficiently motivated and my exercise routines will replace, or at least reduce my excessive socialising and subsequent over-eating and drinking. Having said this, I certainly don’t want to become the fittest hermit in town and I trust that with strong willpower it will still be possible to enjoy a reasonable social life, albeit with smaller food portions and no alcohol!

    Thanks again for all your help and encouragement.


    Apologies. I have just checked online and quickly realised that “Starting Strength” is specific to barbell training and would not be compatible with my multi-gym. However, I can certainly see why it was recommended as the reviews are glowing.

    It looks as if I now have four choices;

    1. Find a good training book compatible with my multi-gym.

    2. Join a local gym and buy a copy of “Starting Strength”.

    3. Buy a set of weights and a copy of “Strength”.

    4. Forget the whole idea and continue with my lazy lifestyle, eating and drinking to excess!

    Point 4 is not a serious option by the way!

    Can you please tell me where I can buy blueberries?
  12. Predictable, Not one top person in charge ???, sending samples to a host of departments and await results. Were they initially just wanting to know if it was drugs ?? now they said inconclusive. Looking elswhere ?? Just doesn't sound thorough enough, time wasted again maybe this is natural to find out if anyone is treading on someones toes ?? sorry but this is not the first time it's happened.

    Just supposing the girls were poisoned,maybe I'm missing something here, but what motive can anyone have for poisoning them? Did they upset someone? Did they know something that could get someone into trouble? Or, could it have been accidental? If this happens again, or should I say when, the Thai authorities should get someone from the victims country to carry out a post mortem, and quickly. If they have nothing to hide, then they should not object.
  13. Oh you like eat buffalo, is all I would hear.

    Sorry if I'm a little bit off topic here, but does anyone know where I can buy tins off corned beef. When I first came here about seven years ago you could but it in any Big C or Lotus, then about three years ago you could only buy it in Bangkok or Pattaya. Now you can't seem to buy it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can buy tins off corned beef in Bangkok?

    Can you make it clear - do you want to buy tins OF corned beef or corned beef that's gone OFF (either way haven't a clue, maybe try Rimping if you have one nearby).

    Sysardman. I don't know what you mean by rimping, the tins of corned beef I mean were imported from Argentina, and cost about 190 Baht per tin until the last couple of years, you could buy them at Tops, or maybe Villa in Bangkok.
  14. Oh you like eat buffalo, is all I would hear.

    Sorry if I'm a little bit off topic here, but does anyone know where I can buy tins off corned beef. When I first came here about seven years ago you could but it in any Big C or Lotus, then about three years ago you could only buy it in Bangkok or Pattaya. Now you can't seem to buy it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can buy tins off corned beef in Bangkok?
  15. Scottish football is a total mess and we all know Celtic will win the spl this season,and for some strange reason the celtic mob think its good.

    Celtic don't have a "mob", that word belongs to the late cheating Glasgow Rangers, who should be stripped of the league titles they "won" during the last 12 years.
  16. From memory and without googling I will say Dundee Utd...maybe 1987.

    I did Google, because I couldn't remember ! smile.png

    Since 1965, when Kilmarnock won the title, only Aberdeen, (in 1980, 1984, &1985), and Dundee United (in 1983) have taken the title away from Rangers and Celtic. That statistic in itself should be obvious that something seriously needs to change, for the good of the game as a whole, in Scotland.

    Just goes to show...my memory is shot....I think '87 Dundee Utd made the UEFA Cup final....maybe that's what confused me. tongue.png

    Its a disgrace whatever. Bring back two leagues of twenty clubs. Much better.....this current set up is only so the "big two" can play each other four times a season.

    And they have a veto over the other ten clubs in the league....absolutely ridiculous!

    The Scottish premier league is all about money, up to last season, there were four old firm games per season, the other teams in the league are only interested in money, the money they get when they played Celtic, and the late Rangers. In a, say, eighteen team league would only have two old firm games a season, which would give all the teams the chance to bring through more talented players, but, as I said, it is all about money, and that is what will ruin the Scottish game even more in the future.
  17. I can at times see why the Farangs can get a little upset here in Thailand but we are not so laid back as the locals are and we do not accept the way they do thing so over here.

    What really winds me up is when I am in a shop either bein gserved or waiting inline when a local will just shout at what they want, or push to the front and expect to get served immediately. To make things worse the person who is serving also accepts this as a way of life and says not a word but serves them. This has also happened in my bank and at immigration. This is not a Farang thing the locals do the same to each other. No manners.

    However I do except that there some Farang who (probably with the aid of alcohol)are not at all tolerant to others.

    I waited in a queue of about ten at an Aeon ATM (no 150Baht charge) a man walked to the front,card in hand, I left the queue, walked up to him, just stood staring at him and said nothing. He then walked away.
  18. The last story I came across of that type was a Russian lady who had fallen into the same trap in Brazil. They had even paid her air fare to get her over. Big business, small risk, disgusting and devastating consequences for the women who are subjected to that sexual torture and used as drug mules.

    The world is full of scumbags. sad.png

    The world most certainly is full of scumbags Blether, in every country in the world. just as it is full of very nice people in every country in the world.
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