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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Thank you all for your help. Here is the situation. Everything has worked out OK, but for one thing. I cannot use VLC in my Acer laptop as when I try, a notice comes up saying that the VLC player has crashed, this happens every time without fail, but my other player Pot Player, has no such problem. I showed it to my local computer guy who cannot speak a word of English, so he translated it on his phone and will get back in touch with me.
  2. The measurement of your wastline means nothing if we don't know your height. I'm 6ft tall with a waistline of 34ins the same as your high, so I would assume you are a bit smaller than me.
  3. When you go on your walks don't you have to watch for the bad state of the pavements and watching for the ignorant Sucm riding their motorbikes when you are walking?
  4. I read your post about all your weight changes, but you don't mention your height, I notice a lot of posters on posts like this always talk about their weight, but it means nothing if you don't mention your height.
  5. I think you would be better doing swimming and/or cycling, running puts a lot of pressure on your knees and ankles especially starting from scratch after 40 years of the lifestyle you had. Good luck with your changes, you will be greatful for it in later life.
  6. Be aware that different IO's have different rules or interpretation of these rules, but KK do have a good reputation, if you go by what they say you will be fine. Good luck.
  7. No not corrupt, read the next post, and thanks for your help. Sorry I meant the previous post.
  8. I have found out more now, the problem lies when you put a PSV stick, I think it's called, into the laptop, it causes the VLC player to crash, but not the Pot Player. after a little while the VLC player is OK again as long as I don't use a PSV stick.
  9. We need people to protest about the UK's Immigraton situation but without the violence, the boat people, illegals, "asylum seekers" etc, etc need to be stopped, but I feel things have gone too far now. Both UK governments are responsible for these emmigrants crowding into the country and being kept at the UK taxpayers expense.
  10. I tried it with my other player MPC-HC (+64) and at one point the characters kept going into slow motion.
  11. I'm the same but there are no more expats left who I can get snubbed by.
  12. I have met a few decent ones, and been disappointed with others who I thought were friends and been badly let down, though that is only the odd one or two.
  13. I installed that 10 bit uninstaller, that's been a great help thanks.
  14. I have been to the local computer shop, the guy does not speak any English, I think things OK now but thanks to both you and KannikaP for your help.
  15. not yet, I have so much to take in here.
  16. I will try and see what you and kannikaP Have told me. Thanks.
  17. Thanks I will look into it and see what I can do
  18. Thanks Sandy, though I'm not sure about defrag, I noticed it in my CC cleaner so I will look into it.
  19. Thanks for your help, I have a slight idea of what you mean, but I'm not sure about the SSD or HDD, I just know it as an external hard drive.
  20. I don't think it is any of the movies, or in my case TV shows, I think it is something to do with plugging my external hard drive which is half full of these TV shows. Maybe I should just use the small thingy's, I forget what you call them.
  21. That is good advice I will give it a go. Thanks.
  22. When you say a small bike I take it you mean a 300cc Forza, or something similar unless you do some off road trips.
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