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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I believe that is the case, not so much capitalism then. Power bills?? Massive profits??
  2. A multimillionaire "Sir" with interest in the working class?? I don't think so.
  3. If you talk about your weight it means nothing if you don't mention your height.
  4. if you are talking about looks surely height must come into it also, what height is Tom Cruise?
  5. Well lets say a young Elvis then.
  6. If I was sitting alone on a bench and another guy with thick facial hair sat down beside me I would get up and leave immediately.
  7. In normal circumstances does anyone really notice what you wear on your feet? I wear socks and sandals for their comfort all the time. I never wear shorts as I think they look dreadful on a grown man.
  8. True, I am happy to be the same height and weight as a young Elvis. ☺️
  9. 64-65 Kilos? You must be a wee guy then.
  10. I see another poster with a weight problem, the one with the saddo emo
  11. Never had a weight or fitness problem in my life. Probably unlike you.
  12. A guy with a big fat belly doing a runner
  13. Most of these guys with their paid companions are overweight with fat bellies so would be incapable of chasing anybody who ran away.
  14. I bought an Asus vivobook 15.6 screen from IT City for 10,900 Bt, 2 year inhouse warranty.
  15. Do not buy a second hand or "refurbished" laptops from Lazada, I have just sent mine back, full of faults.
  16. In my experience Asus, HP, etc, but avoid Acer.
  17. Having a car in Pattaya?? You will spend a lot of time in traffic jams.
  18. If I'm not being rude, was your hospital treatment paid for? Insurance? I suppose what I am really asking is are we insured if a passenger on a taxi motorbike which is involved in an accident and we require hospital treatment? Also good luck with your recovery.
  19. Thailand is full of corruption at every level. Nothing wrong with using certain corruption yourself if it is to your advantage, just as long as your are not detrimental to ordinary people like yourself.
  20. The cats are 4 females which are neutered and the other is a male, the rogue cat is a stray which I think comes looking for food. It has even got into the house a few times.
  21. Yes a pellet gun. Have to wait till I go to the shopping centre which is about 50K away.
  22. I cannot get near it to do that, it keeps running away every time someone appears.
  23. I live in a small town/village and don't have an animal shelter. Any advice on how to trap the cat?
  24. I have 5 cats and have had to build a place to keep them safe as there is a cat which comes regularly to my property and attacks them. This has been going on for a couple of months now. My cats have lost their freedom. I know I could easily poison it, but I don't want to cause any suffering. Anyone know what else I can do?
  25. True, but it does not only apply to Thai politicians.
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