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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I also used to ride a PCX then I moved up to a Forza for the last 8 years, a big difference in comfort especially if your a tall guy, I could never be bothered using gears all the time and never had any interest in off road riding.
  2. I did not buy them, I downloaded them from the internet, they are mostly American or British TV series and I only watch them at night.
  3. My VLC has just crashed again, I think it might have something to do with using an external hard drive which is half full of TV series's.
  4. That is what I did, then it played havoc, so I restarted the laptop and now it seems OK. Fingers crossed.
  5. I have been very happy with Brave and Opera.
  6. Thia happened about 2 hours ago. Has it crashed for everyone who was using it or just me? If it was just me what should I do? Just use another player, uninstall VLC and then reinstall it again.
  7. But how many of them are not contributing to the Thai economy? I bet that 99% of Western immigrants are.
  8. Can you please explain what is "wrong" with what I have said?
  9. Khaosan Road? Or was that just in the old days?
  10. Is that not mainly because of those of the religion of peace?
  11. I agree with most of the OP's post, but as for the weather, for the past few weeks, it has reminded me of my home country Scotland with all the rain nearly every day. Thailand would be a great country if not for the dreadful road statistics of most Thai drivers and motorbike riders.
  12. I have no time for the Tories, But can she be any worse than Blair or Brown? They were even bigger walking disasters. Labour "the party of the working class" with a "Sir" as PM. What a joke.
  13. As I don't live in the UK I am only saying what I have read, and read my post again about the police and their shields. I said "if it's true".
  14. "The UK economy relies on immigrants." Nothing wrong with immigrants who come here (The UK) and work in responsible jobs and contribute to The UK's economy, it's the boat people, "asylum" seekers and illegals etc, etc that are the problem, and if it is true that the police are pushing up against people making a peaceful protest with their shields, then they are also partly to blame.
  15. "enabled by 14 years of toxic Tories." and don't forget the years of Blair and Brown and their toxic so called "party of the working class" LABOUR.
  16. Yes, just like the other Chuckle Brother Cha Cha, from the Coup "government".
  17. I found KFC to be great in Phitsanulok the last time I was in, great portions of everything, but it was probably only a one off.
  18. Zinger burgers, is that in KFC?
  19. In that case KFC should be empty. Nothing wrong with their staff, its the size of some food portions.
  20. You cannot blame the staff, they are only doing what they are told.
  21. The portions of Fench Fries in KFC are ridiculous and I can assure you it is not only in one branch.
  22. "the passengers are blocking the foot path which is the only way to get to my condo?" The answer is simple, just walk right through them as if they were not there, but be mindful of old folk and children.
  23. What would you say if you read that one poster says it is alright to drive while drunk, and another says the UK is right to stop OAP's from getting their annual state pension increases while living in Thailand?
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