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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. http://en.wikipedia....cohol_tolerance


    1) alcohol tolerance is affected by *training* / drinking regularly

    2) alcohol tolerance can also be affected by genetics with approximately 1 out of 3 Asians being unable to metabolize alcohol. I would doubt that those prone to being unable to process alcohol would drink regularly and certainly not a lot when they do drink.

    My experience has been that NOBODY drinks more than us people of Euro decent. Cultural thing.

    And we have been drinking alcohol for hundreds of years that is good training for our genes.

    Some posters here have been drinking for over 50 years too drunk.gif

    As you say, many Thai cannot metabolize alcohol. I know several who have liver problems because of Whiskey consumption. I know others who will happily sit in a family group outside their homes and drink a reasonable quantity of beer / whiskey. They do not roam the streets as drunkards as an earlier post states.

  2. Try 1 bottle of JW black, 2 big bottles of sang-som, lots of water (thai's n whisky n water??) 3 cases of singha/chang between me and my new found Thai friends,4 of us in total... On the beach on Loy Krathong night 2010! Only thing was I had a flight to catch at 0400, we drank the lot tho and I somehow made it to the airport and check in at 0130 ? Amazing to say the least,back home here in Scotland I would probably be dead or in prison if I drank that much in 5hrs!

    Amazing Thailand

    That's why I said earlier , I think Thais really can drink. That is why there are so many "Drunkards" walking around the street at night!

    I am curious. Where are all these Thai drunkards to be found walking the streets?

  3. To be honest expats in SE Asia are not well served for foreign satellite transmissions.

    The packages are expensive and require minimum contracts, which is little use to the

    OP who is only here for holidays.

    I wonder if the OP has internet?

    If so then I would suggest looking at torrents

    Thebox.bz UKNova.com TVChaosuk.com

    offer a good selection of UK programmes

    These can be downloaded and viewed at leisure.

    It makes me wonder if the True 'box' he has is linked to the internet.

  4. I am not a "drinker" myself so I do not know what is excessive what is not. But to me, drinking this amount occasionally is okay but not almost everyday.

    But for the Whiskey part, on a very good day it can be Chivas but on average day maybe some cheap whiskey will kill those "worms" .....lol

    For one thing, I do not believe that alcohol is the hobby of most Thai people, never mind on a daily basis. Nor do I believe most are drunkards. In any society you get those who like the odd tipple and those who drink a lot. Why should Thai people be any different?

    OK, so your friends had a party, people drink at parties. 2 cases of Leo and a bottle of whiskey is not that much unless you are some Methodist or a Puritan.

    You want them to nurse a single beer all night?

    2 beers an hour for 4 hours = 8 beers per person * 5 people = 40 beers.. That is not excessive.

    Every day? That is a bit too much, unless you are paying for it drunk.gif

  5. You'd have been better off phoning Emirates in Bangkok, I changed my return ticket last year as I needed to get back to the UK a month earlier than expected, they did charge me £75 though.

    Does anyone know if you can extend the return flight with Emirates?

    I already stated they changed my ticket for free and wanted to charge for a 2nd change if that was what I wanted.

    Q class ticket as I recall.

  6. For one thing, I do not believe that alcohol is the hobby of most Thai people, never mind on a daily basis. Nor do I believe most are drunkards. In any society you get those who like the odd tipple and those who drink a lot. Why should Thai people be any different?

    OK, so your friends had a party, people drink at parties. 2 cases of Leo and a bottle of whiskey is not that much unless you are some Methodist or a Puritan.

    You want them to nurse a single beer all night?

    2 beers an hour for 4 hours = 8 beers per person * 5 people = 40 beers.. That is not excessive.

  7. I have a return ticket and had been told I could change the date with no financial penalties. That in itself was correct, but.....

    Phoning Emirates UK from Thailand on a CAT phone card, I was told the number was either busy or could not be reached. Maybe 50 times in 2 days I tried to get through.

    I ended up phoning the dealer who booked my original flight. He said March was no problem. Took him 3 days to sort it out and I got an e-mail stating the flight is now Feb 8th (NOT March) The excuse being there were no flights available after this date. mad.gif

    I phoned my son in the UK about it. He phoned Emirates. They would have changed the flight for free to March. Now I would have to pay £70 for a 2nd change. I decided it was not worth it for 1 month.

    Two points worth noting here.

    1] CAT phone cards do not like to connect to lines like Emirates that answer instantly and play music.

    2] It seems to me it is better to deal direct with the airline themselves when changing flight dates and not with the agent to get the best dates.

    Lessons learned for me and maybe useful for someone else.

  8. Further to my question recently about the lack of menstrual periods for 2 months, the friend has decided she is coming to stay on the 1st Feb for a week before I go back to the UK.

    As you said here, she can become fertile at any time, so I am wondering if there is a contraceptive pill she can take that has an (almost) immediate effect?

    Add to that the lack of periods for 2 months, will that make any difference?

    Morning after pills are obviously out of the question because they are a once only shot and not for daily usage..

    Condoms neither of us like but will use if we have to.

    Thanks for any advice :)

  9. What prog are you using to d/l your torrents?

    Without knowing which prog you use, it occurs to me you might have moved the file / movie you have downloaded to another drive or to another location on the same drive. Have you deleted it? Altered the name?


    Then is your port forwarding correctly?


  10. Maybe the drive is not recognised BUT you can try Recuva ( a free download - google it ) that might be able to recover the files. i had an 800 GB drive that needed formatting to be read. I did a quick format and recovered all my data.

    If the drive does have a read/write problem then I cannot see recuva working.

    For free and a few minutes of your time it might be worth a try.

    How could you recover your data by formatting (erasing) it?

    Because when you erase or QUICK format a drive you are not deleting the data. You are deleting the header (title). So all the data is still on the drive. The data is wiped when you write over the data with new data or you use a shredder to overwrite the data. A prog like recuva simply recovers the files but with no original name.

    Many people have been caught out by thinking they have deleted files when they have not. People discard hard drives full of personal data. Others like Gary Glitter, for example, think the data cannot be seen. And then they get into trouble.

    Your bank data, personal photos and so much else is there. Destroy a hard drive before you dispose of it.

    • Like 1
  11. Most want to advance themselves and to advance their families and children's future. If we are seen as an end to that means, they will pretend love in most cases to achieve that end.

    Add into that the 'Face' factor, they see us as good targets.

    Nothing wrong with that. it is up to us not to allow ourselves to be taken as fools.

    edit, typed slower than thinking

  12. Being realistic, there is no way you will stop them unless the area is cordoned off with mesh or netting. even then you will get some coming in.

    I've found having mesh on all the doorways and windows to be very effective. If you're careful about not leaving them open as you go in and out you will only need to clap the odd few that have managed to get in as they start bothering you.

    Agreed, but the topic is for mosquitoes outside, which is why I said there is no realistic way of stopping them without screening around the area where you sit.

  13. I bring in EU ( Amsterdam ) every time 4 box , or 800 sigs .

    One thing worth remembering is that the "unlimited" allowance for personal allowance from an EU country has to be tax paid and not purchased in a Duty Free Shop.

    I put the word unlimited in quotes because HMRC do set an arbitrary limit as to what they consider reasonable for personal use, not sure what it is though.

    30 cartons of cigs from EU country for personal use. But you are limited to doing this twice a year (if caught). More than that and you are classed as smuggling. I used to do it a lot from Belgium / Spain / Portugal.

  14. What firewall are you using? Windows firewall?


    If you have no virus / malaware / trojans and you can access some sites and not others :-

    First of all try running the following command from a CMD window:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    CMD window is - Start, Run, then type CMD and click OK.


    Are you using Windpows XP?

    Did you install Service Pack 3 (SP3) for XP (Using SP3 can cause these problems).

    Using IE for the internet or Firefox. (IE still does have a lot of problems and you can try Firefox).

    Do you use a router?

    If you do, bypass the router and see what happens.

    There are so many ways this problem of yours can occur but most are with Internet Explorer, SSL certificates, Clearing the cache and more.

  15. As I have said in another topic in Pattaya forum, you can get away with more than 200 cigs going into the UK from outside the EU. A lot depends on your attitude when stopped.

    I have and often do go back with 200 - 400 cigs and 10 packs of tobacco. When searched I simply tell them I smoke and they are for personal use. Do NOT forget to smile and be polite.


    A great many people going into the UK from Thailand will be searched. They are looking for drugs mainly and weapons also. So expect to be stopped. And if you have that many cigs that you mention, they will be taken.

    There is often some leeway but your amount would be taking the piss as far as they are concerned and you could be in more of the brown stuff.

    **Note 2

    IF you post them, do NOT send them in their cartons!! Break open the cartons and pack them into a different size and shape so they do not look like cartons of cigs wink.png

    surely a waste of time every package gose thru x ray,

    Then why do so many get through (the post) this way if it is a waste of time.

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