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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. the ONboard service from Jet is miles better. AB tends to have grumpy old stewardesses who seem to act like anything they pour out comes from their own pockets. NO free booze-only 1 beer/wine at meals.

    Delhi has inded since a year or 2 a splendid new INT terminal. BUT the main problem there is the in wintertime often eternal delays due to fog-not a thing a new terminal can solve. Well known in the travel-world. The Germans are of course very efficient in snowy wheather and DUS is a fairly small and quickly navigatable friendly airport.

    IF you can, try to get JET but via MUmbai. Avoids the delays-though BOM is still avery Indian old-fashioned airport with overzealous safety guards. A brandnew INT terminal is undr construction.

    So all has its pro and cons-you choose.

    With Jet coming in consistently at £312 for the one way, it looks like that will be the option, but I will never go through Mumbai again. Mumbai is absolute madness.

    Jet at the above price has a 14 hour 20 minutes flight via Delhi. That is a good flight time.

  2. Delhi is probably the best airport in India, but that's rather like saying Fleetwood is the best team in the Conference Premier League!

    Also be aware that the DEL-BKK flight is on a single aisle B737-800. Apart from that Jet is pretty decent for the price.

    Looking at hold-baggage-allowance, and assuming you don't have Air Berlin's frequent-flyer card, they will only give you 20 kgs, whereas Jet Airways should be 32 kgs & 2 bags for LHR-BKK.

    I've not flown Air Berlin, but have booked with Jet Airways for a couple more trips this year, after flying BKK-LHR-BKK with them last year. They're a bit basic, especially the food, but acceptable IMO. jap.gif

    Thanks for the info.

    Basic would do to get back from this cold weather smile.png

    A drop of 30 deg C is a lot down from 30+ in Thailand to -1 or so here.

    Bearing in mind what you two have said, I will look a little longer and if nothing better comes up it looks like Jet. After all it is only 1 trip.

    Might be worth checking out Air Asia LGW-KUL-BKK as this route runs until 1 April and is usually very competitive on price if booked ahead. Just checked a random date of 5 March with AA and it works out at about £320.

    Plus baggage and meals. That always was a problem with Air Asia, sadly.

  3. EVA is ok too. New kit. Computer screen in the headrest of the punter in front of you. Taiwan make money from happy bums on seats. Service is a bit like British Airways.

    Leaves me a little bit cold.

    Thai 747 for me til I find something that moves me more.

    And don't even think about China Airlines via Beijing, or Jet via Mumbai if your ultimate destination is BKK.

    I did Mumbai once. Never ever again. But Delhi .....

  4. Quick question - Does anybody drink ANYWHERE else than Big C.............. Cheap and air conned might be good but the general ambience of drinking in the middle of a food court doesn't really appeal to me.....................

    Ban Kon Wan.

    Collection Pub.

    Plenty of other places bordering Sawan park.

    A lot of places give you a floor fan to keep you cool.

    Who would drink in BigC anyway except whilst waiting for thier other half who is shopping?

  5. First of all, don't blame Airbus or Boeing about the seating. The seats and the seating configuration are selected by the customer (in this case, Emirates,) Not the manufacturer.

    Emirates has a couple of different configurations for the 777-300ER also. One has a (comparatively generous) 34" seat pitch, another has a tight 31" seat pitch. More importantly though, Emirates has gone with a 10-seat row in economy (3-4-3). Most carriers (including THAI) use a 9-seat row in a 3-3-3 arrangement on 777's, though going with 10-across does seem to be a growing trend. Adding that 10th seats cramps everyone up a bit more, with narrower seats and narrower aisles. You also get bumped more if you have an aisle seat cause of the narrower aisles.

    Personally, I won't use carriers on 777 flights with 10-across seating out of principle. They have less regard for passenger comfort.

    This flight was 10 seats across. That explains why it felt so cramped. First time in a few years I have had a Boeing flight, so did not realise. Now you mention it I have always had a 9 seat configuration before.

    That info is worth knowing for when I book my next flight. Thanks :)

  6. Delhi is probably the best airport in India, but that's rather like saying Fleetwood is the best team in the Conference Premier League!

    Also be aware that the DEL-BKK flight is on a single aisle B737-800. Apart from that Jet is pretty decent for the price.

    Looking at hold-baggage-allowance, and assuming you don't have Air Berlin's frequent-flyer card, they will only give you 20 kgs, whereas Jet Airways should be 32 kgs & 2 bags for LHR-BKK.

    I've not flown Air Berlin, but have booked with Jet Airways for a couple more trips this year, after flying BKK-LHR-BKK with them last year. They're a bit basic, especially the food, but acceptable IMO. jap.gif

    Thanks for the info.

    Basic would do to get back from this cold weather :)

    A drop of 30 deg C is a lot down from 30+ in Thailand to -1 or so here.

    Bearing in mind what you two have said, I will look a little longer and if nothing better comes up it looks like Jet. After all it is only 1 trip.

  7. I agree with Ulysees and Beetlejuice on this.

    We all make mistakes at times. And the more you accentuate that mistake, by apologising or whatever, the worse it seems to make the situation.

    If you make a mistake with people you are close to they will often forgive on the grounds you do not know better ;)

  8. Since when do you get more respect if you have a job?

    You can still be ill-mannered if you have a job. You can be uncouth too. You can be a beer swilling slob even if you work.

    Of all the families I have met none have ever made any comment on the fact I do not work. All the (girlfriends) have been bothered about (apart from money LOL) is that I show proper respect to their parents, especially the mother and to her friends. The father(s) tends to like me as long as i buy a few extra beers when we sit talking.

    Manners maketh the man.

    • Like 1
  9. Currently the two airlines coming in at low prices for a 1 way trip from London - BKK.

    Jet airways at £312. Dep LHR via Dehli to BKK


    Air Berlin at £355 Dep STN via Duessldorf to BKK

    As I recall, Delhi is a good airport. Is there much difference between Jet and Air berlin in terms of service?

    Most other flights are well over £400.

  10. Sorry, but for me the 777 seats are far more comfortable than those on the A330 used on the DXB to NCL leg. The A380 is the best flying experience I've had so far with Emirates or any other airline.

    The 777 left me with bad back ache. I have never had that on the Airbus flights.

  11. They also fly from provincial airports in the UK so you don't have to haul your ass down to Heathrow.

    They do but I find it as quick and cheap to go to LGW as opposed to NCL.

    Gatwick to St. Pancras 1 hour. Kings cross to Darlinton 2hr 20 mins. Booked in advance £39.

    NCL to Darlington with 1 change of train there is 1 hr 30 mins less but flying to NCL is often a lot more expensive and the flight time to NCL is a bit longer too.

    Overall I am happy with the Gatwick route. The arrival and departure time suit me too from LGW

    LHR is OK but airport taxes are much higher. The tube ride to Kings Cross is terrible and cramped and takes 1 hour.

    But, each to their own preferences :)

  12. Now this is the wife controlling how much allowance you get? That is not quite the same thing at all. It makes you sound like some child given pocket money each week.

    That is a sad stae of affairs in my opinion.

    Do you not have your own finances?

  13. Highly unusual for Emirates to be this shoddy, I was on two of these aircraft last week and they were acceptable, anyway if it helps Emirates effectively suspended delivery of replacement 777's last year, and they will take delivery of 54 this year, allowing them to roll out new routes, including I believe 3 in the US ( including Dallas ) and to retire some of their older models.

    There is no doubt though that the Emirates A380 set up is far, far superior to the 777's........I was on a flight from Sydney to Dubai, ( in economy ) and it was an absolute pleasure.

    I believe the future of the fleet is a combination of these two models, apparently the A380 is wasted on relatively short flights ( around 3 hours ) so the 777's will be the backbone of the Middle East market. Emirates are currently building a dedicated A380 terminal at Dubai, which will have a business class lounge that can hold 2200 people, a vast improvement on the 1350 or so capacity at T3.

    The new terminal will allow 24 aircraft to load and unload at the same time, so the new terminal is expecting a passenger flow of 12,000 passengers per cycle, this will take the strain from T3 which is buckling under the weight of numbers.

    That being said, I can't remember the last time my flight took off from Dubai on schedule, air traffic control is constantly battling a log jam of flights.

    We circled Dubai for 30 minutes today.

    I should add that I flew LGW - BKK via Dubai last year with Emirates and had no complaints. The two flights today were not good though. Maybe well worn stock.

    I suppose they cannot be excellent all the time and are still far far better than some other airlines like Aeroflot, Air India and others like that can ever hope to be.

  14. Welcome to the club winnie.

    I can assure you you`re not alone when it comes to having t make cutbacks.

    With the ever dwindling bahts for foreign currencies and increasing cost of living, I`ve had to drawn the line on lots of things over the last couple of years.

    The main thing is, that if you are able to get by with what you already have, then you should have no problems.

    I agree that as money gets tighter we need to cut back. Essential items are hardest to trim, though we can learn and also teach others that we do not need to leave all the lights on in the house when rooms are not occupied. (This was a hard thing to teach any of my female companions).

    Do not leave the water running in the shower while you shave, while she trims her armpits. LOL. That can save water.

    Put a building brick in the cistern on the toilet (saves a lot of water in a year).

    That one or two degree cut in the air con temp helps too.

    My last lady used to put the wall fan on high and then lie under a quilt because she was cold !!

    Many little things add up to make monthly savings more worthwhile.

    I practice many of the above. I also use the m/c (with a box on the back) to go shopping. It is cheaper than the car.

    I appreciate my previous post might seem as if I drink a lot, but better that than go stir crazy at home 24/7.

  15. Longest relationship here in Thailand was 2 years. Started off great until the demands and scheming for more money began. That has to make my answer NO.

    At 36 she is not exactly a youngster. Not a b/g either.

    If I pay the rent, electric, water and food + nights out with some financial support for her when she was not working, I do not like demands. When stress is added to any relationship I am in, I will remain firm in my beliefs and whatever financial outlay I am making

    I think in many cases it is difficult to establish a good long term relationship with a woman here. Due in many cases to peer pressure.

    On the other hand, I am pleased for those who do have a good and long lasting relationship. Love is hard to find and harder to keep :)

    • Like 1
  16. 1,000 Baht for a good night out includes 100 Baht m/c taxis. Good music, good friendly fun and beers 70 Baht small bottle.

    4 nights a week out at 65 for a large bottle and drinking 4 of those either chatting to friends or going to a bar with Filipino singers.

    That is a little over 2000 Bhat a week. Not expensive in my opinion for the fun, the chat and the music. If I do take a woman with me the price goes up but not a lot as most women I meet tend to drink very little.

    Food wise? 1,000 Baht a week includes everything. I cook and rarely eat out.

    I do not consider I spend a lot on my nights out. So to me your 2000 is not a lot and 700 seems a bit miserly, depending on how often you want to go out.

    Difference with me is that I am happy being single, going out to chat with friends or out listening to decent music.

    We need tp remember too that relaxing is good for you :)

  17. I arrived today in the UK. Flew Emirates using Boeing 777's. The flight from Dubai to UK, the aircraft a 777-300ER, seating was poor. The seats rocked about a lot when people moved. An empty seat next to mine seemed to have a life of its own. The seats were narrow and uncomfortable.

    First time I have flown in many years and not used Airbus. Airbus do seem more comfortable. Sturdier seats too.

    Definitely a dissapointment.

  18. quick question as I am away soon.

    I rent a house. 1 year agreement started 1st April 2011.

    I am away in the UK today for visa etc. I will be away maybe 6 weeks.

    Told landlord (Thai) I will be away for a long holiday. He insisted I pay rent for next month as I will not be here on due date for rent.

    Other day the landlord had someone round to look at the house with regards to buying it.

    Now, today, landlord says he does not want rent for next month and to give it when I return. The person has said they want to buy. That makes me suspicious :(

    My concern is that he will take over the house while I am not here. Unjustified concern?

    House is unfurnished. He has no keys. My car is in the drive.

    serious comments please as I am not here for long and leave today.

  19. With no information on what browser you use or what OS you use, here are two methods for my system.

    Windows XP Pro

    Start.... Control Panel, Add remove programmes.


    Tools... Add Ons .... Remove / disable.

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