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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. blether [ˈblɛðə]

    vb & n

    Scot a variant spelling of blather

    [from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]

    1. blether

    (ble-thir) dialect, chiefly scot.

    ~n. 1. person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on.

    ~v. 2. to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk

    1- ("That wee yin o' yours is an awfy blether gettin'")

    2- ("Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither")

    Say no more tongue.png

    Sorry OP but..... LOL.

    Great heavens - you were unfamiliar with the word before now?

    Of course not. But many will have been.

    And you missed the humour in that :P

  2. blether [ˈblɛðə]

    vb & n

    Scot a variant spelling of blather

    [from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]

    1. blether

    (ble-thir) dialect, chiefly scot.

    ~n. 1. person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on.

    ~v. 2. to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk

    1- ("That wee yin o' yours is an awfy blether gettin'")

    2- ("Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither")

    Say no more tongue.png

    Sorry OP but..... LOL.

    • Like 1
  3. Well, I have now booked Jet Airlines. At £308 for the one way flight I need, they are a lot cheaper than the competition by a long way. Thankfully I am going via Dehli and not the dreaded Mumbai.

    14 hours and 20 minutes travelling time was also a factor.

    2 weeks 3 days and counting to be out of this freezer called England and back to the warmth of and friends in Thailand drunk.gif

    Let us know if Jet Airways are any good. Jet Airways and Kingfisher always have good fares BKK/LHR/BKK but I have never used them. Stopping in India puts me off a little.

    When I get back to Thailand on the 7th I'll do a post shortly after that. :)

  4. Why here and not in the U.K. ?

    Thailand is warmer and better for my health.

    There are more shops open than in my local high street.

    Cheap beer - 65 Baht big bottle.

    Food, petrol, beer are now sky high in the U.K. As are utility bills.

    So many here in the U.K. are miserable and having to penny pinch thanks to the recession.

    Rip off parking charges to go to the local shops in the U.K. Rip off rail travel and more.

    Oh yes, and the beautiful, sexy younger women I get to make love to in Thailand :) :)

    Better and cheaper health and dental care in the U.K.

    Honest police force.

    No mosquitoes.

    Bettr roads in the U.K. and traffic.

    Overall I find Thailand is more laid back once you get used to the ways of the locals. Time has little or no meaning. I have and can afford more fun in Thailand.

  5. Presuming this is true.....

    Firstly, what I find odd is that he wanted you to give him 6K a month. Not for your wife to give it to her parents. He does not trust your wife? Bullsh*t.

    Seems to me he wanted that money to ease HIS financial burden while keeping his kudos with the family. Especially as there is no mention of the family getting an extra 6K per month.

    Secondly, I would visit. I would let your wife take the lead. She can smooth any troubled waters in her own way. Though I would not be staying as long as you intended initially, so as not to cause too many (if any) family upset. But be guided by your wife's reaction.

    Thirdly I would tell him to <deleted> off (But I am maybe more blunt than some in these matters). Who does he think he is?

    IMHO if he paid for the house and also gives 12K per month it is he who is the idiot. He does not rule this family but I can see them not wanting to upset this financial applecart.

    Best of with it all.

    • Like 2
  6. As the rains will be due before very much longer I am wondering what are the best waterfalls in the Pattaya region ( or the nearest good waterfall).

    It seems so long since I went to one and they were up north. Had some fun and good days out at those and for a change I'd like to get out to one from Pattaya.

    Any ideas from personal experience as many do not live up to the blurb given out on the web.


  7. Jetairways are generally good, Indian Airways not very good and Kingfisher has financial trouble and delays.

    Jetairways: My experience,the worst Airline food ever,and being shuffled around in transit for two hours in Mumbai,like a flock of sheep.

    Yes, Mumbai is bad but Jet also go via Dehli and it is said Dehli is a much better airport.

    I am doing the reverse trip and found Jet airways own site to be cheaper than any agent or flight site.

    The route via Dehli is booked up in many cases whereas via Mumbai is not.

  8. I see a certain company in Hong Kong that will deliver a spy cam to Thailand. But are they legal here?

    The spy cam can be used on a car dashboard or on a m/c helmet or anyother place you can imagine. Very small, the size of a key fob.

    I can imagine the fun you could have with one of those. Imagine sat on Beach road in Pattaya videoing the Jet Ski scammers for example and not having a 'camera', just a key fob in your hand with keys attached.

    The quality is good too with HD quality recording + microphone.

  9. Fair enough in the heat of the mid-day sun, but surely one dons one's jacket and tie for dinner?

    One does not want to be mistaken for some Johnny Foreigner type...


    I organize regular black tie affairs.

    Nobody comes and I eat alone, but I do cut a dashing figure in my tux..the pizza guy seems genuinely impressed.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    That would be a Butlers convention?

    cheesy.gif Loads of Johnny Foreigner types walking around, bowing and scraping in their Tux to impress the local riff raff?

    "Would Sir like another Chang?" wacko.png

    A well knotted bow-tie is what separates us from the heathens Sir.

    Not dressing for dinner leads to a path of darkness and savagery.

    I'll go in my Caveman's outfit, complete with club - AKA Fred Flintstone -.

    Hmmm, I could drag a few ladies back to my cave...... Heathen fasion ;)

  10. Yes I previously mentioned that nothing was put forward, but there is a system of reward for participation which could easily be argued in a biased court of law, which we all know does not exist here, that this is gambling and all participants, sponsors etc could be guilty of breaking the Law.

    Again, I don't think it is clear cut as we would all like to think especially by definition under which side of the law this may or may not sit, albeit a very clever idea and program developed by the owners to which my hat goes off to them.

    And if found not to be on the correct side of the law is this to also contrary to item 16 of the Forums own Rules?

    Surely to gamble you need to place a bet of some description?

    Where is the bet in playing this game?

  11. The other option would be got to Pantip or similar. Pick out the parts you want and let them put the unit together for you. Buy the parts of your choice and they assemble it for free.

    For me, too many ready built units do not have seperate graphics and sound. The motherboard may not be up to spec either. That is why I prefer the above option these days.

  12. Bring your brain with you.

    Do some basic research into Thailand and Thai customs.

    Leave your bad attitude behind.

    Chill out, relax. Life is way to short smile.png

    Regards drinking.....

    Drink is not the problem, it is the person. Why does everyone blame it on the drink??

    I have had a skinful of drink many times in many places in the world and I have not caused any fights or trouble.

    I see people drink and cause problems but I also see many who go out for 4 or 5 hours drinking and stay happy.

    That is where the attitude comes in. I live in a seriously rough and tumble part of Glasgow, Bridgeton. The Scots on tv know that the rules of combat in Bridgeton just like many other parts of Glasgow are brutal.

    When I fly in to Thailand the last thing I want to see or hear is fighting talk. I recognize also that the rules of combat in Thailand are equally brutal.

    These tin pot gangsters and ex-sas that infest a lot of tourist areas just don't have a clue what they are messing with.

    These days I gravitate towards Thai economy restaurants and bars. There are many outstanding places out there where your not going to get your ears melted by some malcontent gangster wannabe.

    I have to agree with that sentiment.

    I am lucky in that where I now live in Pattaya I rarely see any trouble. Maybe because the malcontents see no 'profit' with their attitudes. The majority of people see and hear who these idiots are, word get around and they are ignored. Then they get an attitude because we ignore these idiots. Sad b*stards.

    The other thing that gets me is that these idiots are not drunken teenage yobs. These are - supposedly - grown men huh.png

    In 5 years aound and about in the sticks, I rarely saw any fights or trouble. The odd woman would get a slap from her husband / boyfriend during the early hours for flirting about or the odd husband would be chased home with his wife brandishing a broom at his head. All Thai.

    Yet in Khoasan Road I have seen more trouble than in Pattaya and all by white people.

    People do blame the drink, but as I said earlier, it is not the drink but the people who drink.

    • Like 1
  13. Get away from the bars and ladies of the night and you can get some beautiful, hard working, caring women in Thailand who are after a relationship. But you do not usually get these type of women on the first meeting. All the good women I have met have had a chaperone with them for the intital nights out.

    The 'slappers' or prozzies do not tend to do it that way.

    But we always pay one way or another at the end of the day.

  14. Bring your brain with you.

    Do some basic research into Thailand and Thai customs.

    Leave your bad attitude behind.

    Chill out, relax. Life is way to short :)

    Regards drinking.....

    Drink is not the problem, it is the person. Why does everyone blame it on the drink??

    I have had a skinful of drink many times in many places in the world and I have not caused any fights or trouble.

    I see people drink and cause problems but I also see many who go out for 4 or 5 hours drinking and stay happy.

    • Like 2
  15. I am happy now. Halifax have given me a Clarity Credit Card.

    No charges for withdrawals abroad.

    you'll still get charged 150 baht for using an atm in thailand, to avoid that charge go inside with your passport and ask for a cash advance - not all banks can do it.

    halifax clarity and santander zero are better than most cards but as mentioned you have to pay balance off asap to avoid interest charges.

    Yes, the 150 Baht charge is still there, but at least witn internet banking and careful management I will not be paying the £12 + that I have been paying for my Barclays Visa card to with draw £300. That is a big saving over a 12 month period :)

  16. Well, I have now booked Jet Airlines. At £308 for the one way flight I need, they are a lot cheaper than the competition by a long way. Thankfully I am going via Dehli and not the dreaded Mumbai.

    14 hours and 20 minutes travelling time was also a factor.

    2 weeks 3 days and counting to be out of this freezer called England and back to the warmth of and friends in Thailand drunk.gif

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