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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. Best you go look for yourself.
  2. Was at a bar the other night and a lady came around selling snacks for 20 baht. Bar lady asked me could she have a couple but I said sorry no cash on me. The seller had a "badge" hanging around her neck. She said ok and turned it around to face me. It was a QR code. So almost everyone is starting to accept it.
  3. Most, if not all, countries will be brining in CBDCs, Thailand is just using a 10k carrot.
  4. Actually called Nana Animal Hospital. I take my dog there, highly recommended. https://maps.apple.com/place?address=294%2F1 Moo 7%2C Ratchaphruek Road%2C Nong Kwai%2C Hang Dong%2C Chiang Mai 50230%2C Thailand&auid=4754115701150993442&ll=18.729604558518396%2C98.94267478957772&q=Nana Animal Hospital
  5. What's that saying? "a rose by any other name"
  6. Good for you.
  7. I have been a member of expedia Australia a long time and and have lived Thailand 10 years. Often check prices locally and find expedia.au is often cheaper. Sometimes not. Same with local flights.
  8. May sound silly but were you using WiFi? I was trying to pay something one time on WiFi and wouldn't work. I tried with WiFi off (4G) and worked ok. Apparently whoever I was paying regarded WiFi not as secure as 4G.
  9. Did I say it didn't? And thats why I specifically mentioned me. I know it affects some people.
  10. Bangkok Bank 1 year statements come from Bangkok and takes 1 week to arrive, here in Chiang Mai. Immigration always ok with that. Bank book needs to be updated on day of application.
  11. I use an agent and what I said above is what they ask for so I assume immigration asks them. I find the 40k/65k requirements strange. So a single person needs 65k to live on but a family of at least 2 people only needs 40k. No requirement for the spouse or any other family members earning money.
  12. Hundreds of thousands of people live in Chiang Mai and stay in smokey season so I guess possible. I been living here 10 years and this year is the first the smoke has affected me (knowingly) with stinging eyes. Other than that not a problem for me.
  13. Just did mine in Chiang Mai. Immigration want copies of every page of your bank books for the year, a one year statement from the bank plus a letter from the bank showing amount transferred (FTT) each month and total for the year. So basically they want the same information in triplicate in different formats.
  14. Why do you think so many men get called handsome. 3 people is called a threesome, 2 people a twosome and if you go it alone its called handsome.
  15. A bit off topic but I had a Russian Grab driver the other week. After a bit of a chat I found out his name was Pikup Andropov.
  16. Literally showed other passenger to fork off.
  17. They do have some strange ideas. My friend had a dog that was very sick and needed to be euthanised. Th vet would not do it. He had to buy the "dose" and took dog to vet. Vet inserted needle but my friend had to do the actual injection.
  18. I think they would be a perfect match.
  19. The JP used is licensed in Queensland and basically said he could do any Qld documents. He also said he could do some federal documents. I required 8 signatures for my drivers licence renewal and would have cost me a fortune with the cost of 8 signatures and a return trip to Bangkok from Chiang Mai. I was very lucky indeed to find this guy.
  20. Not 100% correct. I was lucky enough to find an Australian JP who witnessed 8 signatures for free and they were accepted by the Australian authority they were sent to.
  21. Thais is not entirely correct. 15.87 is only one location in Thailand and not all of Thailand. From Wikipedia:- What is the latitudinal extent of Thailand? Kingdom of Thailand has a latitudinal extent of 5°37′N to 20°37′N and a longitudinal coverage of 97°22′E to 105°37′ E. In the northern hemisphere panels should face due south at an angle of the latitude where they are being installed. A 30 second look up on Google.
  22. Yes, mine too. Just one month a few less baht arrived. I must have done something wrong. I was like only 3 baht less.
  23. Oh there are a lot on here. I have been warned about my comments to some of them so I just block now. His comments of "You have proven your self clicking system fails." after I said I had made one mistake in probably 7 years and "You have trouble using technology and reading comprehension and could benefit from technology." just shows how arrogant some people are. Its good to know so many perfect people out there.
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