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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. I prefer control of what I transfer. Only did one wrong click in many years. And we all don’t come from the US.
  2. She wasn't actually from CM but yes a weird trait.
  3. He is at it agin? Or should I say still. I ended up blocking bn for his constant sarcastic negative comments.
  4. I assume you don't plan on driving. I drove from CM to Roiet in 1 day. Mukdahan is a little further. I know the roads are crazy but after having driven a fair bit in Thailand CM seems to have the craziest drivers. Even a Thai told me CM had the worst.
  5. I use Wise and usually transfer 65k or more. This one month I must have clicked some thing wrong and a bit less came. I contacted my agent and he suggested I transfer a little more so the total was at least 65k. It went through immigration ok. So I am sure what you ask is ok.
  6. I knew a dyslexic, insomniac, agnostic who laid awake at night wondering if there really was a dog.
  7. We all make mistakes. I made mine late in life. Hindsight is very good but doesn’t exist. Other than the availability of a pension I have nothing left in Oz but I will have to return to get that pension. I retired with, what I thought, plenty cash to live here. All gone. But really only myself to blame. Yeah I been conned but my fault I let it happen Good luck to you in your future.
  8. Do you get your rocks off being sarcastic? So many posts of yours tell me you do. Anyhow welcome to my ignored list.
  9. You are good at making comments you know nothing about. I have commitments and when they are done I am too.
  10. I tried that, received email saying rejected as over due and goto office. Said nothing at office, fined 2000.
  11. Yes, I understood what you meant and I just asked for tracked. Ummm, "Can I have this tracked please" Where is the mind reading involved in that?
  12. I told Thaipost server that I wanted it tracked. Only a letter and cost me 230 baht.
  13. UPDATE: Both Thaipost and 17track have no further updates but item arrived in Australia as I received an email from them with a receipt. As someone else mentioned no point in wasting money tracking an item to Australia at least and probably other countries as well.
  14. I saw a UFO in my kitchen this morning with my wife cooking breakfast. Unidentified Frying Object.
  15. I tend to agree. Made the decision more than 10 years ago, sold everything in Oz and came here. Worst mistake of my life.
  16. I was looking at sevenseasworldwide.com to do the opposite. They have 3 "box" sizes and can give a quote online.
  17. And what a lot of people don't know is that your sense of smell is gone when you are asleep and its usually the noise of things falling or cackling that wakes you. I made up a kit using modified standard smoke alarms feeding back to a central control panel that could take up to 10 alarms. I had 8. It checks each one a second apart and if one is sensed to have activated it activated all of them. Believe me when 8 go off at the one time you know about it.
  18. Ok, thanks. Will keep and eye on it.
  19. Tracking in Thailand from point to point up to handed over to carrier. Ozland nothing until delivered I guess.
  20. Thanks, exactly same as Thai post tracking. Aftership also same, is I guess no more track updates added since 15th.
  21. Thanks. Actually now recall something like that happened to me.
  22. Thanks. Guess I will just wait.
  23. Thanks. Auspost used to be good. A sign of the times I guess.
  24. Anyone recently sent a registered item via Thailand Post? I sent item from Chiang Mai on the 14th. Tracking details appeared on their site 6 times until hand over to carrier at Swampy on the 15th. No tracking since, now 1 week. I would have thought handed to airline a week ago should be in Oz, but maybe not. Just curious if anyone recently posted and how long it took.
  25. Chiang Mai immigration want copies of each page of bankbooks for the year plus a 1 year statement from the bank plus another letter from the bank showing the minimum deposit is deposited from overseas each month. So triple confirmations.
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