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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. You must be one of them there xpurts in investin. Bought and sold gold in Thailand many times and MADE money (profit).
  2. I bought one 10 years ago when I came here. Used it many many times. Not expensive. The house I am renting has the yard covered in pavers. Each year after the wet season they turn black from the mold. So it gets good use then. Plus all the other uses.
  3. Amazing how some people think.
  4. Great place to ask medical advice. Suggest a real doctor not self proclaimed experts on here.
  5. I get many responses on ThaiFriendly but rarely fit my criteria I put like city, age, etc. The other day I got one from a lady (supposedly) from Bangkok. Normally I delete as I am in Chiang Mai. But she was attractive so I thought I say hello. She replied and asked me did I date Thai girls. Conversation went on around that theme awhile. I asked her what she did and she said an entrepreneur owning a beauty shop that does the usual lady body modifications, and, crypto investor. Last part got me curious as not common and I am one and have done a few posts on the topic. I asked her why she contacted me as I was a long way away. She read but never replied.
  6. Even less a good idea in jet fuel and that is why diesel and jet fuel go through water removal processes. But there are many places water can enter the fuels, refinery, tanks at servos and even transport tankers.
  7. Looking back on things that have happened I am almost certain you are right. I have moved on from that shop to the point I don't even use parking lot behind shop to goto my local restaurant/bar.
  8. I worked in an oil refinery for 23 years producing various petroleum products and a LOT of steam is used in most of the processes. Obviously that steam condenses into water. Very critical fuels like jet fuel goes through many water removal processes. Other fuels not so much. A lot is letting fuel sit in a huge tank and let the water settle out and the tank is "water drawn" plus the fuel product is usually not drawn from the very base of the tank but a few centimetres up from the base of the tank. So just saying if the refinery is not doing a good job or has faulty plant some water in the tanks at servos may come from the refinery
  9. Yep, and thats what I try to do. Only 2 occasions in 10 years need to change to 95 for 1 tank load each time.
  10. I have a 2012 Honda Jazz and have been using 91 for 10 years no problems. In fact I went on a trip once and on a fill 91 not available so filled up with 95. Ran worse until refilled again with 91. Sounds strange but true. Don't really know why maybe a bad batch fuel. I actually had it happen again last week and had to fill with 95 but I noticed no difference on the remainder of tank. I had a Mazda 3 in Oz which could run on 91 but I always used 95. Ran better and actually better fuel consumption.
  11. You are correct but where? I am no Brad pit and a bit older to boot. Mostly only go to ones that you mention and Big C shopping. I get a few Thaifriendly likes but usually in another city or offering services same as bar or massage.
  12. Read my posts on this topic and you will see "my" lady and owner's families were neighbours and my lady is too loyal or scared to leave as to what would happen. I don't know about the other girls as to why they stay. As someone pointed out is that owner knows me and, as nearly every thai I have met thinks, farang are rich so why not get what you can from them. And that is a fact as told to me by another lady who used to work for her told me.
  13. Actually they do. I have know 2 shops now to do this. Example oil massage costs 300. Shop gets 180 and girl 120. If girl gets extra from extra she keeps the extra but shop gets the full 300. I have known 2 girls from 2 shops and they say this what happen. Off subject but I know of a restaurant/bar who has a couple entertainers come most nights. Owner pays 400 baht (pretty lousy) but deducts tips, if any, off that. So if entertainers get 200 into tip box owner of establishment only pays 200. One of the entertainers told me this so I started giving tips to them secretly in hand and not in the tip box.
  14. Yes you thought it clear because you wrote it. Read all the replies and see how many, if any, understood.
  15. Nothing to do with friends it was referring to getting money back from loan which never happens here.
  16. That would be illegal and cant talk about that on here.
  17. The owner's family and my now ex girlfriend family used to live next door to each other and thats how owner offered my ex such a great job. She won't leave the shop. I tried to get her to and she say she dare not as owner gave her job. I guess after the incident of the fine and losing gold and getting money to go home and I am dumped day after gets home.....ummm, no I don't trust anymore. Yet another Thai life lesson. Trying to tell my little brain to be careful but he never listens.
  18. I have paid various amounts before for a dinner or a night. I did not pay the 2500 fine.. I know the bar fine, the girl gets some. In this case the massage girl gets none and in fact claims she paid the 2500 herself to go home.
  19. To answer both questions she was my girlfriend and I gave her money to go home. I did not pay for the "fine" of 2500 baht because I told her I was not happy about it. She said she paid it. Also another thing has come to mind. I bought her a half baht gold bracelet a few weeks before. She conveniently lost it while we were visiting a temple. I wondered at the time did she really lose it. I guess I am gullible silly old @#$%.
  20. I didn’t pay.
  21. Always thought they were saying “my pen write”. So what I don’t need to know if your own works or not.
  22. Sure has done my head in.
  23. Wondering when the weak “don’t like it leave” comment would come. Thanks for not disappointing me.
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