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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. Just now, Techno Viking said:

    Your Thai passengers are clueless, get some better Thai's to travel with.


    If you are turning right at an intersection or performing a U-turn the scooter has no legal right to be in the position to be overtaking you on the right hand side.

    I know the scooters were in the wrong and my passengers had no idea but unfortunately that is the mentality of so many of the Thais.


    In the same incident I had another farang come talk to me. He said I was in the right but, from his experience, he also said I would be fined.

  2. Just now, Techno Viking said:

    Yes, A few. Some my fault some not, in all instances the police have ruled correctly the at fault party.

    Same in my case. But even the 3 Thais I had with me in my car all said I would be fined because I  farang. 


    I was just making a statement that if I had four cams I would aim one at the turn signal indications as extra proof I was actually using the turn signal.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

    So your cam recording sitting idle at an intersection or U-turn is not proof enough you were turning ?


    I would be asking why the scooter was in a lane it is not allowed to be in rather than adding yet another camera to the car just to record the dash.

    Have you, a farang had an accident in Thailand?

  4. 57 minutes ago, Nordlys said:


    Can you elaborate how that happened?  



    I assume you mean where I said people went around me and hit me?


    I was turning right and had my indicator on. There were 4 cars coming from the opposite direction. I was obviously stopped and waiting for the first 3 cars to come passed but I had time before 4th car so I turned. Bang bang. Two motor bikes went around me on the drivers side and one hit me in the back and the other near front wheel. The one who hit me at the back jumped on her bike and took off. Three schools girls on the other were not so lucky and sustained injuries. I had some Thai people with me and I asked them to ask driver of that bike why she went around me when i was indicating and had stopped for some time? Her response was she thought I was indicating for them to go around me. Go figure.


    I did not have a cam at that time but the dual cam would have should me stopped and waiting and the others obviously stopped too.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Nordlys said:

    It sounds like it's worth paying extra for capacitor-integrated dash cam over battery.  But from what price threshold do dash cams tend to come with capacitors?  I'm not even sure if I can read the catalogue spec... but 1,699 Baht Xiaomi Yi says "240mAh Li-Polymer", does that mean it has no integrated capacitor but a battery?  :unsure:





    Well it has a battery but not sure about a capacitor but very much doubt it.

  6. 9 hours ago, Nordlys said:

    What do you think of this one?  



    7,290 Baht from Lazada...  a bit more than I was willing to pay for a dash cam.  Is the price worthy of the spec or am I simply paying premium for name brand?  Does name brand translate to better service, warranty and durability?  

    I like it partly because it's very small and less conspicuous.  Size is important to me because I'll have a limited space to which I can attach the dash cam (lower right hand corner just above the dashboard).  :sleep:

    And some dash cam claim to feature Sony image sensor.  How does that compare with non-Sony sensor dash cam?  

    I like the WiFi link to your phone to save videos feature of this cam. Always concerned in a road rage incident some one may see cam and try to take it, especially in this country of saving face. They know I have saved their face in the cam and they might want it back. :smile:


    As I have had people go around me and hit me as I have turned I prefer to have a dual, but separate, rear camera. That way the videos are synched and I am recording out of the back window not via the whole care as is the case of many dual camera units where the second cam is in the main unit. Just my preference. This is the one I have:-



  7. 12 hours ago, Nordlys said:


    How important is this and what good does the built-in battery do? One I use now turns off immediately after I turn the engine off.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



    Mine turns off a few seconds after switching ignition off. I think the batteries are only there to save settings and data and not so much for recording or playback. Capacitors so much more for that only. Capacitors, especially the size that would be in the unit, don't have the current capacity to run the camera, its only for settings backup.


    I discovered this when I had a small accident and when I tried to show police video footage the cam battery went flat in a few seconds. For this I bought a micro SD card reader that plugs into my iPhone and it is in card in case needed/

  8. 1 minute ago, JackThompson said:

    As I understand it, it's "a bit" to get the queue#, then return later for "a bit" to wait and submit paperwork - so two bits, it would seem.


    I understand it used to be some 4AM thing to get a queue-ticket, which was crazy.  The waiting wouldn't kill me, but getting up at 3AM would knock me out for several days (not as young as I used to be).

    I went to the old airport immigration one day with my Agent. We arrived 3pm. I started chatting with a guy that had been there since 5am. The guy in front had apparently arrived earlier. I told him I used an agent. He quickly said he wouldn't waste his money on one. Then I was called and walked out at 3.15. I just said to him sometimes worth it.


    To each his own but I am an impatient man and prefer to pay than wait.

  9. If your looking for a dash cam to use in Thailand then you need one that uses a capacitor as the backup battery. Batteries do not last long in high temperatures which a dash cam in a car in Thailand would be exposed too. All the cheap dash cams have the backup batteries. I believe most or all of the top of the range blackvue dash cams use a capacitor. Transcend do good dashcams and the drivepro200 which is available from powerbuy has a capacitor the others don't. Buy a cheap one and they will not last so long.


    Capacitors are subject to heat also.


    Capacitors are only used to back up settings and some data. They can not provide the current to run the camera. At least not the size that would fit in the camera.

  10. I know a lot of people don't like to pay the money but I use a visa agent. They message me when near renewal time. I goto their office and sign all the paperwork they have already prepared. In the next day or 2 I go back to their office and they drive me to immigration at Promenada and get photo taken. This usual is less than 30 minutes at immigration. All done.They then do the next 4 x 90 day reports in that fee and I only have to goto their office, no waiting in queues.

  11. 1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

    For condos i try always to select units on highest floors as it might benefits air quality. Rarely units that i rent have bathroom windows its usually always enclosed rooms with small exhaust fans for moist air. But with aircon pumping air in the unit i going to need to buy a higher power air purifier. I need research this more.


    If it is split system AC, i.e. outdoor unit and indoor unit, there is no connection between the outside air and inside air. The separate units are only circulating the respective are.


    If it is older window or wall mounted unit where it is one complete unit then there was a lever to allow outside air to come inside. Haven't seen these sold in a long time.

  12. Just now, Dazinoz said:


    I have an AC sizing calculator designed for Australia so I will try to put screen shots of what info is required and I if any one wants sizing calculated they can send me info and I will input into calculator and give you an idea of size. As I said this was written for Australia so I will use Darwin as the selected zone as probably closest to Thailand.

    Options for Roof or Ceiling are are:- Insulated or uninsulated.


    Options for Floor are:-  slab on ground or timber or raised concrete or air conditioner below.


    Options for outside walls are:- insulated or uninsulated.


    Options for inside walls are:- air conditioned adjacent or not air conditioned adjacent.


    Options for Windows are:-  inside blinds/curtains or outside shade or inside and outside shade or no shade.


    Options for "Choose" on windows:- north or south or east or west or skylight.


    Options for people, electrical, air leaks are:- sitting or sleeping or cooking.


    Send me the details and I will calc for you.

    AC Calc.png


    1 hour ago, madmax2 said:

    , i think the unit is a bit small for the room size

    I have an AC sizing calculator designed for Australia so I will try to put screen shots of what info is required and I if any one wants sizing calculated they can send me info and I will input into calculator and give you an idea of size. As I said this was written for Australia so I will use Darwin as the selected zone as probably closest to Thailand.

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