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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. When I first moved to this rental about 6 months ago the pump was cutting in and out every few seconds. I throttled the suction valve to the pump and that stopped that problem but probably reduced the throughput of the pump.


    Also I have seen inverter pumps available now. Any one had experience with these?

  2. 12 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    I've never seen any expat cops anywhere in Thailand. Bro, they are all Thai. Go to the cop shop and ask, they'll tell you the same :)

    Actually there are a few farang in uniform at a police station in Chiang Mai. Not sure what rank they hold but mainly used for translation purposes. I know at least one American and one Australian. Have also heard there is a French guy. I have had dealings with the American guy. 

  3. 50 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    At many offices you can do it yourself - depends on the office.  Proof-docs of of where you live also varies by office, but a rental-contract and letter from the condo's Juristic Person stating he lives there would be what I would take to start.  If he can get the condo-owner's ID and Housebook - all the better.

    Chiang Mai told me I can't do original, only renew existing.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Dipterocarp said:

    So, If I were you I WOULD go to Chiang Mai Immigration and lodge a TM30 report as soon as you arrive in January. Then when/if you do a 90 day report in Chiang Mai they will not be able to fine you 1600 baht. 

    You as a farang can not file the first TM30 but can update when you leave country and return to same residence. I know this because I have done it. I went to immigration with a Thai friend and she asked about the TM30 and was told owner of residence has to do and I can't because he assumed first time. But when he saw I already had previous one he renewed. 


    If not done the owner gets a 1600 baht fine as did my previous landlord. The problem comes for you is that immigration won't renew your visa extension without it. Well at least here in CM. 

  5. 2 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    Every place I have ever lived in my whole life, there was only one electric company and no choice... 

    Australia has several choices of electric company.


    Thats probably one reason why Australia has one of the most expensive power costs in the world. I did see recently where someone said it was the most expensive in the world but can't confirm that.


  6. 17 hours ago, pumpjack said:

    is it a good investment , money in bank for rainy day , under the radar so dont have to declare my savings in UK.

    where to buy good thai gold.  in bkk

    can i ask for discount on it.

    buy in a bar or a necklace .

    for jewellry is the maximum weight 5 baht or can get more .  


    Its an individual preference. Personally from what I have read I have bought gold here hoping it will increase significantly.


    I live in Chiang Mai so can't say about bangkok but should be plenty reputable gold shops around.


    I am fairly sure you won't get a discount on the gold itself but can often negotiate the commission fee. Gold in bars and jewellery has a spread price posted each day and sometimes several times a day if world gold is changing enough. Those listed prices is what you pay or receive if you sell. Jewellery usually has a spread of around 1000 baht from buy to sell price. Bar only has 100 baht spread and is better to buy for "investment". As far as I know all jewellery has a buy and sell commission which can vary significantly from shop to shop. I have been buying bars in 5 baht and 10 baht and find there is no commission on 5 baht and above bars to buy. Not sure if commission on selling because I have not sold yet,  but assume there will. Suggest you get a Thai Gold app and you can check from your phone (assuming you have smart phone).


    Here I have the physical gold but I have paper silver in Australia. Again I have done this from all I have read.

  7. 1 hour ago, puchooay said:

    Not every village. That would be adsurd. As would having immigration and labour offices in every village. 


    There clearly was something that went wrong though. Those that have lived here as long as I have will not be surprised by that. 


    Even this thread had two different dates as to when the single tickets were introduced. I've asked 3 or 4 Thai friends about this and got 3 different answers. 




  8. 52 minutes ago, puchooay said:

    Not every village. That would be adsurd. As would having immigration and labour offices in every village. 


    There clearly was something that went wrong though. Those that have lived here as long as I have will not be surprised by that. 


    Even this thread had two different dates as to when the single tickets were introduced. I've asked 3 or 4 Thai friends about this and got 3 different answers. 



    From an earlier thread:-


    BANGKOK: -- New size of lottery tickets will be put on sale for the September 1 draw at 80-baht apiece instead of 80-baht for two pieces in one ticket as is the case of the current lottery.

  9. 30 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Those are two different issues .

    She does have responsibility for him under Thai laws

    You also have the right under Aussie law to apply for a PP for him .

    Although simply having a Aussie PP doesnt mean that you can take him out of Thailand without a court order, which requires his Mothers permission

    Yep. His mother wanted and agrees for me to get his Oz PP for his future. I have no intention of taking him out of Thailand without her permission. He actually died on the way to hospital at 6 weeks of age. Because of the time taken to revive him he suffered brain damage. So she is considering having him adopted out in Australia as a "special needs baby". Australian passport then very necessary. There is more to to that part of the story that i care to go into here but suffice to say in his case the Oz passport is the best way to go.

  10. 4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Although as he is applying for an Aussie PP , through his Aussie Nationality , it wouldnt matter where the Mother came from .

    Before the baby was born it was suggested that we use a Thai lady to say that it was her baby when registered for his birth certificate. This way he would have been registered as a Thai and have all the benefits such as cheap medical. Obviously this required payment as is illegal and the mother refused to consider this and I agreed. In hindsight would have been a good idea but I like to keep things above board as they say.

  11. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    Although as he is applying for an Aussie PP , through his Aussie Nationality , it wouldnt matter where the Mother came from .

    Actually it does. Under Thai law she is the sole responsible person for the baby. I have no rights over him as it stands. She has agreed and wants him to get his Australian Passport.


    There maybe other ways as some suggested but very hard to do if you don't know about them. I did research and came up with what I am doing.

  12. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

    Unhelpful posts and flaming responses to same have been removed. Please keep it civil and to the point, the point being what it costs to get an Embassy-required DNA test.


    The OP reports being told that there would be a 9,000 baht fee for drawing the two samples (cheek swabs). This is very hard to believe so I would prefer to keep the thread open to see if we can get any other first hand accounts of costs for this, one wonders if the person he spoke to at the Embassy mistakenly said thousand when s/he meant hundred. I have known Thais to make that mistake in English.


    Please do not get into what the Op could have/should have done regarding establishment of paternity, that is not the subject here. And to all those expressing confusion as to why the DNA test required please note the mother is not a Thai national and is a stateless person with no nationality documents, making this an unusual circumstance. (And one that might make the usual procedures for establishing legal paternity in Thailand non- applicable)


    Al correspondence was via emails to and from the Australian Embassy. The original email quoting what was needed for the sampling visit was from a Thai working at the Embassy. I queried the cost and was replied from an Australian. Well I assume Australian being at the Australian Embassy and with a name of Danielle. Same price quoted.


    I actually emailed this lady yesterday after the sampling and suggested they should look at who they use and mentioned costs of both. Received a reply back thanking me of the feedback.


    So basically I think price was correct as no one has corrected me.


    I have just emailed the doctors concerned in Bangkok to ask for cost to have sampling done. Will be interesting to see what, if any, response is.


    Thanks again Sheryl for your words above. Some people just assume everything is black and white. This case is definately not.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Per what he says, the sample is analyzed in Oz for a separate fee of $1200.  9,000 baht was the fee for taking the sample in Bangkok. Hard to believe, but it is apparently what he was told. One wonders if an extra 0 got added by mistake as 900 (B 450 per person) would seem more like it. He did not actually get it done in Bangkok so is going by what Oz Embassy apparently told him.

    Finally someone reading what I wrote


  14. Just now, sanemax said:

    Is his Mother a Burmese citizen ? 

    Burmese PP and Nationality , residency, the whole lot ? 


    She has nothing. Came across border at army check point. Has Non Thai Pink ID. I have been trying to help her get her Myanmar ID and passport but roadblocks all the time. 

  15. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, he is not Thai now .

    Please read my post again about non Thai School kids in School in Thailand .

    The Thai Gov are planning to give them all Thai I.D

    Yes I read that.


    He is 1 year old tomorrow. He is not at school. I might not be around much longer so I am trying to do what I can for him NOW.

  16. 10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    One of the conditions of non Thai kids getting Thai I.D. is that they do not have I.D from any other country , so, getting your kid an Aussie PP could jeopardise his/her chances of getting Thai I.D .

    He is not Thai. Did you read what I said about what is written on his birth certificate?


    His birth certificate lists him as "Person who lives in Thailand illegally or on a temporary basis". Under the Nationality  section 1.3 it states "Not acquire Thai nationality".

  17. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:


       You also stated that you went to the Myanmar Consulate to get permission to travel to BKK for the mum . 

        Are you sure about that ?

    Are you sure that you didnt go to the local Ampor?

    Why do people ask me what I have already done? Of course I am sure where we went. I didn't understand how the Myanmar Consulate could give permission to travel within Thailand. 


    The first time we got one for her to travel to Phuket we had the run around but was finally told to goto the consulate which we did and got the letter and flew and no problem. This time she used an agent (Thai). Same letter from the consulate but not expired like first one.


  18. 6 minutes ago, sinbin said:

    But he has a Thai birth certificate and it must registered with the Amphur. He lives in Thailand and comes under the Thai legal system. On another forum there is a long thread regarding a very similar story to you. Sorry not allowed to tell you its name but it's initials are TD. 


    Yes he has he's Australian by right, being as you're the father. To obtain 'Parental Rights' all you have to do is go to your Amphur and 'Legitimise' the boy if aged over 7. If under it has to be done in a court. Not being married doesn't make any difference 


    It say's 'maybe' but have you not asked why it's compulsory in your case? Or are you just assuming it's got to be shown?

    I have already stated that has been requested by the Australian Embassy. Do you think I would throw away 25,000 + baht to fly to Bangkok and have the sample done on an assumption?

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