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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 19 hours ago, r136dg said:

    They also have an exhaust on them that has to be ran outside & intake that will be pulling air into your room from outside.

    Not correct. They exhaust the hot air to the outside via a tube but the intake air is circulated from within the room. No air comes back in through the exhaust tube. 

  2. Thats a trick i use quite often. If somethings not selling whack the price up gets people thinking its worth more. They usualy come back with an offer above my origional asking price. Its called supply and demand if if someone wants to buy an item  for say 2k and new its 2.2k at home pro thats good for me. There choice i dont twist there arms or threaten them.

    Caveat emptor.
  3. I'm envious of you success selling things in the Chiang Mai  Facebook groups, my ads have been met mostly with enquiries by cheap Charlies and trolls who want to argue about the value of items but have no legitimate interest in purchasing.

    Yep, same here.

    Even encountered other farang trying to sell things that don't sell so puts price up. One item I was interested in wanted 2000 (up from 1800 he originally advertised for). Can buy new fir 2139 at HomePro.
  4. Yes the marvelous and hopeless wonder of modern technology.
    It was only as good as the programmer, but now we have algorithms...

    Actually I am either getting worse at typing or the phones are getting more "correcting". Getting very annoying.
  5. I thought Naam would beat me to it.
    Oils that absorb water are said to hygroscopic.
    A hydroscope is an optical instrument for looking underwater.

    I actually thought I wrote hygroscopic but my iPhone "corrected" it.

    But as usual there is always someone to tell you you are wrong.
  6. Does the gas have a lifespan....?

    I don't really know but I think the ac itself will end its life before the refrigerant. As mentioned before mine was 18 years old before I changed to an inverter type and then I moved the old one to my workshop with still the same refrigerant.

    Lubricating oil travels around the system with the refrigerant, hence you will often see oil at the site of a leak. The oil is probably more likely to break down than the refrigerant. The newer refrigerants use a synthetic oil which is hydroscopic meaning it absorbs water easy. If the ac is not vac properly on installation moisture in the air is trapped in the system, absorbed by the oil and forms an acidic compound and eventually corrodes ac components. Very important to have newer ac units using refrigerant such as R410A to be evacuated properly.
    The very act of measuring the pressure will cause a small gas loss every time it is done. Over time that would probably amount to enough of a loss to need topping up. I'm fairly sure that is what has happened to mine anyway, based on the fact that it loses the same amount of pressure every year but has not yet been topped up.

    Why would you measure pressure if the unit is functioning ok? My ac in Australia was never checked because it worked. Another stupid idea by someone who just wants to charge you money.
  8. Obviously it's a Thai thing and people just accept topping up the gas. If done properly it should NEVER need topping up and if it does require it then it has a leak and needs to be repaired. I had a split ac system in Australia fir 18 years and never needed topping up. I put a new inverter in and I moved 18 year old one to work shop and ran another few years and was still running when I left.

  9. On 27/08/2017 at 10:43 PM, Hereinthailand said:

    Soldered ??? lol yeah just solder the high pressure line on an ac unit and see how long it lasts. Again shows you know nothing about hvac units. But wait maybe thats why they make so much money here fixing leaks in ac units.

    Well actually they are soldered. Silver soldered. This has a much higher strength than normal solder. What I used to use in Oz. Also if a line is soldered/welded/brazed it should be done with the line full of nitrogen. This stop oxide forming on the inside of the copper pipe and eventually finds its way to the compressor when run. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, A. BOOZER said:

    I am increasingly amazed at what, I (in my dotage), perceive as pointless posts.

    Am I becoming an intollerent 'old g_t'?

    What seems pointless to you may have a point for others. If you don't like it click next topic button. 

  11. 20 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    How much are you getting for it on your property, think like a Thai in this situation ,

    Probably nothing.


    I was visiting a friend who had just bought a shop. A van pulled up and 2 guys got out and started hanging an advertising banner on her awning. Forget who it was for. She asked them and told them she didn't want. They said they were told to put it up. She then asked them how much she get for that. Answer is obvious.......nothing.


    Told her I would cut it down after dark if she wanted. She just left it there.

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