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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. I called Uber via the app in Chiang Mai Thailand for a friend at my house. I watched the Uber driver goto the wrong gated community. My app clearly showed where she needed to go. She phoned and my thai friend spoke to her. Still could not find us. Driver called again and asked to send our location on Line. Still could not find us. In the end I told my friend to tell driver to wait where she was and I drove my friend to Uber driver. I then watched them and she went long way to take my friend home. Original quote was around 80 baht but she was charged 140 baht I guess due to time and distance. I complained to Uber, not so much about money, but the driver not being able to use the GPS and find us. They replied that they would talk to the driver and refunded me 60 baht.


    The first few times I used Uber the drivers found me easily. The last few times they can not and goto a different gated community. I again complained to Uber as something in the driver app may have changed and making it harder for them. They replied with "thanks for the feedback" and that was that.


    To complain you need to log into Uber (I did from my computer) and click on the trip you wish to comment on and find the relevant section.


  2. 1 hour ago, NamH2O said:

    She gave me a A4 sheet of paper all it Thai,highlighted a section said give it to the landlord not your job come here he must do.

    I have been renting this house about 8 months. First TM30 done by owner. I went out of country for one week in July. When I came back I notified real estate agent as I have no direct contact with the owner that he needed to get my TM30 updated. He told me it was my job to update. I did a fair bit checking and everything said owner has to do. Had a few arguments with agent and sent him a few quotes of who should do. Anyhow my wife returned last month. They did her original and told me in no uncertain terms that owners obligations were finished and we had to do it from now on. He said he doesn’t care what visa agent, lawyer, TV post says it’s al bs. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:



    Yes. He was.  You might wish to ask him (but in its own thread) why he needs to single out any nationality, seeing as how every nationality has people with behavioral issues. No need for it here in this thread.


    In fact, as the OP has come to a perfect resolution of the problem that first led him to start this thread, there doesn't seem to be any real reason to continue it.


  4. 1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:


    Who ever wrote this like using big words, but had no clue as to the reality of the difference between 'race' and 'nationality.'  Just because you see it in Wikipedia doesn't make it so. You or I could just as well have written the quoted piece. It doesn't require academic credentials to post in Wikipedia, nor does it require verification.

    Whatever you want to call it the poster of #27 was singling out Brits and Ozzies. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Gonzo the Face said:

    It seems to me that :British " or " Australian" are nationalities....... Race is like "Caucasian" etc.

    From Wikipedia:-


    Among the questions about how to define racism are the question of whether to include forms of discrimination that are unintentional, such as making assumptions about preferences or abilities of others based on racial stereotypes, whether to include symbolic or institutionalized forms of discrimination such as the circulation of ethnic stereotypes through the media, and whether to include the socio-political dynamics of social stratification that sometimes have a racial component. Some definitions of racism also include discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes.

  6. 6 minutes ago, MISTEEIED said:

    Thank you.

    Never having been involved in such a forum before, i had no idea that this was the norm.


    Unfortunately it is the norm. I have posted on here with all the facts but human nature as it is things get changed, others read the changed "facts" and reply to that and so on. 


    One particular poster you mention has commented on some of my posts before and not in a nice way. 


    I am happy that things have worked out for you but still be wary as he still could have severe mood changes which you have mentioned. 

  7. 1 minute ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    Reported for encouraging the bullying.


    Aren't you the one who berated the Thai gang for hitting the lone foreigner on the street a while back? Or did you encouraged the gang members because, after all, the foreigner was stupid to throw his head towards the bats they used? LOL 

    I have now reported you and your quote. I had nothing to do with what you are saying I did. You have lost any support from me. You have had your questions answered by many people but refuse to accept unless you get the answer you want. If you can't take a joke then there is no hope for you and your low flying aircraft (still on topic)  I am now convinced your are a Troll.

  8. 28 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Considering that British and Australians are (mostly) of the same Caucasian race, really not sure why you are waving a race card.


    Or did I miss the horses?

    he didn't say American or Swedish or german or any other nationality he targeted British and Australians specifically. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, BuddyDean said:

    Kids playing is different than them screaming at the top of their lungs...most parents take it personally, when you point that out.  It is a pool; not a playground.  Always some kind of problem at community pools.  We had a girl, who won three golds at the 72 Olympics.  We also had a twelve year old with Downs Syndrome, who was known as the Mad Dumper.

    I was once kicked out of a public pool for peeing in the pool. I told the attendant who kicked me out thst everyone peed in the pool. He said "not from the 10 metre diving board". 

  10. 5 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Could I be so bold enough to ask the destination of the night take-offs. And are there any landings at night?

    I am not the OP but watching my FlightRadar24 app most flights that affect the OP are to the south. They predominately take off to the north and do a U Turn to the east then south which flies over the OPs area.


    There are night landing but predominately from the south and would not affect the OP unless his hearing is acute as his vision.

  11. 15 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    I was perplexed that you would notice them more when you watching Tv than when you are asleep, trying to,.... 


    Yep, don’t really understand myself. One of my personal idiosyncrasies (spelling?) I guess.


    i only noticed them if I was intently listening what was being said on tv. 

  12. On 30/10/2017 at 2:41 PM, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    To make matter worse, these airplane do not fly the exact routes going to the same place (which could help in choosing dwellings to live or rent).

    I am not sure about here in thailand, and specifically Chiang Mai but where I lived in Brisbane, Australia they do this on purpose. Why? To share the noise around. If they took the exact same flight paths the same people would get all the noise so they do alter the flight paths slightly to share the noise. I am referring to low landing and taking off aircraft. I always wondered why we often went a different way on coming into landing in Brissy so I did some research and hence my comments here. There is a website you can go onto in Brisbane and see live sound levels at certain points on the flight paths. 

  13. 2 hours ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

        Why do some many people move to Chiang Mai with it's convenient airport and cheap flights (and associated noise) but dont want to live in places like Nan, Phrae, Fang, Nakhon Sawan, etc which have almost no aircraft noise? 

    My choice for living in Chaing Mai had nothing to do with the convenience of the airport or aircraft noise or lack of.


    As previously mentioned I lived in a mooban right under the flight path probably only 2km away from the end of the runway. I lived there 3 years and only moved due to the high cost of renting. I am now at the southern end of the airport albeit further away from the flightpath but can still hear them.

  14. 17 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:



    It seems where I am some of them feel so close, but then 120 DB does travel far, reflects and goes through a lot of material before it is mitigated.


    How about sleeping? You used ear plugs or came back to sleep when they were not flying. How about the morning? 



    Like I mentioned, after awhile I did not really notice them even sleeping. I never used ear plugs but mostly kept the doors and windows shut with the AC on when sleeping. I had lived in  a couple houses in that mooban and in the first house my wife left the bedroom balcony door open at night for fresh air but the noise from the bars on top of Maya kept me awake more than the aircraft did. Go figure.

  15. After  OP I have watch my Flightradar24 app for a time. Without knowing where original poster lives exactly it’s hard to tell but most flights seem to be around the 5000 to 8000 feet. I used to live at the north end Nimmarhemin road right under the flight path and only about 2 km from the end of the runway. Quite noisy there but I lived there 3 years. At that points most aircraft are at 2500 feet and climbing over 3000 fpm. Around the San sai area the climb rate has dropped down to around 1500 fpm. I would suggest it’s probably the number of flights that has increased the noise level not the altitude or climb rate. 


    After awhile I never really noticed the noise levels in Nimmarnhemin. Mostly only “noticed” when I was watching TV and intently listening at the time an aircraft passed over. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    Having wasted my time reading my way through your self-centred monologues, yes you may well be an atheist.

    Enlightened is not the adjective i would use for you.

    You have said you have wasted your time reading my posts and others. Why do you read posts if your time is so important?

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