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Everything posted by Sheryl

  1. Type 2 diabetes can be genetic. My mother has always been thin and trim, eats good diet, but comes from a family with a lot of T2D and has it. I know many people like this. Whole families where every sibing has T2D no matter how slim or what they eat (though of course excess weight/carb intake will make it worse).
  2. I think you can go straight to a periodontist at the dental hospital http://www.dentalhospitalbangkok.com/
  3. What you describes does not sound at all like a torn meniscus. More likely arthritis. As with anything rlse, an accurate diagnosis is essential. In my experience people's self diagnoses are wring more often than right.
  4. Possible that the infection never fully cleared. Be sure to complete full course of antibiotic. Do you swim?
  5. What on earth do you mean? What did a judge have to do with it? Both his criminal case and his civil case (the subject here) were decided by juries.
  6. It is a government hospital and not much time/inclination for preventive services. The system is for nurses to screen first and then decide which doctor to send the patient to and in what order. That would be the point at which to specify full body check... But be prepated for them not to be familuar with the concept.
  7. Not quite. What is said is that more men die with it than of it, and that's true enough, mainly because the invidence greatly increases in old age. But plenty of men die it. 2nd leading cause of cancer death in men. Nowadays the diagnostic process distinguishes between slow growing moderate and aggressive cancers of the prostate.
  8. It varies with the insurer. Some allow this. I know Safety Wings does but that is only an option if under 65. For US IMG is good option but I don't know if they allow you to apply after trip. If akready in US perhaps give them a call. https://www.imglobal.com/travel-medical-insurance It is advantageous to get a policy from a US based insurer but be aware some will not give travel policy to US citizen visiting US. IMG will.
  9. Yes hematoligist will know what this is. https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/doctors/wichean-mongkonsritragoon https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/doctors/narin-voravud
  10. Indeed not. Any competent general surgeon can do open hernia repair and any surgeon trained & experienced in endoscopuc surgery can do laparoscopuc hernia repair.
  11. I suspect he did not mean Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok but rather one of the provincial affiliates and these often charge more, especially BPH. Price at Bangkok Hospital in Bkk for laproscopic is 287,500.
  12. It is far from a routine test nd you won't be able tyo just get it done in a lab. You'd need to see a hematologist in a large hospital. Suggest you get a letter from your UK doctor stating your diagnosis and the need for testing/ test to be performed.
  13. A high percentage of the top doctors you describe hold faculty positions at large government teaching hospitals. (And I would hardly call such hospitals "lower").
  14. A post with misinformation has been removed along with reply to same
  15. Off topic banter removed. This is the health forum not pub.
  16. Not a "large amount of people" if viewed as a percentage of the many millions vaccinated. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(23)00414-9/fulltext Vaccination reduces (but does not eliminate) the incidence of long Covid.
  17. See post above yours. It is not this, ir is ibuprofen brand name Ibucet. In any event OP already got vlarification from the clinic that it was ibuprofen.
  18. Very well qualified doc, until recently based in Bangkok at Chula. I didn't know she had moved to Hua Hin.
  19. If the abscess persists I would suggest going to the Red Cross Hospital and specifically ask about getting it cultured to see what antibiotic it is sensitive to.
  20. Quite possible many of the vitamins are unnecessary but this has norhing to do with your abscess. Community hospitals here usually have very limited capacities Probably not the best place to manage a persistant abscess. Among other things should get a culture & sensitivity of the pus which they would probably not be able to do. I forget where in Thailand you are located?
  21. Ok then not pilonidal cyst. But do ask doctor if surgical drainage is indicated.
  22. Is this on your lower back, near the buttocks in the middle? If so sounds like pilonidal cyst which often infects and is indeed difficcult to get rid of -- and once gone, can later recur. Treatment is antibiotics, surgical drainage and in some cases surgery. Whrlen you see your doctor ask: (1) Is It a pilonidal cyst? (2) Given how long it has persisted now, is surgery indicated?
  23. Sorry typo. Dr. Anna Jaruwan
  24. Not in Bangkok but if you have occasion to go to Pattaya, Dr, Sanna at BPH https://bangkokpattayahospital.com/doctor/anna-jaruwarn-m/ Wednesdays only
  25. That is fine for the diazepam but will not suffice for the codeine, that is classed as a narcotic so requires FDA import license (easily obtained)
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