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Posts posted by jingjoe

  1. The Phillipino-english accent is easy to pick. It's like comparing Liverpudlians with Yorkshiremen, it stands out like dogs balls.

    We all know a fool and his money are easily parted.

    Having said that, can I interest any of you in a lovely harbour bridge with seaveiws?

    Only one owner, and just 70-odd years old.

    PM me for my bank deposit details.

  2. no to the hom shop, its cheap and gay, no to the markets as i have class, hhmm one thing im missing about bkk already, i'd beter go there for a shoping trip i guess.

    btw thnks for all the helpfull posts :o

    So markets are not for people 'with class'?: I suggest that you read some Dickens and realise the evils of snobbery and class distinctions.

    Hmmm.. No one with any "breeding" of note would proudly display such poor spelling, morphology and syntax. You must be what we once labeled "new money"? :D

  3. any medical clinic on the street , they take your blood , send a messager and you get the reply few hour with a fax send back to them .

    cost 330 baht

    or hospital

    330 baht is a bloody good investement, assuming the lab techs are competent :o

  4. Reminds me of the kirby sales bloke that came around home in NZ.They promised a free carpet clean if I had a half hour demonstration.

    Bloody funny.They tried all sorts of pressure.I just kept saying no,untill they became a pain in the arse.I then asked them very politely if they could understand English and could they please shampoo the carpet...it was bloody grubby too!

    Two months later they called and asked if I wanted another demo....said yes and got another room cleaned. :D

    :o chuckle

  5. Budget never showed the slightest interest in my Int Licence, just my passport for rentals.

    My minimal interactions with Thai traffic cops has been good, and has yet to cost me more then a smile.

    If you have an accident, that's when the car rental companys will wipe you like a snotty nose, if you can't produce an Int Licence.

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