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Posts posted by jingjoe

  1. The Grand Tower Inn is a bit out of the way, and not as close to the BTS Skytrain as you might assume.

    Asiarooms.com has the Grand Tower Inn for less $$$

    For a first timer, that wants "some" comfort and space for the 3 of you, I would suggest getting a suite room at Bayoke Sky Hotel @ AU$ 58 for all 3 of you.

    You're not too far from anywhere then.


    MBK is a pretty cool place to shop and eat and get a manicure and....

    Get in a taxi, tell him to turn on his meter (if he hasn't already), and say M-B-K.

    Thorntree at the Lonely Planet website has a good FAQ, you should go have a read of it too.


    Oh yeah and Jatujak (chatuchak?) markets, if you happen to be in BKK on a Saturday is not to be missed.

  2. I've had a long association with 1000's of criminals.

    I could only count on one hand those that needed a swift headshot.

    They were the ones that continued their murderous behaviour despite the most stringent controls available under the law. They were fkin' dangerous, and could/did/do make a prison murder look like suicide.

    That said, I am opposed to the death penalty in Australia.

    What I WOULD promote for the tiny percentile of oxygen thieves, is;

    Re-name them organ donors.

    Any sick child or other worthy recipient who requires an organ, can, if available have an organ of any matching "organ donor".

    The organ donor lives on where possible, until an organ needed and taken causes his/her death, at which point all other available organs are harvested and used if possible.

    In this way, even the lowest grub of society has an opportunity to "re-pay" his debt to that society.

  3. Slowly, the perverted guy speeded off!

    That part is funny :D

    Is there something I could have done in this situation?

    You could have said "oooh that's the OLDEST one I've ever seen".

    Seriously though, this freak is on a journey, one that WILL get more daring and inflict more damage on more victims as time progresses.

    A rego number would have been perfect, but remember it's not YOUR fault that you didn't know how to react, but I bet you'll be ready for the next sick fk that tries it on. :o

  4. I just cannot help but wonder, had I been brought up in different circumstances, hung out with different people, would I too have ended up committing a crime?

    A mentor, vietnam veteran, a screw through the dark days of Aussie Prisons, and a good old fella to boot would often chant at me the mantra...

    "there but for the grace of god go I" :o

  5. I'm into my 17th year of working in a max prison in Australia. I think it's admirable for those who are inclined to share some humanity with the poor bastards doing hard laggin'.

    I however, will not be visiting, I save my humanity for those children and animals who have no control or fault for the poor situation they find themselves in.

    Still, for those that want to visit, I reckon more power to ya.

  6. I stayed at the Felix Riverkwai Resort hotel last year, and it was quite nice.

    It is a fair way from the town, but is right on the river, and a short (5 minutes) stroll to the bridge.

    It has a great pool, and all that kinda stuff.

    The only real downside is the occasional "disco barge" buzzing past your rear deck which overlooks the river.

    Also be sure to keep your valuables on you at all times, I got robbed by a hotel maintanence guy. (busted him in the act when I rewturned from breakfast to quickly).

  7. If the status quo is to just accept the bait and switch and pay in full like the OP did, I have to think this will become quite common. Don't forget you can take a bus from Ekkamai station in Bangkok to Pattaya for 120 baht.

    The OP didn't pay in full, read it again.

    It's a good scam, and a timely reminder, don't pay ONE BAHT until you are at your destination in the manner agreed.

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