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Posts posted by jingjoe

  1. Ole Muang Thai is defo right up there (don't know about the airline though) but I'd have to put Spain and New Zealand above it as tourist destinations. If we were to talk purely from a nightly entertainment perspective then the former wins hands down. :o

    I agree, NZ is an awesome country to visit, but Thailand wins hands down as a destination to return to again and again.

  2. Well guys I don't understand the reason fro "importing" foreign cigarettes into Thailand. Is 60 Baht too expensive for a package of 20 Marlboro red? Ok, you might argue about the taste, but I don't get the point. I was looking for some Gauloises Blondes as I failed to find them here in Pattaya, but after all......any brand you smoke, it will kill you...so what's up? :D

    Using your logic, why would a Johnny Walker Blue label drinker bother to buy a litre "duty free" when Mekhong Whiskey is cheaper and available everywhere?? They both get you pissed right?? :o

  3. I just happened to look up the same flight, I booked and paid for several months ago, for travel from KUL to HAN in January.

    Without even an email warning from Air Asia, the standard departure time has changed from 09:30 to 15:00.

    LC carrier or not, that kind of oversight is unacceptable.

    I suggest any others in this boat might be well advised to check for themselves if the flight schedule has changed.

    FYI :o

  4. I got this reply on December 21, after 3 full weeks, I'd run out of patience;

    We are truly very, very sorry for this delay. We will of course compensate this.

    Our manufacturer has made an error with the logo on the black shirts which had to be changed.

    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

    I have no doubt they'll arrive at some stage.

  5. I ordered on the 30th November... still no joy.... nice enough email reply, but I'm S-O-O as far as my expected pre-Christmas delivery goes.

    Had it been obvious that this would happen, I wouldn't have rushed in to sample the new venture.

    Mai pen rai

  6. The nation of Australia passed a law restricting firearms and the opposite effect occurred, go figure.

    PIFFLE :o

    The chances of gun death in Australia dropped twice as steeply after 700,000 guns were destroyed in a national firearm ‘buyback’ and amnesty, reveals a decade long study in Injury Prevention.

    The study tracks the 10 years following the introduction of gun law reform in Australia between 1996 and 1998.

    The legislation was prompted by a firearm massacre in Tasmania in 1996, when 35 people were killed and a further 18 seriously wounded.

    The reforms banned the use of semi automatic and pump action shotguns and rifles, destroying more than 700,000 weapons taken from a population of 12 million adults.

    The study shows that in the 18 years before the legislation was passed, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia, in which 112 people died and 52 were wounded.

    There have been no mass shootings since the law came into force.

    The fall in the number of deaths associated with the use of firearms, including suicides, rapidly accelerated after the law took effect.

    The decline was at least twice as high (6%) as it had been before the reforms were introduced.

    In the 18 years prior to the legislation, on average, 491 people took their lives, using a firearm. After the legislation, this fell to an average of 246.

    Similarly, the number of murders using guns fell from an annual average of 93 to just over 55.

    There was no evidence that the use of other methods to commit suicide or homicide increased.

    Before the introduction of the law, the overall number of homicides not related to guns had increased 1% a year. After the law took effect, this number fell by almost 2.5% a year.

    And the total numbers of suicides fell by 4% after having risen annually by 2% before the introduction of the gun laws.

  7. I was only a little kid when Lillee, Greg Chapell, and Marshy retired from test cricket in January '84 vs Pakistan. I can still remember crying as they left the field on that last day.

    I've NEVER cried since :o , I will instead swill beer to artificially enhance my lasting memory as the 5th test draws to a winning end for OZ. :D


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