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Posts posted by jingjoe

  1. Of course, it's possible that the OP was of a nationality that is required to have a return ticket in order to travel.

    Perhaps the OP wasn't aware of this, and had mistakenly smelled a scam.

    Personally I'd like to hear some more about Air Asia vs Tiger vs Jetstar etc.

    What are the odds of me scoring an exit row seat?

    Asia Air baggage allowance of 15kgs, vs Tigers 15 kgs (+5kgs if SGD$15 is paid at time of booking) vs Jetstar 20 kgs...

    Do they all serve beer and spirits (at a cost?) Is there any entertainment?

  2. OK so what's the problem with Air Asia? I've never flown them, but am only days away from purchasing my christmas/new year internal/external flights with them.

    How do they rate as opposed to Jetstar and Tiger for example?

    How's the seat width, leg room factor, and is there a fight to grab a seat at boarding times?


  3. Edit: Why do people think people who are truly holidaying in Thailand will care that the holiday visa rules have been tightened? The only people who are totally against it are people who are living and working in Thailand illegally by doing visa runs.

    Other people who travel frequently in and out of thailand for business and trade - are the ones with genuine concerns over it.

    I would guess-timate that about 10% of tourists visiting Thailand do as I do.

    Bangkok is our BASE, which leaves another 10 Countries within easy reach there to be discovered.

    My regular annual visits to Thailand are for around 30 days, within which time I will (without fail) travel to 3 or more of the 10 surrounding Countries.

    Reading between the lines, I will now only be allowed to visit 2 neighbouring countries before losing my privilage of returning to Thailand, even within a 30 day period.

    It feels like I'm being compelled to spend more time in Thailand at the expense of the long weekend in Singapore, or the midweek side-trip to Hong Kong.

    Hopefully (purely in the interests of we 10%), the rules will be fine-tuned to allow multiple-multiple entries, within that 90 day maximum period they've highlighted.

  4. Cruising at 140kmph in a 90 zone around the Nakhon Phanom highway area. Pulled over, prodded, poked, frowned at and smiled at.

    Within about 5 minutes (of my most cheerful smile and I'm-a-dopey-farang-that can't-understand-ANY-thai-language-look,) the cops said "you slow down".. then sent me on my way.

    Here in Queensland that speed would have cost me $600 and 6 months loss of licence.

    That fact wasn't lost on me at the time, and the generosity of the cops served to slow me down to a safer speed for the rest of my journey (which ended in Chiang Rai).

  5. Anyone care to recommend trustworthy sites to book through?

    I have 'octopustravel.com' so far.

    Firstly, wotif.com are HIGHLY recommended. Their downside is that you can only book about 1 month ahead, and it seems Thai hotel prices aren't competitive. For a hotel anywhere else in the world it IS though.

    Secondly, I have used ASIAROOMS plenty of times now. Their BIGGEST advantage IMO is that they can quote you a price 12 months ahead... It seems to me most other sites can't match this.

    I have never had any hint of a problem. On one occasion when I had to cancel a booking, it took about 2 or 3 months for the refund to arrive back into my CC account (no big deal).

    As far as I'm aware none of my comments (good or bad) have been removed. Although they must find themselves on shaky ground with hotel contracts by allowing REALLY negative stuff to appear along side the hotel.

    Thai Visa are understandably VERY protective of their sponsors/advertisers, and are quick to penis whip any serious descent... How is what ASIAROOMS is doing any different?

  6. Cause of death was reported as heart attack after being stung to the heart.

    The barbs are a very effective defense mechanism. It's like being stabbed in the heart... just sh it outta luck poor fella... such a young family too.

    Does anyone remember him dangling his baby above a crocodile's mouth a few years ago?

    But he seemed a genuine guy and there is something strangely fitting that he would go this way.

    He never "dangled" his son Bob above a crocodiles mouth... as the footage we will be bombarded with for the next 24 hours will reveal.

    Gotta agree, if you're gunna go.... what an awesome way, unforgettable, by crikey!

  7. I'm not normally a sook, but thai food brings out the worst in me.

    I'll try anything, and am prepared to suffer in order to "have a go".

    I'm not sure I enjoy the amusement other thai's get when they see the sweat pissing out of me as I eat.

    Having said all that, I am a creature of habit and never seem to eat thai food without ordering my two regular dishes;

    tom kah kai - chicken/coconut sour soup, and,

    kao pad kai - chicken fried rice :o

  8. post-2707-1155201671_thumb.jpg

    Amanda Vanstone

    Can't miss her if you're ever in Canberra. :o

    I don't think this is really the time or place to be making fun of a fat fifty year old farang kratoey (or is that Robin Williams?)

    Anyway... Aussie customs officials have a standard rule (as do the local police) of "attitude therapy". If you want to argue the toss, then you'll most certainly cop the "go slow" in all its glory.

    Coming here is a privilege, not a right...

    Having said that I've spent over an hour with the good folk from Cairns Customs for declaring an ornamental knife. They're not the brightest crayons in the box, but even I can appreciate their dedication to their sworn duty.

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