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Posts posted by jingjoe

  1. Is the Qantas lounge open at Suva....?

    No and when I had a look inside at the construction earlier this month, there was nothing yet in the way of walls or anything. Looked like they'd just started and no workers in sight. TG had workers busy on their lounges 24 hours a day to get them opened, but BA/QF don't seem to have the same concerns. So it will apparently still be a long time before it is open. They do though have a very large area, so the lounge should be quite spacious when finished.

    So which lounge do Qantas clubbers get to use?? any??? :o

  2. I too have never bothered with any additional shot's or treatments specifically for my jaunts through S-E-A.

    I've had hep A before (contracted in Australia) it's bloody unpleasant, and worth avoiding at all costs.

    I also take care not to let mozzies get into me by using some top shelf repellant, and appropriate clothing for the conditions.

  3. Transtar (www.transtar.com.sg) in a luxurious massage chair and on-seat video/audio on demand with 1 way fares from Bh 900.

    That's a great link top chinese....

    Those first class seats look awesome, even at almost 1400 baht for SIN-KUL.

    I hate buses, but that sort of comfort could turn me. :o

  4. Amazingly sporting declaration by Punter this arvo.

    With two days remaining, the aussies have really asked the question of the poms, "put up or shut up".

    Already one wicket down, but only chasing a little over 500 in 2 days, the poms are RIGHT in this.

    IMO we should have given them 700 to chase with a day and a half....

    This underground aussie desire to see the "ol' blighty" do well, should have been put to bed after RU '03, and Ashes '05.

    It's going to be cruel watching the poms capitulate again tomorrow, but it's going to be memorable I'm sure. :D

    (I hate the fact you can't edit the heading to fix a typo) :o

  5. Hi Joe,

    There are no shortcuts to Nan. But it is quite easy to get there.

    Take 1020 towards Toeng, in Chiang Kian (after maybe 35 km), you take to the right into 1128, sign says "Nan". That is jus before you come to the little tricky road in the mountains.

    After maybe 10-12 km that road goes into 1126.

    Follow 1026 passing Pha Daet and after around 30 km there is a small road to the right, sign says "Nan".

    You come to Chun and there you take 1091 all the way to Nan.

    Going back you can go north 1080 and go over Chiang Kham.

    Both roads were very good 2-3 years ago.

    Nan is a nice place and take your time. I hope to go back in the near future.

    Good luck !


    Thanks to you all. Having failed to find Nan last time, I will be following svenivan's directions to the letter, even if it could mean extra kms, in the hope that I can at last visit my final Thai frontier.

    I can't wait, I've even booked and paid for my room at the City Park Hotel, so failure is NOT an option.

    Thanks again :o

  6. Typical sore loser aussie. Btw, thought the real urn was going back to it's rightful place in Blighty... well, couldn't leave it with a bunch of bread thieves now could we. :o

    Might be safer for Australia to hang on to the old crockery, given Englands reputation for losing anything and everything...

    It'd be such a shame to misplace the urn as well. :D

  7. It is a shame , a real shame. But watch out for England in the world cup - we've almost mastered the one day game! :o

    No offence, but you guys suck pus at the one day game me ol' china :D

    You might be good at cricket but Aussies really are bewilderingly idiotically thick when it comes to spotting sarcasm!!

    I feel better now! :D

    I hate to miss a chance to sink the slipper into any pommy bastard. Fortunately for me, you are above that. :D

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