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Posts posted by laobali

  1. Fckin right you're not, I don't associate with fact-averse neophytes who defend racist slurs and accuse those who disagree with them of being disingenuous (as trolls are), as if anyone could only oppose such bone idle stupid tosh as has been spouted here as some kind of pretence. Google civil rights movement.

    Maybe you should google blasphemy dear boy based on your earlier remarks

    I'm alright thanks Soutpeel, I'm quite well read as it is, and being a humanitarian atheist I couldn't give the slightest toss about blasphemy. If you assumed that my idiomatic exclamation CHRIST ALIVE had been intended to indicate that Christ was indeed literally alive, I can only... um... I can only... suggest seeking professional help?

    Do you think we could we leave 'JC' out of this? By 'JC' I mean of course Jesus Christ not Jeremy Clarkson.

    The only thing they have in common is that both look like they'll end up being crucified.

    But Clarkson will rise again.

  2. I recently mentioned to a family member in the N.W. of Thailand I was in the market for a new hooded BBQ (weber style) to which she proclaimed she'd bring me one on her next visit free of charge as a gift. When she arrived there was a Huge bag of charcoal in the boot of the car, but no BBQ! When I quizzed her to the whereabouts of the BBQ she explained it wouldn't fit in the car because the charcoal took up so much room.

    Ah, but her thinking was that you can cook with charcoal on any sort of grill, but not on a Weber with no charcoal!

  3. So can someone that knows and uses post a basic 'for idiots' guide how it works ?

    How do these wallet things work as I read you can have and control your own...which is different from the MtGox thingy...

    If you buy 1 BC for whatever it is now, say $500....and you want to buy something for $50...how do you do it...do you get change ?...how do you cash in that change ?

    And why not cash it in regularly to save the risk of the loss...apart from value fluctuations of course.

    You rely on learning everything here? Do some basic research and watch that video to understand the system we are living with now and its inevitable collapse. Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are probably not the solution on their own. Holding physical gold and silver may help. Time to start hedging your bets while you still can.

  4. sounds like play money

    Yep play money that has made many of my friends Millionaires that didn't have a pot to piss in 2 years ago

    many more Millionaires will be made with Bitcoin as it becomes the way to pay online and transfer money around the world. Western Union will be history as will Paypal (although paypal is working to integrate bitcoin)

    Those that dismiss it as in the guy above will be the ones kicking themselves they missed yet another boat coming in.

    I invested and have made a ton of money so far

    I don't know anything about it

    So why not learn something about Bitcoin before dismissing it out of hand?

    • Like 1
  5. I just hate these guys and their nonsense.

    I find this kind of thing offensive.

    Downloaded some of their stoopidity and halfway through the ordeal of watching them screw up some road trip they were on I dumped the whole series and moved on to something else.

    It was either that or get on a plane, hunt these two screaming yammering, over caffeinated peckerwood yobs down and pound on their arrogant beaks for ten or fifteen minutes.

    They were THAT irritating.

    The explanation that "Oh It's British humour that's alli, you just don't understand British humour is one offensive arrogant blurt that you hear less and less from these tw@ts . . . . . . . . . .. but occasionally you do hear it.

    The British would do well to make a note of this idiot's comment and learn something from it.

    "Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

    from what i've read here, an afternoon with any of the three of them would be preferential to spending a half hour with you and your keyboard posturing

    It's obviously a US keyboard smile.png .

  6. Arguments are way too PC especially coming from what most likely is an audience of bigotry, prejudice or simple ignorance towards Thailand based on media reputation. Just someone to point fingers at while in denial of their own true feelings.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    More amusing are the outraged remarks over the term "slope" by some posters who then state the term " Farang" has no racist connotations

    Well yes, as it is impossible for racism against white people to exist, but also that most posters don't know what "Farang" means.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And the ones that do, or think they do, are often wrong. It all depends on the circumstances and context. Much like the way Australians can use 'bastard' as an endearment and insult at the same time.

  7. Absolute rubbish. The studio audience is typically ordinary middle-class Brits who enjoy driving all sorts of vehicles; many of those promoted or used are not expensive, including the basic hatch used for guest drivers on the track.

    Absolute rubbish sounds to me like the MIDDLE CLASS remark---- B/S is normally used.

    Nothing to do with what you enjoy driving--most of his programs are based on speed laps---Bentley's and the like.

    Choose from all his programs how many concentrate on the old car, the man in the street. The term you used "on the track" no wonder there are boy racers, with their GTs flying around thinking they are from the Clarkson lot.

    The studio Audience---you speak about. you mean the ones that get freebies to go let their daft out with Big J.

    I am talking about the TV viewers, and what THEY would like to see more of than YOUR studio Middle class snobs.

    "[MY] studio Middle class snobs"? Apart from creating an oxymoron, what do you mean? I meant a cross-section of ordinary (middle class/middle of the road) motoring enthusiasts. If there are no other motoring programmes for you to watch on British TV, then take it up with the BBC or other broadcasters. They make their money from the viewing audiences which influence ratings, and derive income from syndication and advertising sales. It's a business like any other, for god's sake.

    Some Top Gear episodes I have watched over the years are better and funnier than others. I have only seen relatively few anyway. This latest Jeremy Clarkson 'gaffe' is another storm in a teacup (probably planned, with a formal apology to follow). Without social media like Twitter and Facebook (not to mention forums like this) the outcry will dry up within days - as it should.

    Because you mentioned Studio audience, who are invited to the show from various outlets--business.

    I was referring to the 70% Brits from towns throughout the UK. This program has interest sure but what it stands for and who it's intended for is another matter.

    You like someone or you don't I just had this dislike to his attitude and his snob way of presenting. The content of his half hour really is about 12 minutes. the rest rubbish. To me he does NOT on average deal with the general public at heart, and too much emphasis on speed.

    I read your post a bit different, it came over a bit ABOVE the normal citizen bracket.. BUT I agree with a lot you say this post. Cheers ginjag.

    No problem. To be honest I have no idea who the 'live' audience is as they usually just laugh and clap as audiences do. Admittedly I used to dislike the man too; not sure if he later toned the sarcasm down a bit, but he has always been self-deprecating in the typical English way. I have also seen him on talk shows and he comes across as a completely different character; by no means a bumbling buffoon. It's Top Gear's ongoing success (due entirely to the global viewing audience that presumably watch episodes) that's made him rich and famous and still BBC 'gold'.

    Yes, the remark was offensive to some of those that understood the double entendre. Doesn't make everyone else a racist though.

  8. Hahahaha...... great joke.

    Keep it up Clarky....

    BTW 'slope' is not derogatory... It comes from the Vietnam war and was used by US troops to refer to Vietnamese Communist troops.

    Gooks, slopes, Cong, VC, Charlies ..... etc.

    Not for defaming reasons, but more a casual military designation.

    When the Brits liberated the Falkland Islands. The British Squadies referred to the island locals as 'Bennies'.... If you are a Brit you should know what I mean. For those who don't... Benny was the name of a popular 70s soap opera character, who happened to be mildly retarded.

    The military put out a communique to all squaddies and contractors not to refer to the locals as 'Bennies'... So after that everyone referred to them as 'stills'.

    They're 'still' Bennies........ lol.

    As 'slope' is in reference to the shape of an Asians face it is clearly a derogatory term, not defamatory as this would imply that they do not have sloping faces like they do. It does not come from the Vietnam war as it is recorded in use already in the 1940's. Gook was used by the US navy over 100 years ago to describe Filipinos before coming into general use for all Asians during the Vietnam war, clearly a derogatory term as it was originally used to describe prostitutes. Cong, VC and Charlies all coming from Viet Cong, the official name of the political group, is in no way derogatory. Benny wore a hat like the Falklanders and this is what innocently gave rise to the term Bennies but due to the fact that he was also retarded it could be taken as defamatory as not everyone on the Falklands is a retard.

    'Benny' was widely used in the UK in the 80's to describe a 'country bumpkin' with 'average' intelligence and limited sartorial elegance. It was hardly an insult as Benny was one of the more likeable characters on 'Crossroads' in a cuddly and lovable sort of way.

    And there was I thinking all the 'Benny' mentions referred to the slapstick funny Benny Hill!

  9. Well Well Well here we go again with the media taking it the wrong way, any western person would come to the first meaning of what he was talking about, the bridge has a slope on it meaning it is lower on one side than the other. The saying, it slopes to one side. No backing for him from any of the media, if I was Him I would put 2 fingers up to them all and for desert spread the cheeks of my ass. He di nothing wrong probably does not know that meaning any way.

    Sorry, but you are possibly from a younger generation and different background. If you knew Jeremy Clarkson's Top Gear style you would know that this was an intentional pun; a light-hearted ambiguous comment with archaic racist overtones, but meant to be laughed at by those who understood the alternative meaning. That it would cause some sort of controversy from the vocal PC minority was a given. It was part of the plan.

  10. What did you really expect from those conceited dimwits on Top Gear? They are supposed to be entertainers and they think of themselves clever, but really they are just bums.

    It's got humour, but not really funny, Just old school kids playing toy games. Mostly fast cars racing round to see who has the fastest, or promotion for expensive models.

    Upper class prigs show, Looking for brownie points and ratings. Never appealed to me, although I did watch it hoping someday they would show more down to earth car models, rather than GT types. The show is named Top Gear aimed at the upper class audience.----BBC ought to promote Bottom Gear and give the not so well off people some tips on how to save on maintenance --insurance--economy --buying second hand etc.

    Absolute rubbish. The studio audience is typically ordinary middle-class Brits who enjoy driving all sorts of vehicles; many of those promoted or used are not expensive, including the basic hatch used for guest drivers on the track.

    Absolute rubbish sounds to me like the MIDDLE CLASS remark---- B/S is normally used.

    Nothing to do with what you enjoy driving--most of his programs are based on speed laps---Bentley's and the like.

    Choose from all his programs how many concentrate on the old car, the man in the street. The term you used "on the track" no wonder there are boy racers, with their GTs flying around thinking they are from the Clarkson lot.

    The studio Audience---you speak about. you mean the ones that get freebies to go let their daft out with Big J.

    I am talking about the TV viewers, and what THEY would like to see more of than YOUR studio Middle class snobs.

    "[MY] studio Middle class snobs"? Apart from creating an oxymoron, what do you mean? I meant a cross-section of ordinary (middle class/middle of the road) motoring enthusiasts. If there are no other motoring programmes for you to watch on British TV, then take it up with the BBC or other broadcasters. They make their money from the viewing audiences which influence ratings, and derive income from syndication and advertising sales. It's a business like any other, for god's sake.

    Some Top Gear episodes I have watched over the years are better and funnier than others. I have only seen relatively few anyway. This latest Jeremy Clarkson 'gaffe' is another storm in a teacup (probably planned, with a formal apology to follow). Without social media like Twitter and Facebook (not to mention forums like this) the outcry will dry up within days - as it should.

  11. Yeah, except that of course you can say brown bag, and that fleeing your own country for a less developed country so that you have the freedom to be more racist doesn't make you look good.

    I think you mean so many "racists" have fled to Thailand. sometimes I'm ashamed toy admit I'm an expat as it associates me with some of the most ignorant and racist people I have ever met.

    They're in good company. Are Thais not racist too?

    Do you seriously think that citing or accusing others of racism can justify your own?

    I'd be more offended being called a bigoted hypocrite.

  12. Having lived and worked in Asia for 13 years, I now realise I have led a sheltered life.

    I have never heard the "slope" expression used before and if some sensationalists hadn't written this drivel, I would still have been happily ignorant of it's meaning.

    I vaguely remember having learned in school that the correct term is <deleted> as in Worthy Oriental Gentleman rolleyes.gif

    "western" I believe

    "Westernized" was as I understood it.

  13. In Southern Africa - where we have some choice racist words that are flung around and listed in some country's legal ordinances and by-laws of racial terms that are officially outlawed and whose use is punishable by a fine - we are used to the word "slope" - but there it refers to a white Afrikaner - or a "boer". This term of endearment comes from the fact that white Anglo-Saxons born and brought up there think the Afrikaner to be a person of reduced intelligence and bit of a genetic throw back to someone like an early caveman - the big bumbly guy with the long hairy arms (knuckles dragging on the floor) and the sloping forehead (hence the connection).

    So one mans VC in SE Asia is, I suppose, another mans favourite rugby player in Africa.

    I was about to mention this. In the 60s and 70s Rhodesian Army guys referred to their South African (mainly Afrikaner) counterparts as 'slopes' or 'slope-heads'; more derogatory was 'rock spiders'. Terrorists were called 'flops' or 'floppies'. It had two meanings: the hats they wore and the way they flopped to the ground when shot. Admittedly black humour but common at the time.

  14. What did you really expect from those conceited dimwits on Top Gear? They are supposed to be entertainers and they think of themselves clever, but really they are just bums.

    It's got humour, but not really funny, Just old school kids playing toy games. Mostly fast cars racing round to see who has the fastest, or promotion for expensive models.

    Upper class prigs show, Looking for brownie points and ratings. Never appealed to me, although I did watch it hoping someday they would show more down to earth car models, rather than GT types. The show is named Top Gear aimed at the upper class audience.----BBC ought to promote Bottom Gear and give the not so well off people some tips on how to save on maintenance --insurance--economy --buying second hand etc.

    Absolute rubbish. The studio audience is typically ordinary middle-class Brits who enjoy driving all sorts of vehicles; many of those promoted or used are not expensive, including the basic hatch used for guest drivers on the track.

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