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Posts posted by laobali

  1. The Thai Smiles List!

    According to Working With The Thais: A Guide to Managing in Thailand, the ‘top 13’ identified Thai Smilesare:

    1. Yim thang nam taa: The “I’m so happy I’m crying” smile.

    2. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know.

    3. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” smile.

    4. Fuen Yim: The stiff smile, also known as the “I should laugh at the joke though it’s not funny” Smile.

    5. Yim mee lessanai: The smile which masks something wicked in your mind.

    6. Yim yaw: The teasing, or “I told you so” smile.

    7. Yim yae-yae: The “I know things look pretty bad but there’s no point in crying over spilt milk” smile.

    8. Yim sao: The sad smile.

    9. Yim haeng: The dry smile, also known as the “I know I owe you the money but I don’t have it” smile.

    10. Yim thak thaan: The “I disagree with you” smile, also known as the “You can go ahead and propose it but your idea’s no good” smile.

    11. Yim cheua-cheuan: The “I am the winner” smile, the smile given to a losing competitor.

    12. Yim soo: “smiling in the face of an impossible struggle” smile.

    13. Yim mai awk: The “I’m trying to smile but can’t” smile.

    That's pretty frightening, especially as there are Thai expressions to describe all these types (and more apparently).

    I don't think I can face a 'Thai smile' again without going through the list and wondering.

    Perhaps we should carry a copy (with the Thai characters) and ask which one he or she is using!

    Does this apply ONLY to Thai and no other Asian culture?

  2. Will the Government do anything about this ???

    I think not... would be nice if they did try...

    Yes. They already have, they significantly increased the amount of vehicles on the road, and the amount of inexperience drivers, via the car rebate last year. Yet they did not spend a cent on ensure more effective driver training, or police of the roads.

    Good case for a class action agains Yingluck for gross negligence on that one. The road death stats speak for themselves.

    Perhaps they are in an all-out bid to be #1 at something!

  3. I have to laugh at posts and replies like this written for no better reason than, as someone wrote above, to make the poster feel better for the rant.

    Foreigners (aliens) in Thailand can bitch all they like, but no one ever takes the slightest notice. Farang will never change how the Thai authorities and mini-realms within them decide how to do things. I don't live in Thailand any more; I found somewhere less stressful (for me anyway).

    If you still live in Thailand, then you might want to focus on what keeps you there and makes it better for you than some other third world dump - or even the real world.

  4. Discrimination towards black people in Thailand is such a well-known fact that it is even used in a famous local advertising.

    thanks so much for this video, its says it all, appearance can be deceiving

    This is off topic, but I can't see Thais (or anyone else) taking to black toothpaste by being shamed into it or otherwise. Teeth are supposed to be white and we want them whiter. I reckon the makers would sell a lot more if they made it black and white striped at least.

  5. Would like to know what is behind this racism - if anything at all. Is there a logical explanation to it? It must have a reason, must it not? Why is it so, that the lighter skin you have, in Thailand, the 'finer' and more beautiful you are? It is that they consider africans as a lower rung on the ladder of evolution or something? Just a suggestion. Or is it just something the Thai (all Asien, actually) people have decided out of no reason?

    Because I really do not understand why it is so, here in Thailand - as well as in most of the world, actually.

    Anyone has a clue?

    Apparently, as far as Thailand is concerned, it is Chinese in origin. The richest and most influential Thai families *edited out* came from China where skin colour is much lighter than other ethnic groups that settled in the region and worked out in the sun on the land rather than in offices. Anyone watching Thai TV will see the predominance of light, almost whiter-than-white skin on local stars, from soaps to advertising. Most of the skin-whitening products on the market are made in China. White is definitely in. It is racism but not specific to Africans. It's about dark (sunburnt) skin, seen as working or low class by the Thai-Chinese (who can often be identified by their family names as being so).

    • Like 1
  6. For what it's worth, I have had quite a few choking/unable to breathe in incidents which began when I arrived in SE Asia. My windpipe constricts after swallowing. Most often it is a small piece of fresh green chilli in the dish. I normally remove whatever I can see on the plate (and avoid dishes with fresh green chilli if possible). But it can happen at other times, even waking up in the night choking. Coughing makes it worse as more air is expelled from the lungs and I cannot breathe in. It's frightening and panic occurs. Somehow recovery comes naturally, but it's not nice.

    I have now learned to force myself to focus on relaxing the throat muscle when this occurs. Then I am able to slowly take in air. Eventually the spasm passes and I can breathe in and out normally. The itchiness remains for a while and then coughing and drinking water helps. The answer seems to be: relax.

  7. In the US, wasting money is stupid. In Thailand it is Big Face.

    I spent 20k rebuilding and old Jeep - my F-I-L wqs quick to tell everyone I spent 150k.

    Here, the more you waste the bigger and more stupid you are.

    right you are! because only stupid people make big money and spend big money. the intelligent ones (IQ most probably 150+) buy old jeeps and rebuild them.


    And travel by bus simply because they prefer it. smile.png

  8. Most people tend to gossip when they get together socially, including here. Being African doesn't qualify you as a spokesman for all the different countries on the continent. As an African in Thailand, you are in a small minority with a somewhat dubious reputation and likely cause for local gossip. There's not much you can do about it.

    does being European or american qualify me then? and does being whatever you are qualify you to say Africans are dubious? are you this sick?

    have you finally lost it? who said they where gossiping about a particular race ? who thought the Africans how to be dubious? do you know history at all?

    i did not say the gossiped about Africans, i said they gossip.

    You're being a bit oversensitive. People (including Thais in Thailand) will gossip about anything or anyone that is 'not from around here'. Foreigners of all origins come under some sort of scrutiny with the locals. It doesn't have to be all negative either. In your case they might be saying you're a very nice fellow and nothing like those drug dealers and fake precious stone salesmen we read about getting arrested and jailed etc. smile.png

    even if they say i am the pope, its still gossip because wouldn't want me to know they are talking about me

    How do you know 'they' are talking about you? Who told you and what are they saying to make you so upset? Enlighten us.

    • Like 1
  9. Most people tend to gossip when they get together socially, including here. Being African doesn't qualify you as a spokesman for all the different countries on the continent. As an African in Thailand, you are in a small minority with a somewhat dubious reputation and likely cause for local gossip. There's not much you can do about it.

    does being European or american qualify me then? and does being whatever you are qualify you to say Africans are dubious? are you this sick?

    have you finally lost it? who said they where gossiping about a particular race ? who thought the Africans how to be dubious? do you know history at all?

    i did not say the gossiped about Africans, i said they gossip.

    You're being a bit oversensitive. People (including Thais in Thailand) will gossip about anything or anyone that is 'not from around here'. Foreigners of all origins come under some sort of scrutiny with the locals. It doesn't have to be all negative either. In your case they might be saying you're a very nice fellow and nothing like those drug dealers and fake precious stone salesmen we read about getting arrested and jailed etc. smile.png

  10. Most people tend to gossip when they get together socially, including here. Being African doesn't qualify you as a spokesman for all the different countries on the continent. As an African in Thailand, you are in a small minority with a somewhat dubious reputation and likely cause for local gossip. There's not much you can do about it.

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