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Posts posted by laobali

  1. I think his point was you can be black or asian and still have a western sounding name.

    And vice versa. An untypical or ethnic name on a UK or EU passport, especially in reference to criminal activity, still draws comment e.g. he can't be French, he's Arab, African etc. The world's countries and its 'nationals' started changing several generations ago.

  2. Another forum's poster:

    "From the comments so far it seems that there would be some sort of transponder signal even if the plane was disintegrated. If this is the case hijack was a real possibility. Where can the plane land without detection?

    I am thinking if someone's up to no good then they would make sure they pick the best pilot out there who can expertly manoeuvre the plane to where ever they want to go."

    Do many 777 captains spend their off-duty time at a sophisticated flight 777 simulator with 3 widescreen panoramic monitors at home? (published on Facebook)

    I know of pilots who have the PMDG addons for Flightsim. They say it keeps them sharp. Very realistic in their view.

    Fair enough, but I wonder if the average operating pilot does this for his own current aircraft type or only the more passionate/extreme/fanatical.

  3. All seems to point to a very cleverly planned hijack with at least one government responsible or in the know

    Right. What could possibly be gained by a government hijacking a Malaysian civilian airliner? Malaysia is a muslim nation, so not likely to be Islamic affiliated hijackers. The Chinese don't do things like this. They never have. Malaysia is looked on favourably in the middle east and region, so it is doubtful any of those nations would have done this. Even the North Koreans would not target a Malaysian airplane. Nothing whatsoever points to a hijacking. Nothing,

    Except that certain persons would have believed it was a Chinese aircraft with a China Southern flight number.

    I haven't ruled out hijacking - with or without crew collusion.

    Another forum's poster:

    "From the comments so far it seems that there would be some sort of transponder signal even if the plane was disintegrated. If this is the case hijack was a real possibility. Where can the plane land without detection?

    I am thinking if someone's up to no good then they would make sure they pick the best pilot out there who can expertly manoeuvre the plane to where ever they want to go."

    Do many 777 captains spend their off-duty time at a sophisticated flight 777 simulator with 3 widescreen panoramic monitors at home? (published on Facebook)

  4. All seems to point to a very cleverly planned hijack with at least one government responsible or in the know

    Right. What could possibly be gained by a government hijacking a Malaysian civilian airliner? Malaysia is a muslim nation, so not likely to be Islamic affiliated hijackers. The Chinese don't do things like this. They never have. Malaysia is looked on favourably in the middle east and region, so it is doubtful any of those nations would have done this. Even the North Koreans would not target a Malaysian airplane. Nothing whatsoever points to a hijacking. Nothing,

    Except that certain persons would have believed it was a Chinese aircraft with a China Southern flight number.

    I haven't ruled out hijacking - with or without crew collusion.

    GK in the absence of wreckage or debris EVERYTHING points to a hijacking IMO

    And if/when wreckage or debris is found, a hijack gone wrong.

  5. All seems to point to a very cleverly planned hijack with at least one government responsible or in the know

    Right. What could possibly be gained by a government hijacking a Malaysian civilian airliner? Malaysia is a muslim nation, so not likely to be Islamic affiliated hijackers. The Chinese don't do things like this. They never have. Malaysia is looked on favourably in the middle east and region, so it is doubtful any of those nations would have done this. Even the North Koreans would not target a Malaysian airplane. Nothing whatsoever points to a hijacking. Nothing,

    Except that certain persons would have believed it was a Chinese aircraft with a China Southern flight number.

    I haven't ruled out hijacking - with or without crew collusion.

  6. In Short , Thailand is not much further advanced than the Junta days , the Thai democracy has been a failure as the Academic's were at pains to point out at the completion of the constitution , the arrogance of some members of parliament the criminal records of some members of parliament , the continued challenging of the law when the interpretation is not the same as some would like it, promises that either fail or don't eventuate , all this mixture makes Thailand a international laughing stock and in the long term a basket case, in short , lacking in Education..bah.gif

    Lack of education, perhaps as Abraham Lincoln would surmise, is not the problem. The issue is greed. True in any society. I would take a classroom of C minus students, and make them Senators, if they could just say no to profiteering, over a classroom of Wall Street Wannabees. It is an issue of morality...not intelligence. A man such as Lincoln...could educate himself.....but a choice to make the world a better place takes much more.

    Lack of bleeding hearts is more like it. Get real for a change,the perfect world would be extremely boring.

    For the people in many countries who have to struggle to survive every day, would 'boring' be so terrible?

    • Like 1
  7. If you arrive back in the UK and state that you intend to remain for the rest of your life (whether that's true or not) you are entitled to free NHS treatment.

    Most of the time I wouldn't think you'd need to say anything. I just turn up at my Dr's every year or three, ask for some cough medicine, decline my free examination for prostate and occult blood (which I've had) and trot away merrily. The trouble is they keep sending me leaflets telling me I can get this exam and that test done free, just call the surgery if I want an appointment. really nice people (apart from the miserable receptionist) though she's never denied me anything. The surgery practice nurses are great!

    If you haven't got a Dr' just register and give a friends address if you don't have one.

    You may need to show up personally with ID to be accepted and registered at a new NHS surgery.

  8. Be polite to her and start a conversation, and then drop the clanger, ''Gosh you are the first Lady Boy i have met and you seem nice''..

    That should shut the *edited* up..

    Still think this was the best response if the bitch was trying to be humorous by being insulting, the rejoinder should have been given (with a smile) and taken in the same way, even by the odd cretin. Remember the Thai smile is very important.

  9. OP it's a done to death topic.

    I know you're new here, but the situation is getting better.

    In the meantime, just make sure you and your kids wear one.

    Apparently they are not responsible for their actions untill the age of 18 and that came from a Thai lawyer on a Pattaya radio station ( I am dumbfounded) No wonder they grow up with no regards to the law and NO respect.

    And, it seems, neither are their parents or guardians responsible.

    • Like 1
  10. Just read that 2 ONE-WAY tickets in the named of the stolen passports were issues by a travel agency in Pattaya.

    yes it was on channel news asia yesterday - two consecutive ticket numbers also. So why have the Malaysian Authorities not yet published the photos of these passport holders yet??!!

    Why has THAIVISA not yet zoned in on this news - like contact the travel agency or wherever the tickets were bought, in Pattaya - that is what any good news agency would do !!

    Thaivisa is not a news agency; it provides news articles from other sources for members to supplement and amplify with comments and opinions. Compared to CNN and to a lesser degree BBC, I have seen more information and updates right here in the past couple of days than anywhere else. And the Malaysian government (including its national airline) are staying tight-lipped for some very good reasons. Hopefully all will be revealed in due course, and it won't be good.

  11. So speculation will start. From what I have read so far, it appears that something happened very suddenly to cause an immediate descent and change of heading with no time for the crew to make an emergency call. Maybe that alleged prior wingtip damage to the same aircraft was a factor; explosive decompression and airframe breakup possible; mid-air collision or explosive device unlikely. Hopefully, eventually some evidence will be found.

    Previous damage to wing not just alleged. From aviation-safety.net:

    "A taxiing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 passenger plane (9M-MRO), flight MH389, contacted the tail of a China Eastern Airlines A340 plane, B-6050, waiting on the taxiway at Pudong International Airport.No one was injured.

    The tip of the wing of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was broken off and hung on the tail of the China Eastern Airbus 340-600, according to pictures posted by passengers on the Internet."

    It's possible there was undetected further damage to the wing structure or spar. The whole wing could have detached on this fatal last flight.

    If this was the case and the whole aircraft disintegrated at flight altitude, due to ambient air temperature well below freezing and with insufficient oxygen, death for the occupants would have been almost instantaneous and painless.

  12. So speculation will start. From what I have read so far, it appears that something happened very suddenly to cause an immediate descent and change of heading with no time for the crew to make an emergency call. Maybe that alleged prior wingtip damage to the same aircraft was a factor; explosive decompression and airframe breakup possible; mid-air collision or explosive device unlikely. Hopefully, eventually some evidence will be found.

  13. I would say that I already fit. My country has prepared me for Thailand's dark side. Yes, thais are narrowminded, shortsited, and corrupt, and it causes lots of problems. But my people are world champions in narrowmindedness, short site, and corruption, while thais are more like high-school amateurs, so from bad side perspective Thailand feels like lighter easier version of home, there's no cognitive dissonance at all, in fact Europe and other "falang" places are much less fitting for me — too controlling, too limiting, too "lawful".

    E.g. if you catch a pickpocket in Thailand, he or she will smile to you like nothing happened, pickpocket from my country will try to stab you. Thailand: Road cop stops you and asks for 100 baht for food. My place: Road cop stops you, takes your license with some absurd justification, and tells you to pay 5000 to get it back. Et cetera. Also, unlike my people thais don't crave for blood, and strong hand, and they are much less hateful and hypocritic.

    On the other hand, good sides of LoS — absense of government control, mai bpen rai/go with a flow/live and let live attitude, as well as the obvious stuff, like climate, women, and costs, make it truly priceless.

    Care to guess the country?

    A large developing country in South America?

  14. Been here 9 months - I feel sorry for the Thais - having to beg/currupt steel and borrow to survive.

    My friends came to visit me - they will not return

    Thailand is a "Rip-off dump"

    I will probably go after my contract - low pay/value

    Interested to know which country you are from.

  15. Excellent example, very much treated most of the time as an informal civil matter, with payment of a "fine" direct to the victim's family and/or forcing the boy to marry to the girl. Child molestation within the family or village would most likely not even be reported much less prosecuted.

    Domestic assault is another one, that's usually completely ignored, in most cases not even considered a crime.

    Pavena Foundation for Children and Women is mostly focused on sex trafficking, but will also help victims of the above crimes, and is able sometimes to help convince law enforcement units to actually do their job wrt such matters.

    This foundation used to be government funded, but now relies on donations, a very worthy cause for those looking for one, I think currently supported in part by the Lions.

    It's strange, the word molestation is not in our vocabulary. Most often people do not think that it is a crime as you implied between the boy and the girl having sexual entercouse. They forced the boy and girl to get married not because they think it is a crime but because they have violated the spirit and that they should be pure before marriage.

    Molestation may not be in your vocabulary but what it means is parents and older family members (sometimes friends and neighbours) fooling around or having sex with their own children. Not about a young couple having to get married to save the 'face' of the girl's family (as in many other societies too).

    • Like 1
  16. The double pricing and showing no price on markets will soon be over, then Thailand is full of shoppingmalls from Central with only big shops left.

    The not obeying trafficrules and being selfish on the roads will also stop one day when Thailand gets real policemen. Nobody likes to be hurt in an accident. I see more rich Thai biking now, that is a good sign.

    Thailand is just still an undeveloped 3rd world country on many fronts, there is enough money these days so it is just a matter of time before civilisation kicks in.

    Civilisation doesn't just kick in, it evolves over time. Unfortunately it's a country's rulers or politicians and the political structure that influence the rate of change more than anything else. It's not the money, it's how it's used.

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