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Posts posted by laobali

  1. Last weekend at Nakka markets in Phuket I saw a penis and hairy balls water pistols for sale. They were skin coloured and very realistic in both size and shape. They were displayed in full view and caught my eye because I thought they were sex toys (I have never seen sex toys for sale at Nakka). Anyway they were 150THB a pop.

    ... or spurt.

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  2. The insanity begins

    The meaning of Songkran is lost every year where it has become a week of road carnage. Instead of paying respects to the elders, it has become a time where the elders are attending funerals each year. Can you imagine the number of lives or friends lost during this darkest week of the whole year? Yet we see the same old babbling a day or a week before Songkran that more police checks, education on safe driving, more rest points, more emergency services? Don't think any of this will help save lives.

    And the same old babbling about the babbling about Songkran.

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