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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. First, check if your DVR/NVR has a network connection, if not then forget it, if it has then the manufacture should provide details on PC and smartphone apps, to detail the setup, without knowing the make and model is impossible. Having said that in most cases default setting should work, especially if UPnP is available and enabled, you will only need to supply a name for your DVR/NVR.

  2. I would imagine that maybe 10%-15% of the voting population are familiar with this draft........and I've exagerated.

    I'de also make a guess that many of the ruling junta have not familiarised themselves with the draft either....but it's only a guess:)

    Just how many people have actually seen a copy of this draft constitution. Unless it's debated no-one will ever understand it, not even those who penned it, the only thing they do understand is what that disgrace of a PM wnats to achieve... total control.

  3. I thought they were on strike?

    I think you may be confusing the Tourist police with the Volunteer Tourist Police, the strike has not been mentioned for a long time, which means they must be back at work, after being "warned" about the repercussions, to themselves, after the corrupt issue they had raised.

  4. I don't have any background in road construction, therefore my question. Is it possible to apply asphalt on a wet surface?

    Just have a lock on this big water puddle. The applied asphalt surface will make any bond with the subsurface at this condition? How long will it take until it's break apart? In a couple of days with heavy traffic? I'm afraid so. Furthermore, how thick must be the asphalt surface in Thailand? They have any norm or is it up to each construction company how much money they want to spend? A quick search shows, in other countries the recommended thickness has a minimum of 12cm for main roads. In this picture it looks like that they are applying just 2 – 3cm of asphalt.

    Therefore will be the next question. When they'll start with the maintenance and is this included in a warranty?

    Asphalt is a oil based product so needs to be applied to a dry surface, even potholes need to be dried, usually with a butane torch, before refilling. If the surface is too wet, and/or too thin, the asphalt will lift quickly, as we see on many Thai roads.

  5. To all prospective Thai submariners, be afraid, be very very afraid, your country can't keep an aircraft carrier going, at least it floats, how the hell will your country safely maintain a sub. And with commisions being brought, do you really have faith in the subs commander.

  6. Of course they need submarines.......the toy box is not full. They will be a great novelty on Childrens Day. Thoughtful!

    It might also save some "face", 555, when, every year, they celebrate national submarine day, even though they haven't had a sub since 1951, oh and they still have a submarine branch, even sent officers overseas for training, even though NO subs to use, is this country a joke, or not.

  7. Unlike Britain where there would be three miles of cones and a snail trail of traffic until you finally reach a roadworks area with no work whatsoever being done !

    Australia does better than that: in addition to the miles of cones there would be at least 5 or 6 men directing traffic , holding 'slow' signs as the traffic crawls ( unless it's raining,then, no one to be seen).

    What a load of BS. Grow up. If it was your kids, working, on the road you'd be damn pissed off if drives sped past, or are you one of those the workers/public needs protection from.

    When i drove through Cairns at a big road i had to turn right at a junction. I got green and pulled up. Then a policetruck drove full speed through red light (without any lights or sounds) and i could only avoid them with a real emergency stop. Lucky my old barrel had good brakes or my bus would be all on them.

    What the hell has that got to do with my comment. My guess, from your poor English, Oz isn't your country of birth, and where do police drive trucks, why did you "pull up" at a GREEN light, then say you had to avoid tnem with a "real" emergency stop. I am suspicious of your story.

  8. Unlike Britain where there would be three miles of cones and a snail trail of traffic until you finally reach a roadworks area with no work whatsoever being done !

    Australia does better than that: in addition to the miles of cones there would be at least 5 or 6 men directing traffic , holding 'slow' signs as the traffic crawls ( unless it's raining,then, no one to be seen).

    So true, I noticed now in the NT they are hiring more females as traffic controllers, apparently they have more patience holding signs for an extended time than males.

    Every state hires both males and females, show some "proof" of your comment. As well as traffic controllers, in most cases, the men ALSO do the more physical roadworks. More BS from narrow minded people.

  9. Unlike Britain where there would be three miles of cones and a snail trail of traffic until you finally reach a roadworks area with no work whatsoever being done !

    Australia does better than that: in addition to the miles of cones there would be at least 5 or 6 men directing traffic , holding 'slow' signs as the traffic crawls ( unless it's raining,then, no one to be seen).

    What a load of BS. Grow up. If it was your kids, working, on the road you'd be damn pissed off if drives sped past, or are you one of those the workers/public needs protection from.

  10. Awful airline anyway,flew it to Bangkok once from Sydney out of desperation,to escape the post-New Year's Eve party miserable Sydneyites and it was full of Aussie Bogans,all acting like complete a**holes I couldn't get off fast enough!

    "Full of Aussie bogans" really, are you say all on board, except yourself, were ALL Aussies and ALL were "bogans" , pity you didn't leave the flight midway. By the way all countries, including Thailand, have bogans. And you judge an airline because you had an uncomfortable flight due to other passengers... I know who the real "bogan" is.

    You haven't met many Australians, have you?

    What a stupid comment, I am an Aussie, have met 10's of thousands of Australians. Like I said, every country has it's bogans.

  11. Awful airline anyway,flew it to Bangkok once from Sydney out of desperation,to escape the post-New Year's Eve party miserable Sydneyites and it was full of Aussie Bogans,all acting like complete a**holes I couldn't get off fast enough!

    "Full of Aussie bogans" really, are you say all on board, except yourself, were ALL Aussies and ALL were "bogans" , pity you didn't leave the flight midway. By the way all countries, including Thailand, have bogans. And you judge an airline because you had an uncomfortable flight due to other passengers... I know who the real "bogan" is.

  12. Why the need for a sub....?

    Why not ? The country itself has a long coast line...one suspects Thailand has more coast line than say the UK, but no one questions the need the UK have for subs

    The waters, around Thailand, aren't deep enough, subs would easily by detected, from the air, then guess what happens.

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