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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. KhnomKhnom, on 07 Aug 2014 - 18:22, said:

    This is so funny. Typists who live in the best place on Earth, Thailand, speculating about going to communist countries, cesspool nations, foreigner-hating countries, and more expensive places.

    Thanks for the laughs.

    P.S., please move out soon, bye!

    Best place in the world...I do believe you have a problem. I guess you have visited EVERY country, or do you just make stupid comments that you can't back up.

    • Like 2
  2. soalbundy, on 07 Aug 2014 - 10:25, said:


    Suriya4, on 07 Aug 2014 - 07:52, said:

    Drug dealers must be eliminated from Thai society in what ever way possible. They don't love the country hence cannot be called Thai people.

    Does a Thai have to sign a form saying he/she loves the country before getting a passport? I'm British but i don't '' love'' my country but i still get a passport. I was coincidentally born British just as a Thai is coincidentally born Thai,''love'' has nothing to do with it. Getting rid of drug dealers is a must, but not ''in whatever way possible'' Thaksin tried that and a lot of innocent people were murdered killed. 


    Mmmm...I understand your comment, but try this, if a baby is born in the US, to Thai parents, is the baby Thai or American?

  3. mad mary, on 04 Aug 2014 - 04:18, said:

    With all the visa crackdowns and the <deleted> education system (if you have kids or planning on having) The UK is a better place for you ...TBH I can't understand why anyone would want to live in Thailand ATM,the place is a mess!

    Here's something to think about. Is the OP thinking only of himself, or his wife. If something happens to him, where would his wife, and maybe future kids, be better off. In most cases it would be farangland. Even if she is on minimum wages, her life will always be better off, unless she comes from a rich family.

    • Like 1
  4. USNret, on 06 Aug 2014 - 10:41, said:


    Rorri, on 06 Aug 2014 - 10:08, said:


    thaidel48, on 06 Aug 2014 - 09:40, said:thaidel48, on 06 Aug 2014 - 09:40, said:

    Wonder if he has a work permit lol.

    OMG...it only took 7 comments before we had the first wp sad soul replying.



    and only 2 more for the first "OMG, I can't believe 'X' said 'Y' on this forum!!!!"

    Unfortunately (for you) nobody here keeps track of what you want or don't want to read.  Guess we'll just have to live with it. 


    And only a few more before you put your even more useless comment in.... you obviously are another sad sad soul.

  5. BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:18, said:


    Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:


    BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:

    For once Thailand looks good. In the US they'd have given the cop a medal.

    I fail to see why such foolish comments, like this, are allowed. Can you provide any evidence to back up your ridiculous comment.



    Here's a two year that was nearly killed by a police grenade in Atlanta after cops threw the grenade in the child's crib.




    According the article, "no one has been faulted in the incident." It's not a medal, but it's not exactly reprimand.


    Pretty ridiculous isn't it?


    Anyway, to tie this back to the OP, I hope Thailand does a better job of punishing renegade, murdering cops than the US does.


    Well, they track record isn't that good... about 2 years ago two copper, from a northern province, where charged, found guilty and sentence either to life or the death penalty, but in "typical" fashion were then granted bail and we haven't seen or heard of then since. As for the article you linked to, to be fair it was an accident and one off accident isn't enough to make encompassing comments about all US swat/police teams.

  6. fxe1200, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:10, said:


    Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:


    BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:

    For once Thailand looks good. In the US they'd have given the cop a medal.

    I fail to see why such foolish comments, like this, are allowed. Can you provide any evidence to back up your ridiculous comment.



    ...he forgot to mention, that the victim must be dead, and drugs placed in the car afterwards.


    You could replace "US" with any other country and make the same outlandish comment.... but words without evidence, or reference to facts, are just words. Anyway, why discuss other countries when the OP is about these Thai coppers, who lucky didn't injure/kill an innocent person and who, according to BudRight, should get a medal. Go figure the thinking behind his comment.

    • Like 1
  7. quidnunc, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:05, said:quidnunc, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:05, said:quidnunc, on 05 Aug 2014 - 10:05, said:


    Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:Rorri, on 05 Aug 2014 - 09:57, said:


    BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:BudRight, on 05 Aug 2014 - 07:58, said:

    For once Thailand looks good. In the US they'd have given the cop a medal.

    I fail to see why such foolish comments, like this, are allowed. Can you provide any evidence to back up your ridiculous comment.


    While they may not be given a medal, they are rarely punished either legally or administratively. Swat teams are out of control in the USA and are being routinely used where it's not necessary. 


    I do not know what you say is true or not, what I do know is that there have been numerous instances where, if the police miss-use their powers they have been dismissed, charged, fined and/or jailed. I find your comment, "Swat teams are out of control" a bit far fetched.

    • Like 1
  8. KuhnPaen, on 05 Aug 2014 - 01:34, said:KuhnPaen, on 05 Aug 2014 - 01:34, said:
    Rorri, on 04 Aug 2014 - 13:31, said:Rorri, on 04 Aug 2014 - 13:31, said:
    KuhnPaen, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:32, said:KuhnPaen, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:32, said:KuhnPaen, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:32, said:

    So,he dated a Thai, learned to cook from her, and he takes the credit? just because my Thai gf taught me how to make really good pad see ew, I would never claim it was my recipe.

    Like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise, IMO.

    Maybe he has changed a few things, I make chicken green curry, but put potatoes, peas, onion and baby corn in, which replaces the Thai vegetables... and guess what the Thai family, including inlaws, love it better than the Thai version. So, can I take credit...you bet I do.

    they say they love it...then they most likely talk about what an awful cook you are behind your back. we are collectively nothing more than performing monkeys to them when we do something "ingenious". Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

    I'd prefer to be in denial than a tosser. You do not know these people but you talk as though you do... get a life you fool.

    • Like 1
  9. Cloggie, on 04 Aug 2014 - 19:17, said:


    Rorri, on 04 Aug 2014 - 19:09, said:


    Cloggie, on 04 Aug 2014 - 18:13, said:Cloggie, on 04 Aug 2014 - 18:13, said:

    Take an 'old ' computer from the office and install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and let all users use the guest account to use the computer.


    Every time a user logs off, all data is removed and the next user can use it again.

    Did he say he was running Linux software, if not then, as good as Ubuntu is, he needs a desktop running a compatible OS. Oh, and Ubuntu, and its derivatives, still any ready for the general public. Even for simple tasks, like backing up you mobile phone, or installing a graphics driver.


    You want a PC that people can't change and people can't store any data so it's safe, both for hotel as well as user.

    I used it before in the hotel I was working and it did a great job and during the time I worked there it never needed any support from me, just sometimes reboot the PC and it was clean again to use it.


    That's ok for, but my comment still stands. Besides most hotel, in the world, use windows OS, and don't suffer too many problems. Am admin can restrict user access but the user must still be able to access the hotels applications, after all that's why the pc is there. In case you haven't realised pc are there to store data.

  10. wump, on 04 Aug 2014 - 18:30, said:


    BB1950, on 04 Aug 2014 - 10:56, said:

    Why not an "all in one computer"? Bigger Monitor (up to 27"), full size keyboard, and compact (only computer/monitor, keyboard, and mouse).


    # Just got myself one. Only 18 inch but I like it much better than a laptop. It is only 2 cms thick so I can take it anywhere just like my laptop.


    Since they are so cheap right now I don't know why anyone would buy a desktop for simple tasks like Excel. Its the year 2014, what's that big tower for?


    Wait until it goes faulty, then see how you can get it repaired, compared to getting a desktop repaired.

  11. Cloggie, on 04 Aug 2014 - 18:13, said:

    Take an 'old ' computer from the office and install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and let all users use the guest account to use the computer.


    Every time a user logs off, all data is removed and the next user can use it again.

    Did he say he was running Linux software, if not then, as good as Ubuntu is, he needs a desktop running a compatible OS. Oh, and Ubuntu, and its derivatives, still any ready for the general public. Even for simple tasks, like backing up you mobile phone, or installing a graphics driver.

  12. BB1950, on 04 Aug 2014 - 10:56, said:

    Why not an "all in one computer"? Bigger Monitor (up to 27"), full size keyboard, and compact (only computer/monitor, keyboard, and mouse).

    Same problem with laptops if they fail, they need to be sent away for repairs. Desktops can always be repaired locally.

  13. Riggi, on 03 Aug 2014 - 21:44, said:

    You could still use a pc, have it in another room, or locked area, and have longer cable running to the monitor, mouse and keyboard at reception. Or, run a single USB cable that plugs into a USB docking station with the monitor, kb and mouse connected to that.

    Or place it in a lockable cupboard under the counter.

  14. Desktop, bang for bucks, is cheaper, it is also easier to repair and can be done locally, whereas a laptop n3eeds to be sent away, and we all know what that means in Thailand. Individual parts for a desktop are easier to source/.replace and if you need more storage is easier to install new HDD/SDDs. One thing I would recommend is an external USB HDD to use for backup image storage.

  15. CharlieH, on 03 Aug 2014 - 04:27, said:CharlieH, on 03 Aug 2014 - 04:27, said:

    Post removed

    11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    Mmmm, this raises an interesting question...how do we discuss OP when it is related to Thais lying? Going by what the mod says it seems we can only discuss positive things about Thailand, Thais and Thai culture, this disturbs me a little, this would be racist unless extended to all races. Clearly contravening UN conventions.


    N.B. I am not saying the mod is wrong, but it does raise an interesting question.

  16. DinoSabanovic, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:58, said:
    franzs, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:51, said:
    Patje, on 04 Aug 2014 - 07:57, said:

    And then his problems started....... No working permit !!

    there will be no problem,

    I worked many years in my wife's company, with my skills I could help her in the business without a work permit,

    also no show of money for the one year visa, we needed to show business and tax papers

    Are you sure about this?? I ask because my wife have small shop and I want to help her but I'm afraid of getting fined and deported.

    I seem to recall about 2 years ago an elderly farang being fined for helping his wife, at closing time, to simple put away the tables and chairs.

  17. BKKSnowBird, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:41, said:
    KuhnPaen, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:32, said:

    So,he dated a Thai, learned to cook from her, and he takes the credit? just because my Thai gf taught me how to make really good pad see ew, I would never claim it was my recipe.

    Like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise, IMO.

    You are jealous?????

    Wow. Some of these posts are sad. People saying pad thai is easy blah blah blah....

    Very sad bunch....

    You're right, what I don't understand why many comments focus on pad thai, when I was more interested in his attitude to his customer, and the returned attitude of his customers. Good on him...

    • Like 1
  18. KuhnPaen, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:32, said:

    So,he dated a Thai, learned to cook from her, and he takes the credit? just because my Thai gf taught me how to make really good pad see ew, I would never claim it was my recipe.

    Like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise, IMO.

    Maybe he has changed a few things, I make chicken green curry, but put potatoes, peas, onion and baby corn in, which replaces the Thai vegetables... and guess what the Thai family, including inlaws, love it better than the Thai version. So, can I take credit...you bet I do.

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