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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. djhotsox, on 14 Aug 2014 - 22:56, said:


    catweazle, on 14 Aug 2014 - 17:19, said:

    Simple solution: Buy a MAC!!!! This is not a joke, hence no smilie.


    Yes!  Once you've gone Mac you'll never go back! cheesy.gif


    Try getting you Mac repaired....how long can you live without it?

  2. crabdog, on 13 Aug 2014 - 16:49, said:crabdog, on 13 Aug 2014 - 16:49, said:

    Personally I would just format it. Fixes everything, every time! I keep all my data / programs on a separate partition / hdd so if I need to reformat it's as painless as possible. Only takes an hour to reinstall windows and system drivers etc then I'm good to go.  biggrin.png

    Better still, make regular "images," on an external drive, then if any problems, simply load the previously saved image, all up and running in less than 30 minutes, complete with all drivers, all files, all software etc etc.... in other words, no need to reload everything again.

  3. jpinx, on 13 Aug 2014 - 12:32, said:

    obviously the Linux bootloader works, so just install linux smile.png  Ubuntu is a good starting place,,,,,  wink.png  No viruses in Linux wink.png

    Why is it people, like yourself, can only comment by saying load a "Linux" OS, instead of being more helpful. Don't get me wrong, I run Linux Mint on my laptop, but so far NO Linux distro is ready for mass users, it simple needs more knowledge to run, load software and set up, also most hardware manufacturers do not support Linux OS, eg, try backing up or updating the firmware of your smartphone, or setting up and using all features on your printer or digital camera. So please, if the OP is about windows stick to windows.

  4. alien365, on 14 Aug 2014 - 13:21, said:

    I suppose my question is are they watching TV at the time? I remember eating on the floor in the UK because it was closer to the TV, or it was cold and I wanted to be closer to the fireplace. Due to changing times I expect if the TV was closer to the table and chairs they may be tempted to move to the table so they can watch TV. There could also be the issue of having more people in the family than chairs at the table.

    Obviously a very young person, who thinks television has been around "like" foreverrrrr...

  5. AYJAYDEE, on 14 Aug 2014 - 08:47, said:


    Costas2008, on 14 Aug 2014 - 08:36, said:

    Good answers, Thank you.

    One thing that I can't understand is that in Thai culture, you are not allowed to point your feet at somebody else.

    But sitting down, everybody is very near to somebody else's feet.

    Also not a very nice site to look at another's feet while you are eating.

    the feet are pointed behind them or are under them and nearness has nothing to do with it.


    There is no way to 100% avoidance to the "no pointing feet", this happens all the time, even in temples...like in all cultural traditions, there are exceptions... what is generally meant is no "deliberate" pointing of feet.

    • Like 2
  6. Silly boy, it's obvious why, they never had tables and chairs. Even if you go to a restraint, often they will sit cross legged on chairs. my solution for you is to get a small bench seat made, as wide as your ass, but only about 150mm high, this will make it easy for you to sit comfortably. I guess you must have had a childhood where you never went on a picnic, unless in a park where tables and chairs were provided....  There was life before tables and chairs, I guess your next question will be why don't they eat with knives and forks, but choose either chop sticks or a fork and spoon...seems you need a lesson in Thai culture.

  7. Valentine, on 13 Aug 2014 - 08:29, said:


    Somtamnication, on 13 Aug 2014 - 07:02, said:

    Nice, but in won't last. The taxis took over the nice blue painted family and handicap spaces at Tesco Chalong. 


    Along with every man & his dog who are not handicapped or do not have small children. Also motorbikes.


    True, it makes no difference to Thais, they show no respect for disabled/handicapped parking. I have never seen any parking attendants/police enforcing it. As we see so often, lip service is given, but no heart actually in it. Like so many things, it's all for show.

  8. happydude303, on 05 Aug 2014 - 02:43, said:

    It does not hurt to learn about other faiths, but hay remember what Jesus said about false prophets and worshiping idols of gold and men wink.png ps I'm a Christians to but I do respect the teachings of Buddha I can't find anything bad in it and some of his teachings are very close to what the big man said,shame they never met as I think Buddha would have found enlightenment

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Buddhism is not really a religion, it is simply a way to live your life, Buddha himself said he didn't want any idols/icons or for people to pray to him... so my answer is a resounding "YES", you can be both Buddhist and Christian at the same time.

  9. BestBitterPhuket, on 12 Aug 2014 - 12:28, said:
    Rorri, on 11 Aug 2014 - 18:45, said:
    Dogmatix, on 11 Aug 2014 - 15:22, said:

    Dogmatix, on 11 Aug 2014 - 15:22, said:

    Let the Phuket governor's office find them honest jobs on construction sites or fishing trawlers. There are plenty jobs available and the fact that they were operating illegal businesses in conservation areas and evading tax is not a good reason to let them break the law again.

    And the man at the top, the governor, what has he done, over the years, to stop all this illegal/corrupt activity.... absolutely nothing, in fact he even endorse fare rises for the taxis. Why hasn't he been brought to answer.

    The cleanup can't be taken serious before the guys on the top are also cleaned away.

    So true, it is their failure that has allowed it to happen almost to the point of endorsing/encouraging it. If the few at the top did their sworn by duty then these illegal/corrupt activities could be stopped.

    • Like 2
  10. Sparkles, on 12 Aug 2014 - 10:56, said:


    Jay Sata, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:53, said:


    ChrisY1, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:23, said:

    These sites are totally <deleted>.....slum living conditions....the cheapest of materials....and no-one in charge that has any idea of what's required to build a building safely.....everything they do on these so called "condo" projects is crap...we all see it every day!

    God help Thailand if the authorities ever decide to enforce the rules!!!

    Well summed up.


    The problem is cheap labour and poor if any skills.


    I have yet to see a building inspector in Thailand.


    Nothing in the country is built properly or designed to last.


    The only country I have seen where things are even worse is India.


    Simply not true.How many 1000's of high rise buildings are there in the city of Bangkok and have been for decades?


    One building collapses,for reasons we do not know, and they are all bad...yeah right.............Stupid,ill informed comment.


    1000's, maybe a sleight exaggeration, but first you need to look at who was supervising the construction, you might be surprised to know that most, is not all where using foreign engineers and supervisors, not the local village "experts." I think, looking at the video, the concrete supports seem rather think and also suspect there was no structural testing of the concrete.

  11. Deacon Bell, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:57, said:


    attrayant, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:54, said:


    apetley, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:19, said:


    ratcatcher, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:07, said:

    Of course there is an explanation as to why a mother and her baby were on a construction site?

    Not at all unusual for whole families to live onsite.


    "Not unusual" is not really a satisfactory explanation of why whole families are allowed to live on construction sites.



    Usually they will live off the site. 


    And inside unfinished buildings.

  12. attrayant, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:54, said:


    apetley, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:19, said:


    ratcatcher, on 11 Aug 2014 - 21:07, said:

    Of course there is an explanation as to why a mother and her baby were on a construction site?

    Not at all unusual for whole families to live onsite.


    "Not unusual" is not really a satisfactory explanation of why whole families are allowed to live on construction sites.


    No one said it was a "satisfactory" explanation, but the fact is it is a fact.

    • Like 1
  13. Dogmatix, on 11 Aug 2014 - 15:22, said:

    Let the Phuket governor's office find them honest jobs on construction sites or fishing trawlers. There are plenty jobs available and the fact that they were operating illegal businesses in conservation areas and evading tax is not a good reason to let them break the law again.

    And the man at the top, the governor, what has he done, over the years, to stop all this illegal/corrupt activity.... absolutely nothing, in fact he even endorse fare rises for the taxis. Why hasn't he been brought to answer.

    • Like 2
  14. Deacon Bell, on 06 Aug 2014 - 16:17, said:


    CockneyGit, on 06 Aug 2014 - 13:09, said:

    How do we know that this guy is actually getting paid to do this work..?? It says he is helping his girlfriend who maybe ill, away from home for a few days, anything.

    None of us know the full story, just sounds like a decent fella to me, helping his family. Not all Farangs here are losers!

    Give him a break all you negative-vibe monkeys!




    An alien cannot volunteer in the Kingdom of Thailand without a valid Work Permit to do so.


    Please respect the laws of Thailand, Alien.


    Then the volunteer tourist police should be deported, they don't have wp's and there is no royal decree to entitle them to work without a wp.

  15. Some people "need" a deck chair, some don't. The op gets no sympathy from me, I'm from Australia, there are NO deck chairs, for hire, ON the beach, in fact very few if any, if people take their own, to be seen. I have never seen or heard any tourists complain, but there seems to be a lot of whingers here, in Thailand, that seem to "need" a deck chair. If you live in HH and go to the beach regularly then take your own, they are not that heavy, or do as aussies do, take a towel or mat.

  16. AnotherOneAmerican, on 09 Aug 2014 - 23:23, said:

    No relationship is complete without your own children, under 60 and you're still good to go.
    Lots of old guys on these forums will tell you different, but it isn't true.

    Your choices,
    Live alone, it's not so bad.
    Get married and have a baby, that's good too.
    It's better than all the sad old guys with essentially a live in maid.

    A lot of "old" guys are wrong, but you, as one guy, are right..mmmm. Ok, I'm one of those "old" guys and here my two cents worth, you need to think not only of yourself or your wife, you need to take into consideration the kid and how you will be able to interact with him/her when they are, mmm say 10 years old, and very active, will you be able to give them the time and energy they seek, or, seeing you will be approaching seventy, be a lethargic, grumpy old man. How will you deal with the kid when he/she enters mid-teens. Also, if living in Thailand, how will your wife and kid/s survive if you go to meet your maker.

    • Like 2
  17. stoli, on 07 Aug 2014 - 18:17, said:


    Suradit69, on 07 Aug 2014 - 17:43, said:



    Thai people on average spend at least 7.2 hours per day or 50.4 hours per week surfing the web.



    Given the lower rate of access to the Internet, especially outside the urban areas, I find it hard to believe the AVERAGE Thai spends twice as much time on the Internet as the average European. Something tells me the denominator in this equation was NOT the entire Thai population. More likely they mean "Thai people who have regular access to the Internet ..." And even then that seems high.





    Looks to be a selective poll. Where is the U.S.? Where is Australia?


    Oh dear, you didn't read it closely,   hint, look at the top of the stats, it clearly states EUROPE.

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