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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Costas2008, on 26 Mar 2014 - 17:22, said:

    Pongsapas said police had been closely monitoring the two suspects for some time before making an arrest.

    Had all of this heroin found its way onto the streets of Australia, it would have been worth more than three billion baht, said Pongsapas.

    Australians, for once in your lives, be grateful to the Thai Police.thumbsup.gif

    Costas2008. your comment is simply ridiculous, did you not read that the Thai police acted on an Australian tip off, why should Australia be grateful. I think they would be grateful it the Thai police actually do their own intelligence and then "bust" the dealers and SUPPLIERS.

  2. allan michaud, on 26 Mar 2014 - 11:45, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Lieberdavid, on 26 Mar 2014 - 09:08, said:

    These comments support further the argument to avoid buses all together and to take the train when circumstances permit,

    Thai trains are hardly much better, they seem to fall off the tracks on a daily basis.

    True, but how many people are killed?

  3. masuk, on 25 Mar 2014 - 17:27, said:
    Rorri, on 25 Mar 2014 - 16:16, said:
    thailiketoo, on 24 Mar 2014 - 19:16, said:thailiketoo, on 24 Mar 2014 - 19:16, said:

    The proof food additives ARE as bad as we feared.

    I'm changing my travel plans today.

    What surprised me is that a US company "Campbell's, have, in the west, removed, many years ago, MSG, but it is still put in their products here in Thailand. I guess the health of consumers is not a priority only when public opinion places pressure on them.

    I bought some cans of Campbell's soup in Chiang Mai a year, back, but the taste was so totally salty, it reminded me of some Asian food which had a large amout of MSG added. I had no way of knowing if this was the case, but I wrote to Campbells asking why their product was almost inedible.

    Guess what? I didn't get a reply.

    Just goes to show my comment could be correct. :)

  4. AleG, on 27 Mar 2014 - 11:01, said:AleG, on 27 Mar 2014 - 11:01, said:AleG, on 27 Mar 2014 - 11:01, said:
    Rorri, on 27 Mar 2014 - 10:23, said:Rorri, on 27 Mar 2014 - 10:23, said:Rorri, on 27 Mar 2014 - 10:23, said:
    JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:

    I have only ever thrown 1 grenade so am far from an expert, but surely missing by 300 meters is a skill in itself.

    Call me suspicious, but to miss by 300 meters, seems more like a publicity stunt.

    It didn't miss by 300 meters, if fell just behind the outside wall of the house, it was launched (presumably) from a distance of 300 meters.

    This quote from the story published "The grenade landed 300 meters from the house and exploded." Also read my second comment.

    For the police then to say "They believed the grenade was fired from running vehicle on the Boromratchonee elevated road which is about 300 meters away from the house.," is purely guess work, unless they were there. Is this poor reporting, or do the police think it was fired 600m from the house. Either way, the maximum distance for an M79 is 300m.

  5. HUAHIN62, on 26 Mar 2014 - 16:36, said:HUAHIN62, on 26 Mar 2014 - 16:36, said:

    Getting a bit boring. Either the grenades don't explode or land 300 m away. The effective range of these grenades are about 500 m, so to miss with 300 m is either by design or it is a very badly trained or untrained person doing the shooting. But to have 3 attacks with no damage

    ???500meters, mm, an M79's (M79 is only a launcher) explosive grenade radius , according to info obtained on the net, is only 5 meters, with a firing range of 50-300 meters.

    http://www.5rar.asn.au/weapons/m79.htm In case you don't know 5rar is the 5th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment.

  6. JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:JeremyBowskill, on 26 Mar 2014 - 10:14, said:

    I have only ever thrown 1 grenade so am far from an expert, but surely missing by 300 meters is a skill in itself.

    Call me suspicious, but to miss by 300 meters, seems more like a publicity stunt.

  7. Thaddeus, on 24 Mar 2014 - 07:23, said:

    Oh Thailand doesn't like this.

    Unfortunately for Thailand, in the rest of the big wide world, if you act like a jerk, and someone else calls you a jerk because of it, you can try and sue them for defamation if you want, and all that happens is you look like a bigger jerk than before.

    Just admit a mistake.

    It's a jagged little pill, but it may teach you a lesson that is so desperately needed.

    I would love to see Thailand take Fox to court over defamation. Thailand would then have to prove to the world that they are not jerks, something most of us know they can not do.

  8. bangkokheat, on 26 Mar 2014 - 08:13, said:

    side stepping the real issue here, untrained uneducated drivers and REAL stiff penalties

    There are many things that can cause these accidents, but mostly yes, untrained drivers and speed. A contributing factor, which the Dept. of Transport is fully aware of, is that many, if not all, of these buses are illegal. They contravene Thailand's design regs which states the bus must be built with a wider track. Most are not, they are built on the same chassis/track as a single decked bus. Nothing will change because there are too many people involved and too much baht.

  9. CiaranO, on 25 Mar 2014 - 13:34, said:

    Here is the fundamental problem with the Governor - all the excuses. He has an excuse for everything.

    "traffic seems to be getting better everyday" - where does he live to make such a statement?

    "Phuket needs a higher budget from the central government to strengthen the police" - No you dont - you just need the current police here to actually do their jobs. And hell no do you need more money - more money means more corruption and money been skimmed of the top.

    "The recent tuk-tuk rally in Phuket is an example of the problems that originate from conflict and misunderstanding between two groups of businesses" - abd that gives them the right to shut down Patong and demand their colleagues be released and the police chief transferred?

    “We need regular meetings to discuss and exchange opinions and views in order to understand each other better" - dont you keep cancelling the regular meetings with the consulates and embassies?

    All i read in his interview is excuses for everything.

    What you say is very true, most problems on Phuket could be solved, if only the Governor did as he should. In any western country, he wouldn't have a job. All he seems to do is blame others or sugar coat "turds."

  10. soalbundy, on 25 Mar 2014 - 16:02, said:
    singa-traz, on 25 Mar 2014 - 15:46, said:
    johnnyloda, on 25 Mar 2014 - 15:41, said:

    I have read somewhere that it will be a big problem for ATM machines because most of them still working on Windows XP that means that from April 8th the cash dispensers could be easily targeted from hackers

    As if the ATMs are directly connected to the internet ... amazing the amount of nonsense you can read here.

    How is it i can connect to my German bank if the ATM is not on the net?

    Oh boy, you do need a lesson, it is because when you connect to your bank, you are NOT connecting to an ATM....

  11. ZigZagMan, on 24 Mar 2014 - 20:15, said:

    I think off road riding is the way to learn.

    Crashed my 125 enduro over and over and over on the trails and hill climbs.

    I agree, my first bike was a 250 Yammie road/trail, yes that's what we called dual purpose bikes back in the 70's (yes, I've been riding for a long time), learnt a lot, which saved me a number of times, over the years, while on the road. Roads are not a good place to learn skills.

    Advise to the op, learn to brake properly, i.e. apply more pressure to the front than the back, but not enough to lock the brakes. Brake into the corner, not while going around it, then accelerated out, but not too aggressively. Thai roads are notoriously slippery, bad enough for a car, almost suicidal on bikes. Oh.... before I forget, DO NOT TAILGATE.

  12. thailiketoo, on 24 Mar 2014 - 19:16, said:

    The proof food additives ARE as bad as we feared.

    I'm changing my travel plans today.

    What surprised me is that a US company "Campbell's, have, in the west, removed, many years ago, MSG, but it is still put in their products here in Thailand. I guess the health of consumers is not a priority only when public opinion places pressure on them.

    • Like 1
  13. stevenl, on 22 Mar 2014 - 16:12, said:
    Pi Sek, on 22 Mar 2014 - 15:54, said:
    LivinginKata, on 22 Mar 2014 - 15:35, said:

    "Pol. Lance Corp. Tanusorn Jaikaeng, who is an investigation assitant at Karon Police Station." looks like he has a lot to answer for.

    "All the damaged cars and motorbikes were taken to Kathu Police Station." - why Kathu, as Patong police station was just down the road. Wonder when the owners will see their cars again ?

    Because Tambol Patong is in Amphoe Kathu.

    Question remains, why not to Patong policestation?

    There is NO Patong Police station, the one in Patong is Kathu police station. Patong is in Kathu.

  14. Watthanaya, on 21 Mar 2014 - 14:15, said:Watthanaya, on 21 Mar 2014 - 14:15, said:

    Also, if I can't bring my car into Laos (as I am suspecting I can't until it is paid off) what are the options for leaving it in Thailand near the border?

    Does anyone know of any reliable spots or hotels that I could leave my car? I would like to spend the night in Laos, but could just go in for the day if need be.

    Too many bus accidents…want to drive myself.


  15. GeorgeO, on 21 Mar 2014 - 16:41, said:
    MK1, on 21 Mar 2014 - 09:25, said:

    Designed to reduce people hogging up land lines unnecessarily, reduce the rumour mongering and to raise more revenue perhaps for the cash strapped insolvent government.

    The impact on running costs to business and government departments will be immensely expensive.

    I disagree; most business calls are quite brief, unless we are talking about conference calls, so the unit cost will actually be reduced for any call of less than six minutes.

    Here's something sexist, but true. When I worked for Telstra, Australia's largest Telco, they designed the amount of equipment, in a telephone exchange, with a formula that took into consideration the demographics of the area, not for the number/size of businesses, but for the number of women....yes, they really do spend more time on the phone.

  16. oldsailor35, on 21 Mar 2014 - 10:42, said:oldsailor35, on 21 Mar 2014 - 10:42, said:oldsailor35, on 21 Mar 2014 - 10:42, said:

    Advantage of a manual is that you can downshift to slow your bike going downhill not wearing the brakes out so soon.

    They use to say the same thing about manual cars, re: saving the breaks wearing out, but hey, it's cheaper to replace the brakes than it is to replace/repair the gearbox.

    lol..I used a "forbidden" word (between "it's" and "cheaper") dam with an "n" at the end, who would have believed it.

  17. Pompey50, on 21 Mar 2014 - 10:02, said:

    This is a problem for phone company's around the world, now most people here in the UK and increasingly in places like Thailand are using the internet and VOIP services to communicate. So they are not making money on phonecalls: their traditional money maker: any more.

    They provide the networks, but others like skype are making the profits. For a number of years now I have had a Skype world subscription. I can chat to friends in Thailand for as long as I want for no extra cost over that of the subscription.

    I understand your point, but many of these phone companies are also the ISP's, so they might lose a little on landline phone calls, but that same line can be used to provide an ADSL service at a higher monthly cost than a landline, you also need a package giving an upload speed close to 1MB/s for quality Skype video calls, more profit to the ISP's.

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