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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. edwardandtubs, on 10 Mar 2014 - 02:21, said:edwardandtubs, on 10 Mar 2014 - 02:21, said:
    Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 09:46, said:Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 09:46, said:
    kranuan, on 09 Mar 2014 - 08:05, said:kranuan, on 09 Mar 2014 - 08:05, said:
    Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 00:31, said:Soutpeel, on 09 Mar 2014 - 00:31, said:

    Oh dear a Thai talking to westerner like this how dare they, the should be kowtowing down at your feet saying "yes boss" you littered dear boy and were called on it

    As regards "I am a big guy and can handle myself" grow up you silly man, you will not be so big if you have 10 of them coming at you to beat the sh*t out of you

    All over a piece of cucumber.... Grow up, how petty

    yes an a sad pathetic excuse like you spewing abuse from the safety of your cosy little condo would just lie down and take, i know that. but this was nothing more than pure hatred for a foreigner alone against a lot of them. there are ways of speaking to people ,simple as that, any man who can handle himself knows about this i suspect not too many of you understand this.

    just makes you hate thai people all the more after greed bah.gifbah.gif

    Actually I have quite a big house, not a little condo, I am not a retiree, I work in Thailand and have done so for many years and I am very capable of looking after myself and with all the above being said my opinion remains the same........

    Grow up you silly little person

    Boo hoo the little funny brown man spoke to me rudely and didn't respect I am a superior white westerner, go tell your mommy

    You're the one who has twisted the story with the "funny little brown man" angle. The fact is that many people in Thailand, especially Thais, dump stuff on the streets and no one says a word. Street cleaners come to pick it up but the streets are generally not particularly clean. Do you really believe this moto gang were on a campaign of street beautification rather than just opportunistically asserting their dominance over a "farang"?

    You always post in threads like this and regardless of the facts of the story you always have the same angle - it's all the fault of the racist white person. Why not take your own advice and "grow up you silly little person".

    Have to agree, don't get me wrong, littering is littering, if I have rubbish I take it with me, the hot dog would have come in a bag, use it, but what irks me is that if a Thai had dropped the gherkin nothing would have been said or done, the OP was "targeted" well before the offence, he just gave the tuk tuk driver a reason.

  2. wamberal, on 09 Mar 2014 - 11:57, said:wamberal, on 09 Mar 2014 - 11:57, said:

    Reminds me a bit of a court case in Hong Kong when I was living there. An expat threw an apple core away in a National Park. He was charged by a ranger. His defense was similar to that of the OP - "it is biodegradable, so it is not litter"). Actually, vegetable matter is biodegradable, so I think in that case he was harshly made a principle of by the court.

    However, vegetable matter thrown on a pavement is garbage. The OP was in the wrong. If he had thrown it in a garden bed, maybe okay, but not onto a hard surface. That is just laziness, IMHO.

    You are very right, vegetable matter is biodegradable, however, the seeds tend to sprout, allowing non-native vegetation to grow, often to the detriment to native vegetation.

  3. simon43, on 09 Mar 2014 - 04:50, said:simon43, on 09 Mar 2014 - 04:50, said:

    Are you sure it wasn't gherkin?? Usuaully it is gherkin that is thrown away, because no-one on this earth likes gherkin, and it is is only served with your takeaway so as to enable witty conversation with the locals as you eject it...

    In case you don't know gherkin is pickled cucumber, so cucumber is correct. As for "no-one" liking gherkin, wrong, speak for yourself, I love it, especially as a cheese and gherkin sandwich.

  4. Best bet is to tell your friends to install viber, on their phones, then, as others have said, a second phone and/or sim, then install viber. Free voice and text as long as you have internet connection, whether that is from your service provider, in Oz, or Wifi from a home network, café, airport etc.

  5. richard_smith237, on 08 Mar 2014 - 15:14, said:
    possum1931, on 08 Mar 2014 - 10:36, said:
    rhythmworx, on 05 Mar 2014 - 00:48, said:

    Get one of them rockers with an electronic thing on, that will gently bounce him to sleep.

    Maybe he had a bit of wind etc...

    Put some jam on it. Seriously, I was brought up with five brothers and a sister, and none of us ever had dummies. They are for lazy parents, used just to shut the babys up. Spend some time with them instead.

    I wonder; how many of those against the use of dummies and suggesting that parents who use them are lazy actually use a rear facing car seat with their child on every single vehicle journey they take up until the age of 4?

    The use of a dummy or not is a very very minor thought at most. How a discussion may manifest itself into a 'lazy parent' comment is beyond me.

    I wonder how many are aware that if involved in an frontal accident a toddler (<4 yrs old) in a forward facing car seat is at significantly greater risk of serious injury than a toddler in a rear facing seat. Have I digressed ? No... the reason I know this is because I was able to do boatloads of research into the best group 1+ car seat while my Son was pacified.

    I hate people like you that criticise others, all for the sake of their own ego, front facing or capsules are better than nothing, which is how it was when I was born and billions of others. go preach to Thais who do not use car seats or belts and also carry their babies while riding a bike, sometimes with one arm around the baby and the other steering. The Op was asking about dummies, nothing else, you dummy.

    • Like 1
  6. mrjonyoung, on 09 Mar 2014 - 08:54, said:

    I bought a "dummie" but never really used it. According to Dr's it can confuse the baby about nipples. "Nipple confusion". Lot a guys on here suffer from that.

    My daughter is now 1 year 9 months and getting this far has been very hard. Tough kid to raise. Lots of long nights.

    My suggestion is music. If you have a cellphone that plays music just turn it on low and find something he likes. The song that worked for me, oddly enough, was "Freak me out" by Weezer.

    You gotta try everything. Bouncing, dancing, humming, singing, talking, suck on his ear, pat his back.

    I have yet to see a baby, that uses a dummy, get confused between a dummy and a nipple, can you point me to your evidence, I would be interested to learn.

  7. Metapod, on 04 Mar 2014 - 12:45, said:
    BradinAsia, on 04 Mar 2014 - 12:16, said:
    Metapod, on 01 Mar 2014 - 15:23, said:

    I'm conflicted on the issue.

    On one hand, I agree that people gaming the system hurts genuine students who wish to study.

    On the other, there is a severe predicament for many people who are not of retirement age, nor work for a company inside Thaland. The labour laws are antiquated and many 'fake students' would love nothing more than to have a legitimate visa and pay taxes to Thailand.

    I think advocating illegal activities (e.g., violating Thai immigration law) is a violation of TV forum rules, is it not?

    Where did I advocate illegal activities? Jeez. You guys are not the brightest bunch.

    Metapod, I had to ask myself the same question, I fail to see anywhere in your comment the advocates illegal activity. Some people who post on here really are "strange," they seem to read things that just aren't there.

  8. Johnnie99, on 02 Mar 2014 - 15:16, said:
    Rorri, on 02 Mar 2014 - 14:07, said:

    Who really cares if people "scam" a system full of scams, if it doesn't affect you then mind your own bloody business. NB, I am not on an ED visa, or for that matter, "scamming" any other visas.

    ... because breaking the law to suit one's own ends is totally justified, right?

    Turn a blind eye?

    Learn from history

    Does it affect you, if not, why worry. This is an issue for Thailand, not us expats.

  9. Cricketnut, on 02 Mar 2014 - 14:08, said:
    Metapod, on 01 Mar 2014 - 15:23, said:

    I'm conflicted on the issue.

    On one hand, I agree that people gaming the system hurts genuine students who wish to study.

    On the other, there is a severe predicament for many people who are not of retirement age, nor work for a company inside Thaland. The labour laws are antiquated and many 'fake students' would love nothing more than to have a legitimate visa and pay taxes to Thailand.

    I agree with Walen... You choose to live here, well do it by the letter of the law so go speak. You want to live in Thailand, then you should be interested in learning Thai and its culture and pay the 25,000 baht that a reputable school normally charges. Any advice to the contrary or illegal as is this poster suggesting should be removed. The people of Thailand want a Democratic country free from corruption. Posts and people who help this poster don't help. Walen Schools are well known I would say by the majority to be one of the best facilitators of learning Thai and a very well known and long established company. If you don't want to play by the rules don't stuff it up for everyone else. A shameful thread indeed IMO.

    More a shameful reply from you, your reply has little, if anything, to do with Metapod's comment, you simply chose to read things into a comment that are not there. Show me where he asked for "help." Fool.

    • Like 1
  10. Cricketnut, on 02 Mar 2014 - 14:09, said:
    Rorri, on 02 Mar 2014 - 14:07, said:

    Who really cares if people "scam" a system full of scams, if it doesn't affect you then mind your own bloody business. NB, I am not on an ED visa, or for that matter, "scamming" any other visas.

    really mature post.

    At least I said something, how about debating it with a "mature" person, or is "childish" comments the only ones you can make. As for your "mature" use of the word "mature" think again, it doesn't fit or relate to my comment. You simply chose the word for you own reasons.

    • Like 1
  11. tonypace02, on 05 Mar 2014 - 17:42, said:tonypace02, on 05 Mar 2014 - 17:42, said:

    If they change from Tourist Police to RTP, they have to get new work permits.

    From what I've been told, they work illegally without a WP. Ok, before anyone jumps in, to be exempt the position must be exempted by Royal decree, it does not exist, for volunteer police, they get away with it simply because they are working with the police, technically they are breaking the law and so are the police who hire them. Unless anyone can show the Royal decree exempting them, then don't bloody shoot me down.

  12. Please guys, let's get the facts, not wanting to take anything away from the lass, but to achieve something she had to leave Thailand and study overseas, good on her, but as for the Oscar, she didn't win it, the animated movie Frozen did, she just happened to work on it. So, rijb, it's NOT her Oscar, so yes, she will have to hand it back, but not to the school, to the Disney studio.

    • Like 1
  13. maggiemae, on 03 Mar 2014 - 18:06, said:
    clockman, on 03 Mar 2014 - 11:16, said:

    Accountability, and responsilibilty. Not in Thailand!

    There is no word in the Thai language for "accountability". It simply does not exist. Doesn't that explain a lot?

    accountability: การรับผิดชอบ amazing what 10 seconds on Google translate will give you.

  14. Benmart, on 03 Mar 2014 - 19:37, said:
    x5david, on 03 Mar 2014 - 12:27, said:
    Briggsy, on 03 Mar 2014 - 11:44, said:

    Tyre blowout, brakes failed, cruise control malfunctioned, somebody else's fault, never my reckless driving.............coffee1.gif

    Well at least the broken legs prevented drivers from doing runners.....

    Nothing like some good, old fun and jokes about the pain of others. Someday, someone may make light of your pain and hopefully your family won't read it.

    Think,Think, Think.

    Benmart, lighten up, or you will have a breakdown. We become desensitized due to high levels of exposure, I guess you wouldn't be so forgiving if you or your family/friends were in the van.

  15. Dogmatix, on 02 Mar 2014 - 21:50, said:

    "Pol.Lt.Col. Issaranuwat revealed that after inspecting the accident he made note record for evidence. Initially, he assumed that the deceased might be stressed about a congenital disease or he might have been cheated by a beer bar woman and lost all his money so he decided to commit suicide."

    Pol. Lt. Col. Issaranuwat seems to have a pretty fertile imagination. But it didn't occur to him that the bus driver might have been lying and that the victim was not actually trying to commit suicide but was desperately trying to avoid a bus driven by a dangerous lunatic.

    You forget... Thais don't lie, only farang lie.

    • Like 1
  16. Trentham, on 03 Mar 2014 - 10:38, said:

    The following is part of an email from my Aussie partner in our resort describing what happened when our Thai partner went to collect our new car.

    Well, we did get the car. Last Wednesday. We had to go through all sorts of rigmarole of course – drive it out of the showroom at noon precisely (for good luck); visit the grandaughter of the last king of Nan for good luck; arriving at 12.09 for good luck; parking the car in her garden with all the doors open (to let the good luck in, along with the red ants and mozzies); then to the temple to have it and us splashed with water for good luck; then driving out of town to the first temple in Nan and circling it (tooting the horn first, of course) for good luck; and then driving back to the resort with good luck temple threads hanging from the steering wheel and the rear vision mirror. So much good luck. Then that first night K........ drives it up the bungalows driveway and demolishes the brick pillars and salt pan at the top. So, the next day (which is when I found out about it) his mother kills a chicken and we go to a jungle temple and the good luck process starts all over again. I asked him if I could get my 500bt back from the monk in Nan.

    No "good" luck for the chicken... you should have told them you think the chicken was the reincarnation of your great great grandfather.

  17. fishhooks, on 27 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:
    Rorri, on 26 Feb 2014 - 11:43, said:
    fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:

    if you have a valid travel document and you comply with Thai entry regulations, I do not understand why the Thai Immigration need to know where you came from

    This, to me, seems like a made up story, for a start you present Thai immigration with an arrival card, secondly, does the Op seriously expect us to believe, if asked where he came from, that he then went through his passport and noticed NO departure stamp, there was nothing, in the Ops story to indicate Thai immigration asked for any proof, where he came from. A made up story by someone with far too much spare time and almost a month after it supposably happened.

    A good lesson in manners would go a long way here and keep up with a flow of helpful info, Rorri.

    Whatever you may feel the OP's post to be is not of your concern and to attempt to judge him is not your place.

    He was merely asking for advice and that is what this Forum is all about!

    Neither is it my place to correct you, but I'm stating it anyway.

    Then get busy replying to ALL others who believe this to be a fake. But really, why did you need to reply, is the OP an friend. As for manners, you should mind your own business, no one actually asked you to reply. You also need to know exactly what "manners" means... the way that a person normally behaves especially while with other people. Clear your use of the word is incorrect.

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