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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Sorry to jump in, I'm in Mukdahan, the connection problems may be more widespread, two days ago, the connection was slower than normal, to many sights, especially international, since yesterday, 8/02/2014, some sites won't even connect and if they do, are so low to the point of being unusable. Grrrr, again it seems like they take our money, but provide poor service. It might take a "mass" cancellation," on poor service grounds, to jolt them into action.

  2. Suradit69, on 08 Feb 2014 - 09:21, said:

    Got overcharged recently

    Just wondered what the charge should be ....

    If you don't know what the charge should be, how do you know you were over-charged?

    Barney R, on 08 Feb 2014 - 09:00, said:

    I used to live in rural Australia we would shoot a feral cat every year and put in the tank we never once in twenty years pumped out the tanks . Something to do with the biology and the microbes produced when the cat was breaking down . And before all the cat lovers scream , feral cats wreck havoc to our native wild life in Oz and need to be controlled .

    feral cats wreck havoc to our native wild life in Oz and need to be controlled .

    I do admire your convoluted logic , but then someone "sitting on" a twenty year accumulation of poop and dead cats while making a pitch for protecting the environment is mind boggling on its own. Maybe there was an undetected slow leak from the tank.

    Ah, Suradit69, adding 69 at the end of your name tells us a lot, however, back to the story, you obviously have NO idea about "rural" Australia or the "feral" cat situation, YET, you seem empowered to comment. Stupid really. Feral cats... kill on sight, show no mercy!

  3. ????

    If you go to a foreign country, you are a guest of the government.

    Protest against that government and you are a problem that needs sorting.

    Before the EU it was the same there.

    If you lived in China or North Korea, would you join a protest march?

    I really don't understand your problem. There are many countries in the world, including your own.

    When will people, like you, understand one very basic thing, YOU ARE NOT A GUEST, you are a visitor.. guest by definition means you were "invited", show me your invitation.

    • Like 1
  4. These incidents reflect badly on all foreigners visiting Thailand, even though it is an individual committing the crime, on a subconscious level in the Thai public mind these crimes tarnish the image of all visitors. We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.



    I wouldn't say we're honoured guests, merely guests and quite possibly a nuisance and worse in most Thais eyes... I do agree we're honoured to be here, but that term usually represents someone who is very much welcomed.

    By definition you are not even guest, but a visitor, there is a difference.

  5. If you can speak only 1 language ,stay in your home country or learn to speak more languages ,,or cultivate yourself,learn mandarin (most spoken language in the world! ),or french or english as a second or third language.

    Don't expect natives to adapt to your language,in colonial times this arrogance was common ,but these times are gone .

    The average bar-lady (or Pakistani,Indy,Swahili,........) speaks more languages than the average Russian French English .....tourist.

    the fact that you have more money doesn't make you ( look) smarter.

    It's time to accept the fact that speaking only 1 language ,you look poorly educated in every non english(french,russian...)country.


    please reply only in russian ,lol

    So by your logic, one should never travel to a country unless you can already converse with the local population?

    What utter RUBBISH -

    So true. Here's my opinion, and it's sure to get some negative comments. If people want YOU to come to their country and spend YOUR money, then it is up to them to learn your language, not for you to learn theirs, after all, for all intents and purposes , you are their customer. Please, I don't want ANYONE to say we are "guests" we are NOT, go look at the definition of "guest."

    Agree to a point, but that could potentially be 50 languages.......

    The smarter opertors have Russian language signs made up or employ Russian speaking GRO etc....

    True, I should qualify my comment by saying "English" is really the international language. A few basic words, for the tourist,, e.g. how much, too much, thank you etc, goes a long way to making their holiday more enjoyable. Having said that, Thailand needs to cater for the tourists, tourist do not need to cater for Thais, but should at least respect all people and do their best to understand Thai culture lol.. we will never understand it 100%, I simply believe even Thais don't understand it 100%.

    • Like 1
  6. I had custom made kitchen cupboards with doors, proper wood etc - not cheap.

    They fitted them while I was at work and when i came home I saw they had painted them brown instead of leaving them natural wood finish. I hohummed and thought never mind they still look OK and could not be arsed with getting inot it with the shop.

    A month or so later i noticed some lined blistering, and on closer inspection was horrified to see they had filled part of the doors with filler and painted over it - hence the paint. On further inspection I found it to be uniform and on all doors. When I got them round the guy told me they had bevelled it wrong, so rebevelled it to my spec and then filled in the rest and painted over them.

    I was greeted with the usual dumb grinning when i asked what they planned to do about it. Eventually and begrudgingly they took all the doors away and I told them the fault was theirs and not mine and I wanted proper doors done to my spec. They tried to tell me it would cost. I think they coulod still hear my laughter by the time they got back to the shop.

    Never again will i order custom made furniture here.

    I have many tales of very poor workmanship from this country and will only hire builders, plumbers, carpenters etc that are known to Thai friends. Seems the only way to get a half decent job done.

    On the other hand i had one guy who did a lot of tiling work for me and his work was impeccable. He has had a lot of work from me and i get him to recommend other tradesmen also.

    Still love living here though, i just don't expect good work from local tradesmen.

    Poor workmanship infests the country, hard to call anyone a "tradesman," on the surface things look spiffy but you don't need to look far to find what most of use would consider substandard workmanship, I often comment to overseas visitors that thais are the worlds best "renderers" they make things look spiffy, but underneath is crap.

  7. If you can speak only 1 language ,stay in your home country or learn to speak more languages ,,or cultivate yourself,learn mandarin (most spoken language in the world! ),or french or english as a second or third language.

    Don't expect natives to adapt to your language,in colonial times this arrogance was common ,but these times are gone .

    The average bar-lady (or Pakistani,Indy,Swahili,........) speaks more languages than the average Russian French English .....tourist.

    the fact that you have more money doesn't make you ( look) smarter.

    It's time to accept the fact that speaking only 1 language ,you look poorly educated in every non english(french,russian...)country.


    please reply only in russian ,lol

    So by your logic, one should never travel to a country unless you can already converse with the local population?

    What utter RUBBISH -

    So true. Here's my opinion, and it's sure to get some negative comments. If people want YOU to come to their country and spend YOUR money, then it is up to them to learn your language, not for you to learn theirs, after all, for all intents and purposes , you are their customer. Please, I don't want ANYONE to say we are "guests" we are NOT, go look at the definition of "guest."

    • Like 2
  8. I'm not sure if the OP is trolling or not. He starts off talking about his own village/ soi, then jumps to Bangkok, and who really cares if he brushes his teeth etc., before going out. If we stick to his village/soi, maybe he just has a few unfriendly neighbours, or neighbours that keep to themselves, or maybe, just maybe he causes trouble in his village/soi. after all, we don't know him. Now, if we look at Bangkok, I don't think every farang he sees is a teacher, but we all know that many cultures react differently to people they don't know, so what is the OPs problem. Now, if we are ONLY talking about teachers, from my experience, I come from the land down under, many teachers never really "mature," all their life they spend around kids, even after school hours, they tend to mix with teachers, never mixing with the norms of society, their "maturity" seems to stop at the same level as a 15 year old, with little life experiences.

    • Like 1
  9. The OP has had a lot of posts, he should know what to do, I suspect a lonely person making up stories, but just in case he isn't, then has anyone considered the 2 "ladies" may have been confused between dollars and baht?

    Do you seriously believe there is a chance they confused it for dollars?

    Don't be ridiculous. It would be impossible for them to have made it that far into the country without realizing they are all of a sudden they are dealing in dollars.

    Surely no one could be that brain-dead.

    Seriously... did I say serious.. I think, if you read CAREFULLY, I said "may have", perhaps you do not understand English. I myself have seen many tourists in Phuket confused, especially around the drinking area of soi bangla, but then maybe my experience does not count.

  10. Any one know where I can buy the above,banana it no have,has to be for cat telecom fiber optic cable.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Any WiFi router will work... the cable from the optic fiber box, provided by you ISP, provides a standard Ethernet outlet, this connects to you router, on most WiFi routers, you then have a choice as to connect via Ethernet cable of WiFi.

  11. l am a aussie live sissaket and love it. stay here on and off. building home maybe 1 year.also brit guy doctor works aussie land he build near me too. just small village.

    and we also have italian comes and goes and one german man keeps to himself.the local blokes sure like there whisky cant do a job without it.

    My God, an Aussie, with your poor English I think you've been here too long.

    • Like 1
  12. Mmm, this might get a few opposing comments, but from my experience, it is not only your gf, it seems more a thai thing. No matter how right a farang is, and how wrong a thai is, they will nearly always go for the thai way. Just remember, never say "I told you so" or ask "why" they made that decision. You will be met with silence, could last a few days, and a turned head. Thais are brought up to believe they are right, never wrong, so you have NO chance of winning.

    • Like 1
  13. A big thanks to every one with constructive advice , its appreciated wai.gif

    The photograph showing the two dogs was taken years ago when my young daughter kept putting old tee shirts on them when out playing and any dressing up was stopped long ago. The photo showing both of them chained up was a one time thing just to keep them together for a photo , they are never chained, but free to roam around our very large garden plot .

    So after reading the comments so far , it seem that my best option my be

    1. Have both dogs spayed

    2. Increase their exercise

    3. Immediately correct the aggressive dog

    4. Treat them both as equal

    5. Make sure any food that is given is placed in different areas and not too close to each other.

    6. Make more of an effort to become their pack leader

    7. Increase training in obedience

    8. Watch the dog whisper on YouTube

    I forgot to add to my original post when the two dogs were a lot younger we use to let them have a free run about on our land at the rear of our house , they seems to enjoy this but that was curtailed when the Brown and White dog presented us with a litter of five puppies ( which we found homes for ) This Brown and White dog seems to be it instigator of the fighting , not sure if this is in any way relevant .

    I now feel that my self and my wife have made some mistakes in trying to manage our two '' guard '' dogs , and I'm hoping its not too late to try and rectify our mistakes sad.png

    Never having a dog spayed before , can any one tell me how long after the operation would it be safe to let the spayed dog come into contact with other dogs .

    Dogs will naturally protect their pack, no training required. In a pack they are no "equals" one is ALWAYS more dominant, your dogs know this and will accept it. Most fighting between dogs is to establish their pack order. as for the Dog whisperer, yeah he knows his stuff, but you will not really learn by watching you tube. If it was that easy Cesar Millan would be out of work.

  14. Rice scheme caper # 47 - misrepresenting the facts and being dishonest at any and all times.

    " She noted that the price rate of Thai rice in global market remains unchanged at approximately 400 USD per tonne, and is currently competing with Vietnamese rice. "

    For the last two months, Vietnamese rice has been priced at between $ 245 USD and $ 260 USD per tonne. Thai rice - on the other hand - at " approximately " $ 400 USD - is ,one presumes, priced for shipment to Pluto, to cover the cost of the long journey.

    This Khaosod article is something else. The Pheu Thai officials they interview strenuously and incredulously maintain - after all the evidence that is considered so damning it's led to impeachment proceedings against Yingluck by the NACC - that there is indeed a China sale - that these companies within China are so independent that they can cut a deal with Thailand without even China knowing about it. But then there are all those massive stores of unsold rice that have piled up over the years, which now apparently are going to be " auctioned off " to excited buyers, looking forward to inspect the contents for bugs.

    They don't need to check the stockpile for bugs.. just pop down to Tesco and check some of the bags there.

  15. I did not realize how many CCTV's there are in Thailand. I live in Kanchanaburi and just realized there are 3 cameras at every intersection along the river road. Kind of creepy because you never notice them them once you see them you realize how many there are. I take solace in the fact I knowing most of them more than likely do not work and the guy watching the other end most likely is sleeping.

    Yeah, but how many actually work?

  16. Dogs are dogs, you need to treat as such, and understand that they are pack animals, with a pack nature. In this case one dog will normally be the "alpha" (dominant) bitch she will normal try and be closer to the pack leaders, this MUST be you and your family, if the other dog tries to take her place this will lead to fighting. Be aware that with dogs, if two males fight one will normally submit and the fight is over, two females on the other hand tend to fight more aggressively, often to the death. First, splay both, secondly, take control, be the master at ALL times, thirdly, train them in obedience, fourthly, get them out of the yard and socialise them with your neighbours and their dogs last but not least, GET THEM OUT OF HUMAN CLOTHES.

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