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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Crossy, on 27 Feb 2014 - 16:48, said:

    I've yet to find any logic whatever to Thai addresses once you leave the realms of the (relatively) ordered cities.

    Our whole village is 'moo 3' which is prefixed by a plot number, so we are '4 moo 3' followed by the sub-district name then the Tambon, the plot numbers follow no order I can see.

    We are on a relatively major (4 digit) road but the road doesn't have a name so it doesn't figure in the address at all.

    You stand no chance whatever of finding our place on a map from the address alone. At least putting the postcode into Google Maps gets you within a couple or five km, sadly there's a ruddy great river running right through the centre of the postcode region so you can easily be within 500m but have a 10km drive to get there.

    What I found on house number, and this was in Kathu, the numbers were allocated as a house was built, this means that the numbers jump all over the place, this made it so hard for the postie he simple pops the mail in any mailbox then lets the house owners/tenants sort it out Give you an idea, 5 houses in a row, in our Soi, 35 37, 65, 23, 21.

  2. IsaanUSA, on 28 Feb 2014 - 05:00, said:

    It sounds like this thread isn't about money, but rather a vent about friends not behaving as desired.

    Sorry man.

    A rant... maybe, to me it's a made up story, but assuming it's true, he admits to already "borrowing" from family, surely the alarm bells started ringing, and it was time to pack up and use the money to return home, cold or not, it's better than being destitute in a foreign country.

  3. brit1984, on 27 Feb 2014 - 13:10, said:
    Rorri, on 27 Feb 2014 - 10:10, said:
    brit1984, on 27 Feb 2014 - 09:04, said:brit1984, on 27 Feb 2014 - 09:04, said:

    as a student, i found it very annoying having tourists (mostly americans) taking photos of everything while i was trying to go about my day

    any uni in the world that is worth visiting should have strict rules on where / when visitors can enter, and should certainly charge for the privilege

    if chiang mai university is really so picturesque, i'm shocked they allow tourists to roam around for free

    Your first sentence is ridiculous, you are only "distracted" if you choose to be. Many universities have "Photography" students, who simply by their course are out taking photos. Do these also "distract" you?

    there were no photography students at my university and if there had been they would have been well out-numbered by the hoards of tourists...

    how could i ignore them when they were blocking paths / walkways / tunnels / archways through which i needed to walk to go to my room / tutorial / lectures? even if they were not literally blocking the way, i would need to decide between crossing them and disrupting their photo (and then feeling guilty) or waiting for them to take their photo (and losing time)...

    while i understand universities have multiple roles to play in society (aside from simply being places of learning) there needs to be a balance and the negative impact that visitors have on the students should definitely be controlled and / or compensated through extra revenue for the university

    Now you change your story, from them being distracting to impeding you. It was your choice not to exert your right of passage, you should have taken your normal route, it this disturbed the photographers, then so be it. For some reason I think you a exaggerating things, I'm sure if the photographers became a problem then the Uni security would have moved them on.

  4. brit1984, on 27 Feb 2014 - 09:04, said:

    as a student, i found it very annoying having tourists (mostly americans) taking photos of everything while i was trying to go about my day

    any uni in the world that is worth visiting should have strict rules on where / when visitors can enter, and should certainly charge for the privilege

    if chiang mai university is really so picturesque, i'm shocked they allow tourists to roam around for free

    Your first sentence is ridiculous, you are only "distracted" if you choose to be. Many universities have "Photography" students, who simply by their course are out taking photos. Do these also "distract" you?

    • Like 1
  5. zaZa9, on 26 Feb 2014 - 12:12, said:zaZa9, on 26 Feb 2014 - 12:12, said:zaZa9, on 26 Feb 2014 - 12:12, said:
    Rorri, on 26 Feb 2014 - 11:43, said:Rorri, on 26 Feb 2014 - 11:43, said:Rorri, on 26 Feb 2014 - 11:43, said:
    fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:

    fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:

    if you have a valid travel document and you comply with Thai entry regulations, I do not understand why the Thai Immigration need to know where you came from

    This, to me, seems like a made up story, for a start you present Thai immigration with an arrival card, secondly, does the Op seriously expect us to believe, if asked where he came from, that he then went through his passport and noticed NO departure stamp, there was nothing, in the Ops story to indicate Thai immigration asked for any proof, where he came from. A made up story by someone with far too much spare time and almost a month after it supposably happened.

    Lets read the ops post again Rorri:

    "Last month I arrived in Bkk and didn't notice I hadn't been stamped out of Australia until Immigration in Bkk asked me where I arrived from? Is this an error I need to attend to asap or just leave it as is."

    It appears that its actually you with too much time on his hands , and you spend that time making up things that nobody has written.

    Yes , I believe an Immigration officer possibly asked where the op had flown from as it has happened to me on more than one occasion. (How is the op supposed to prove that BTW?)

    It may surprise you to know that in response I didnt say , "Look at my Arrival card you idiot !"

    fvw53 should understand that also.I would suggest he ask Thai Immigration directly why they want to make small talk sometimes .

    But Rorri would benefit from a return to school. Im sure there are Kindy classes available somewhere....

    Perhaps you need to re-read what I said, immigration did NOT ask for proof, simply asked where he arrived from. Is that so hard for you to understand? As, if you can read, many others have stated, many do NOT have departure stamps, from their home country. You also conveniently missed the fact it is now a month after this was supposed to happen. As for how is the Op supposed to prove where he has flown from... it's called the flight number, once again on the arrival card, or the Ops "boarding pass" duhhh. and if that's not enough then immigration can always check the passenger manifest.

    • Like 1
  6. steelepulse, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:05, said:

    This still doesn't avert the cluster f*** at customs and immigration. Nothing to help the overloaded airport, but a nice shiny new building that undoubtedly had a lot of pork built into it.

    So true, and on top of it all, you could be waiting 15 minutes for the shuttle bus, instead of a 1 minute walk.

  7. fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:fvw53, on 26 Feb 2014 - 10:35, said:

    if you have a valid travel document and you comply with Thai entry regulations, I do not understand why the Thai Immigration need to know where you came from

    This, to me, seems like a made up story, for a start you present Thai immigration with an arrival card, secondly, does the Op seriously expect us to believe, if asked where he came from, that he then went through his passport and noticed NO departure stamp, there was nothing, in the Ops story to indicate Thai immigration asked for any proof, where he came from. A made up story by someone with far too much spare time and almost a month after it supposably happened.

  8. thailandbeachisland, on 25 Feb 2014 - 20:52, said:
    Litlos, on 24 Feb 2014 - 21:23, said:

    Similar problems with all sorts of websites after switching to Win 8.1 with IE11. The best answer I have found is to use Firefox or Chrome in that order to access, and the problem seems to be solved.


    This one was easy to guess...

    Who seriously uses Internet explorer nowadays except someone who is not interested by anything online ?

    Because, Mr Know it all, some sites actually need IE and some hardware, eg IP cams, use ActiveX GUI's... so there, stick that in your narrow minded pipe and smoke it. Geez, what is it with some people, simply because you don't use the browser they use, they start become all hi n' mighty.

  9. JetsetBkk, on 24 Feb 2014 - 13:36, said:JetsetBkk, on 24 Feb 2014 - 13:36, said:

    The buoys are constantly being stolen we cannot keep replacing them forever, Chief Phuripat explained this week.

    Why is this incompetent still in his job? He should've been sacked years ago.

    Only one answer, he has powerful friends, in most other countries, this incompetent person would NOT be able to hold down a street sweepers job, he never accepts responsibility always saying it's either not in his district or someone else's fault even when it clearly is his. He's as useless as tits on a bull.

  10. andreandre, on 24 Feb 2014 - 18:27, said:
    ozyjon, on 24 Feb 2014 - 17:16, said:

    Police believe Mr Volkov either decided to jump (not pushed) off the balcony or accidentally (not pushed) fell down.

    ,,,,, oh,,,,,,or,,,,,,,

    decided to commit suicide, that's it.

    Wrong.read the 2nd news update..no jumping.no pushing,no suicide..coffee1.gif

    “We checked CCTV footage, which showed Mr Volkov returning to the room at 1am. However, he was unable to open the door,” Phuket City Police Superintendent Sermphan Sirikong said.

    “Mr Volkov accessed a room on the fifth floor to climb down to his balcony on the fourth floor. While he was climbing down, he lost control and fell to the ground,” Col Sermphan said.

    It's Thailand, to believe this story we need to see the CCTV footage, but only of him climbing... NOT the actual fall.

  11. barryofthailand, on 24 Feb 2014 - 11:08, said:

    Lets face it every time their is a fatality from an upper floor of a condominium their always seems to be either a wife, or girl friend that is also in the room when the incident happens.

    The police need to smarten up and investigate these incidents completely.

    They are to unprofessional/lazy to investigate, that's the reason for suicide or accident.

  12. avander, on 23 Feb 2014 - 22:36, said:
    Rorri, on 23 Feb 2014 - 15:55, said:
    avander, on 23 Feb 2014 - 14:24, said:avander, on 23 Feb 2014 - 14:24, said:avander, on 23 Feb 2014 - 14:24, said:

    A good thread which has prompted me to at least find a backup solution for my current total reliance on Gmail, Google contacts and calendar. If I lost them I'd be in trouble. It's one thing to rely on syncs but if the bad data or empty database is sync'd to your mobile or whatever you're still in deep doodoo. Luckily Google recently released upgrades to enable those of us reliant on them to export our data for an alternative solution so I intend to do exactly that on a reasonably regular basis and find a solution should I ever need to use a different app for mail, contacts and calender. Hopefully something simple, compatible with Android and PC and with a small footprint. Anyone got any ideas?

    Sent from my GT-I9305T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Try eM client on your PC...then it's simple to backup your mail. "File""Backup""Yes"... backup done. Well, after a minute or more, depending on how many emails are to be backed up.

    Hi Rorri,

    Had a quick look at eM Client and it looks pretty good bu tthe free version does limimt your support and also to 2 mail accounts. My alternative is Outlook as I have free access if I want to use it and have used it before. I'm now wondering what the advantage is with eM Client?

    True about the free version, but to purchase it is cheap approx. US$50 compared with Outlook approx. US$100( average, price varies), I am trying to move away from Microsoft products, except the OS, as Microsoft seems hell bent on tying their products too closely with the OS also if you have an earlier version of say MS Office and you want a newer version of say outlook, you HAVE to upgrade all MS Office... which to me sux.

  13. attrayant, on 23 Feb 2014 - 16:25, said:

    I'm not really sure what the OP is asking for - a new mail provider or a new client (a program that can fetch, send and view email from any provider).

    I'd like to know what the specific concerns are with Gmail. I've been using it for a long time because of the seamless integration with all of their other cloud services. And now that Google Drive puts a folder in your local file system, you don't even need to open a browser any more (unless you want the web view of a document). It's as close to a single sign-on environment as you can get. If you're worried about security, use a strong password, turn on your Google Account Activity Report and enable two-step verification.


    not really happy with all the info etc in someone else's storage.

    Unless you own your own email servers, your information will always be on somebody else's storage. If you can be more clear about exactly what your concerns are, we can offer more helpful advice.

    He did say he tried Incredimail. which is an email client... so one assumes he means email clients.

  14. Scamper, on 23 Feb 2014 - 11:56, said:Scamper, on 23 Feb 2014 - 11:56, said:

    The police's reputation is so bad in this country that they have actually become for many synonymous with the very problem they are entrusted to protect the public from. So everyone agrees it needs reform. But is reform really going to succeed if suggestions for reform originate from the police themselves ? These suggestions from a police official sound too close to a proposal for an " independent political party ", than a completely unbiased police department, whose sole task should be the protection of the public's constitutional rights and the unprejudiced upholding of the law.Tackling corruption anywhere is going to be the ongoing challenge of reform, as well as being the measure of its success. But tackling corruption will be no less daunting for the police. The more reform is taken out of the hands of the police and placed in the hands of the people - through an act of parliament which adheres to the fundamental rights of all protected by the constitution, followed up by stringent judicial oversight, as well as outreach and ombudsman services - the more the public good is protected.

    In Australia each state has its only police force, many years ago, approx. 35, there was an issue with corruption in the Queensland police they realised they could not have their only police investigate itself, so brought in police from other states, many Queensland police, from bottom to top, where charged, fined and/or jailed... ALL guilty police lost their jobs. This of course can not happen in Thailand and it is unlikely outside police will be brought in, so Thailand is stuck with corrupt police for a very long time as no one at the top has the balls to replace the guilty high level police, then force change to filter down.

  15. iang, on 23 Feb 2014 - 14:47, said:

    Just this week, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission announced they are going to target online travel agencies / low cost carriers and the like, who are using 'drip feed' pricing tactics, where the advertised airfare or hotel product can not actually be purchased for the advertised price. i.e. quoted prices are not inclusive of fees, taxes, booking fees & have included additional costs which must be opted out of etc etc. You know the sort of thing - you start of with a Baht 999 cost & by the time you've finished, the cost can be considerably higher.

    When the ACCC prosecutes, fines can be in the millions - and I'm not talking about Baht, so must be viewed very seriously.

    It'd be nice if there was a givernment body (seriously) looking after consumers interests in Thailand!

    See www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-21/accc-to-crack-down-on-online-sellers-who-add-fees/5274368?section=business

    If only Consumer affairs Thailand had the same balls as Australia, then things would be a lot better, but in a lot of cases, now people, I did NOT say all, they are as useful as tits on a bull.

  16. iamariva1957, on 23 Feb 2014 - 15:37, said:

    Op... actually I have no idea what you are on about with regards to Gmail. I have been using it for years and have never had an issue with either hacking or their 'cloud' services. Every email provider has had issues in the past. Some more than others (Yahoo and certainly AOL), but if you want an alternative email account try hotmail perhaps.

    Hotmail is now Outlook.

  17. avander, on 23 Feb 2014 - 14:24, said:avander, on 23 Feb 2014 - 14:24, said:

    A good thread which has prompted me to at least find a backup solution for my current total reliance on Gmail, Google contacts and calendar. If I lost them I'd be in trouble. It's one thing to rely on syncs but if the bad data or empty database is sync'd to your mobile or whatever you're still in deep doodoo. Luckily Google recently released upgrades to enable those of us reliant on them to export our data for an alternative solution so I intend to do exactly that on a reasonably regular basis and find a solution should I ever need to use a different app for mail, contacts and calender. Hopefully something simple, compatible with Android and PC and with a small footprint. Anyone got any ideas?

    Sent from my GT-I9305T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Try eM client on your PC...then it's simple to backup your mail. "File""Backup""Yes"... backup done. Well, after a minute or more, depending on how many emails are to be backed up.

    • Like 1
  18. LindsayBKK, on 23 Feb 2014 - 02:05, said:

    If you have an Android device I'm with Blue Mail, just started using it for a week now & its great! Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc. all in one. Add all your emails @ the one place.

    Gmail has the biggest storage.

    + you need google to login to alot of web's online.

    Outlook mail I would rate 2nd.


    You're another one that didn't read that the Op had tried Incredimail, a windows base email client, so why did you even mention Android... duh

  19. tominbkk, on 22 Feb 2014 - 12:00, said:tominbkk, on 22 Feb 2014 - 12:00, said:

    Well my Mac mail program works well to archive all my mail.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Seriously, did you not read that the Op tried Incredimail, which is a windows email client, unless he is running a virtual windows machine then one assumes he has a windows PC, so why on earth did you mention Mac?

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