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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. davejones23, on 20 Feb 2014 - 09:21, said:

    It's funny that you come across so many expats in Thailand that don't drink tap water because they say it's unhealthy, but then have a junk food lunch followed by 10 beers. You have to laugh at their stupidity.

    I fail to see your reasoning, eg, cholera is spread through contaminated water, I think I can live longer on "junk" food and beer., but then for some stupid illogical reason, you seem to believe many expats eat only "junk" food and drink beer. So Dave, what do you drink, or do you not live in Thailand.

  2. Chicog, on 19 Feb 2014 - 16:35, said:Chicog, on 19 Feb 2014 - 16:35, said:Chicog, on 19 Feb 2014 - 16:35, said:
    Rorri, on 19 Feb 2014 - 16:25, said:Rorri, on 19 Feb 2014 - 16:25, said:Rorri, on 19 Feb 2014 - 16:25, said:
    aneemeesedammai, on 19 Feb 2014 - 14:44, said:aneemeesedammai, on 19 Feb 2014 - 14:44, said:aneemeesedammai, on 19 Feb 2014 - 14:44, said:aneemeesedammai, on 19 Feb 2014 - 14:44, said:

    My 3bb 10mb package contract seems to allow them to throttle me, more or less whenever they can get their hands round my throat.

    It says

    Service conditions

    The company reserves the right in case the connecting speed is lower than advertised due to network limitation factors.

    The company reserves the right to grant service, considering network and technical limitations.

    Seems they can cut whoever's speed when and where they like and the only way to challenge them is to have a level of technical expertise comparable to their own.

    I suppose market pressure is the only thing that inhibits them.

    If I was less cynical I might say that they just can't guarantee trully unlimited downloads so they have to cover themselves.

    I wil upgrade.

    And thanks for the support Ghostnigel.

    The other pertinent contract details are


    10MB and upload is 512k


    The price is 631.30 Baht per month including Vat.

    The connection can support 1-2 computers at a time.

    If permission to borrow to pay for insurance, equipment, Router 1 Port 100 Baht.

    ADSL Router 1 Port WIFI 650 THB or ADSL Router 4 Port WIFI 999 THB (Price Include VAT)

    The "Service conditions" are in fact miss-leading, therefore, could be considered illegal. Before I go any further, I acknowledge there is limited international bandwidth, however if the limit for your connection is "technical" then we should see international connections varying due to increases and decreases in internet usage, due to kids not playing games, businesses closing for the day etc. What we have is an "administrative" limit not a "technical" one. If you approach 3BB and complain, they will sell you a more expensive package... once again an "administrative" limit NOT "technical." I am on 3BB 13Mbps, simply because I needed the higher upload bandwidth for Skype, if you are paying for a higher package, you are wasting your money, you do get "bragging" rights, but not necessarily higher download/uploads. Check here to compare speeds http://www.khunwoody.com/phuket-internet-speed/ Another thing when testing your speed, try to avoid OOKLA/Speedtest sites as these are often miss-leading as the popular sites are cached by Thai ISP's, this was proven by the people using the site I gave the link to. My background, 40+ years in telecommunications.

    There's nothing illegal about them. They're basically saying they can do what they like, and when you sign the contract you're agreeing to it. No one makes you sign it.

    I did say "could" be illegal, the reason being they say for "technical" reasons, when in fact it is purely an "administrative" reason, which legally is technically wrong, I hope you now understand. There is a difference. When I signed I agreed to "technical" limits" NOT "administrative" limits.

    What we need is a consumers coop, with numbers we could make a difference.

  3. aneemeesedammai, on 19 Feb 2014 - 14:44, said:

    My 3bb 10mb package contract seems to allow them to throttle me, more or less whenever they can get their hands round my throat.

    It says

    Service conditions

    The company reserves the right in case the connecting speed is lower than advertised due to network limitation factors.

    The company reserves the right to grant service, considering network and technical limitations.

    Seems they can cut whoever's speed when and where they like and the only way to challenge them is to have a level of technical expertise comparable to their own.

    I suppose market pressure is the only thing that inhibits them.

    If I was less cynical I might say that they just can't guarantee trully unlimited downloads so they have to cover themselves.

    I wil upgrade.

    And thanks for the support Ghostnigel.

    The other pertinent contract details are


    10MB and upload is 512k


    The price is 631.30 Baht per month including Vat.

    The connection can support 1-2 computers at a time.

    If permission to borrow to pay for insurance, equipment, Router 1 Port 100 Baht.

    ADSL Router 1 Port WIFI 650 THB or ADSL Router 4 Port WIFI 999 THB (Price Include VAT)

    The "Service conditions" are in fact miss-leading, therefore, could be considered illegal. Before I go any further, I acknowledge there is limited international bandwidth, however if the limit for your connection is "technical" then we should see international connections varying due to increases and decreases in internet usage, due to kids not playing games, businesses closing for the day etc. What we have is an "administrative" limit not a "technical" one. If you approach 3BB and complain, they will sell you a more expensive package... once again an "administrative" limit NOT "technical." I am on 3BB 13Mbps, simply because I needed the higher upload bandwidth for Skype, if you are paying for a higher package, you are wasting your money, you do get "bragging" rights, but not necessarily higher download/uploads. Check here to compare speeds http://www.khunwoody.com/phuket-internet-speed/ Another thing when testing your speed, try to avoid OOKLA/Speedtest sites as these are often miss-leading as the popular sites are cached by Thai ISP's, this was proven by the people using the site I gave the link to. My background, 40+ years in telecommunications.

  4. gr8fldanielle, on 19 Feb 2014 - 08:55, said:gr8fldanielle, on 19 Feb 2014 - 08:55, said:
    aussieinthailand, on 19 Feb 2014 - 08:09, said:aussieinthailand, on 19 Feb 2014 - 08:09, said:
    Robby nz, on 19 Feb 2014 - 06:39, said:Robby nz, on 19 Feb 2014 - 06:39, said:

    Symbolic resignation only as Worawit is still there, he is said to be acting president for 30 days (according to law ?)

    Any bets he will be reinstated after 30 days ?

    Only took 2 posts before Suthep got slammed this time, the red loonies are improving, the boss will be pleased.

    "the red loonies" ( loony's), So Robby nz, you think the "peaceful protesters" that threw the bomb and blew the leg off a policeman is a loon? how about the one that shot and killed the policeman, is he a loon also?

    There is now way that some of these protesters are peaceful mate and who is leading them, The biggest loon of all using farmers as political pawns, first threatening banks if they give loans to the gov for farmers payments then after advice back-flipped and said banks should give loans,

    The protestors did not throw a grenade, it was reported by a police officer that the police threw it. It was later reported that the police had an accident and the grenade went off.

    Quit spreading lies! bah.gif The question should be why did or do the police have grenades? Aren't those weapons of war?

    Looking at the video, http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=654_1392735073, the grenade did not come from the police. One very brave policeman tried to kick it away.

    • Like 1
  5. GinBoy2, on 17 Feb 2014 - 20:04, said:

    I'm with hansnl on this, sounds like a typical dust allergy. As for asbestos, it's usually used an an insulating material. Now I'm trying to think if Thai's even have a word for insulation, not something I've typically encountered in Thai buildings!

    Actually Ginboy2, do some research, it was also used for fencing, wall panels, roof sheeting, pipes and I'm sure there's more.

  6. cdmtdm, on 17 Feb 2014 - 16:12, said:cdmtdm, on 17 Feb 2014 - 16:12, said:

    google Wittenoom Tragedy ...that will change your mind about asbestos , its deadly and a silent killer .......banned in oz for many years ..

    What you say is very true, but what most do not know is that it is blue asbestos, that is dangerous, white asbestos is ok.


  7. delgarcon, on 17 Feb 2014 - 15:41, said:

    Why is there no technology to warn bus and lorry drivers when they are about to fall asleep? This is a major problem all over the world and I wouldn't have thought it would be difficult to invent a piece of equipment to monitor a driver's breathing pattern say and wake him/her up before falling asleep! Having owned a minivan company for a few years, I know full well that tiredness is a big problem for professional drivers.

    You need to keep up with technology, there is in fact devices available, but of course, this is Thailand, not exactly a safety conscious nation.

  8. telecom, on 17 Feb 2014 - 15:37, said:

    So many drivers falling asleep in Thailand.

    How come I never hear of this happening in the UK?


    For a start, I think you need to check the difference in size, of the two countries, that may, well for a thinking person, enlighten you to the difference in distance Thai drivers drive. Having said that, in the great land down under, there is always two drivers, the buses also have a sleeper cab and the driver MUST have a rest, they also MUST have a log book which is frequently checked by the highway police.

  9. krisb, on 17 Feb 2014 - 11:59, said:
    Rorri, on 17 Feb 2014 - 11:45, said:

    krisp, did it come complete with the squeaky breaks. It seems all of them in Mukdahan squeak and judder.

    No not really. Have had the brake levers adjusted once after they wore in. Cause we only holiday up there at the farm I don't ride it much unlike the taxi guys would do. Perhaps they don't maintain them too much either.

    Yeah, lack on maintenance is what I was suspecting. Repairs don't seem hi on the agenda.

  10. spiritrace, on 17 Feb 2014 - 11:52, said:

    Nice looking clean rig. You got a good deal.

    I too have been looking at Tuk Tuks and the prices mentioned are in line. A new one is around $4000 or so. I paid $13,000 for my little Kubota so $4000 for a Tuk Tuk is a good deal for me.

    My big concern is getting a Thai license. I can not learn to read or write thai.

    Spirit, do you already hold a licence from your home country, if you do, you don't need to do a written or driving test, only a colour blind and reaction test, both very easy.

  11. stevenl, on 15 Feb 2014 - 12:52, said:
    MMarlow, on 15 Feb 2014 - 11:54, said:
    grumpyoldman, on 15 Feb 2014 - 10:26, said:
    chiang mai, on 15 Feb 2014 - 10:21, said:

    So many marine biologists are TV members, I would never have guessed.

    Don't need to be a marine biologist to tell the difference between sh*t and shinola.

    Apparently you do.

    Yes, it looks nasty, yes, it smells nasty, but that does not mean it is nasty.

    Have to agree with MMarlow here, this is an excellent opportunity for some Thai/officials/Phuket/Thailand bashing, but who of the posters so far has some real knowledge of the subject except 'looks ans smells nasty so it must be shit'.

    All I can say is that last time they tested the water, it was over 4 months before they released the results.... why? And here's any easy test... ask Suppakorn Meekaew, or for that matter, the gov, if we can see him swim in it for 30 minutes, jumping, diving and swimming, just like tourists do.

  12. biplanebluey, on 14 Feb 2014 - 18:45, said:
    thailandbeachisland, on 14 Feb 2014 - 18:29, said:

    Just bu ya new one, this is what they are mode for !

    Yea------ I had a Toshiba for about 4 yrs and got the impression that no-one really wanted to repair----too costly----- Do not know if my method was "dignified" but I bought a new and took the oldie to farm and had a cremation for it

    Most laptops, unless it's ram or HDD replacement, just aren't worth the cost of repairs, for a start they can't repair them locally because all parts and analysing hardware/software is held by the manufacturers, so what happens is a Thai "repairer" will take a guess, he will replace the ram, if that doesn't fix it, he will replace the HDD/SSD, if that fails I'm afraid it's a motherboard replacement, or a screen if that's the issue. So, Do it yourself, ram and SSD's are readily available, if that fails, buy another laptop.

  13. CharlieH, on 13 Feb 2014 - 08:27, said:

    In my experience Thai doctors are more thorough and will only prescribe when required and often tell you , you dont need pills and some medications you may already have from the west are in fact not required as its old outdated practice/thinking.

    I would suggest the doctors in the west are more likely to be pressured by medical reps/companies than any doctor in Thailand would be.

    In Australia I MIGHT be given an antibiotic, here they gave me an antibiotic and 5 other meds, can't remember what they were for but some are for anti coughing, anti phlegm, anti allergy and you try telling me western doctors are being "pressured" lol.

  14. sms747, on 13 Feb 2014 - 11:28, said:
    Gillyflower, on 13 Feb 2014 - 09:05, said:

    Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.

    Really, funny how they manage to get their hands on so many dead cows, chickens and pigs then.

    Ah, I might have an answer, Thais will tell you it is not right to kill an animal, however, it is ok to eat an animal if someone else has killed it, twisted logical, maybe, but then it is Thailand.

  15. thailiketoo, on 13 Feb 2014 - 09:07, said:
    Gillyflower, on 13 Feb 2014 - 09:05, said:

    Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.

    You are wrong. Buddhists kill animals in Thailand.

    Thais are not true Buddhists.... like many things here, they are fakes.

  16. peterquixote, on 13 Feb 2014 - 01:22, said:

    There is mention in this discussion about chicken bones.

    In all my years as a Veterinarian I never saw a small sharp bone problem.

    As stated elsewhere it is an urban myth.

    We do get large bone problems. That is a dog swallowing a large bone of something.

    These can get stuck in various places along the intestinal tract.

    A vet, yeah, tell us another story, the Vets a Murdock University, in Western Australia, a world renowned veterinarian university, might like to chat with you.

  17. Trujillo, on 12 Feb 2014 - 22:20, said:
    Rorri, on 12 Feb 2014 - 20:47, said:
    sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:

    ... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

    ...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

    i despair sometimes.

    Well mr idiot, in the wild, dogs do eat birds of all kinds, what people like you don't understand, too lazy to google anything, is that it's COOKED bones that are a hazard, as they might splinter. Oh, and it's not only chicken bones.

    No, you are wrong. See my earlier post. Stray dogs eat cooked anything, bones and all. No dog or any dog owned or observed by anyone in my life of 55 years has ever actually heard of or seen a dog in distress over a bone. Domesticated dogs or street dogs, they are all the same. The bone thing is urban myth. Do your real, hands on research and you will be set free by the truth.

    Trujillo, do a little research, we know stray dogs will eat anything, but you missed what was asked about chicken bones, go ask a vet, they will tell you what I have stated. It is NOT a myth, it doesn't mean all dogs will suffer if eating chicken, cooked or uncooked, but if you love your dog, DO NOT feed it cooked chicken bones.

  18. wym, on 12 Feb 2014 - 23:10, said:
    Rorri, on 12 Feb 2014 - 20:32, said:
    wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

    wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

    Most of us are smart enough to never buy, only rent.

    Why would you "rent" a road. Strange post.

    Just in case you are being sincerely stupid rather than trying to be clever with sarcasm. . .

    I was responding to the fact that the poor quality road in the OP was built by private real estate developers, and a comment that people buying houses in that subdivision would be having problems in the future.

    As with so many "big problems" people complain about here, very easy to solve when you're free to pack up your bags and move on to greener pastures.

    Which of course will manifest their own problems at some point in the probably not-to-distant future.

    Rinse and repeat. . .

    Am I the "stupid" one here, the OP's story has nothing to do with whether he bought the house or rent, it is simply to do with the quality of the roads. How stupid are you. Now, can you please comment on road quality, or is that so hard for you.

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