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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. wolfmanjack, on 12 Feb 2014 - 22:09, said:
    Rorri, on 12 Feb 2014 - 20:36, said:
    Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:
    wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:

    Certainly better than any of its neighbors, at least on par with Malaysia.

    Have you been there? Maybe the roads near the Northern border are built to match the rubbish we have to drive on here, but for sure the roads up from Singapore to KL and across from there to Kuantan bear no resemblance to any of the roads I have driven on here.

    When I do my visa run from Mukdahan to Savannkhet the difference is quite noticeable, Lao might be communist but they can build better roads, and for some reason, they drive a hell of a lot better, except on the "wrong" side of the road.

    so you are saying the right side of the road is the wrong side of the road?

    Yes! :)

  2. Thai at Heart, on 12 Feb 2014 - 22:12, said:
    samran, on 12 Feb 2014 - 22:06, said:

    Never thought this was ever going to happen..

    Right or wrong, its opened a huge can of worms for the future. There will be plenty of nutjob falangs willing to.protest.

    Should be fun

    "Nutjobs", mmm me thinks you might be one, at least those who choose to protest are showing their Thai family/friends that they care. What a tosser you must be.

    • Like 1
  3. sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:

    ... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

    ...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

    i despair sometimes.

    Well mr idiot, in the wild, dogs do eat birds of all kinds, what people like you don't understand, too lazy to google anything, is that it's COOKED bones that are a hazard, as they might splinter. Oh, and it's not only chicken bones.

  4. lucjoker, on 12 Feb 2014 - 19:10, said:
    vtjforyou, on 12 Feb 2014 - 00:46, said:
    wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 21:44, said:

    Most of us are smart enough to never buy, only rent.

    One more time...

    smart people buy land and sell it 5 years later for tripple price !

    A house you make yourself ,or buy a crappy expensive one ,but land goes up while you watch it !coffee1.gif

    Um guys...what's this got to do with roads? Is it so hard to stick to the OPs posting. geez

  5. Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:Upnotover, on 12 Feb 2014 - 16:36, said:
    wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:wym, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:55, said:

    Certainly better than any of its neighbors, at least on par with Malaysia.

    Have you been there? Maybe the roads near the Northern border are built to match the rubbish we have to drive on here, but for sure the roads up from Singapore to KL and across from there to Kuantan bear no resemblance to any of the roads I have driven on here.

    When I do my visa run from Mukdahan to Savannkhet the difference is quite noticeable, Lao might be communist but they can build better roads, and for some reason, they drive a hell of a lot better, except on the "wrong" side of the road.

  6. Robby nz, on 11 Feb 2014 - 20:42, said:

    I suspect to use that as an example of how Thai roads are would be really stretching the imagination.

    You said it is to an estate, does that mean it is a private road ?

    I suspect whoever was given the job was given some sort of specs as to how the work was to be carried out and a budget for the job, probably insufficient.

    I have seen a number public roads put in around here and they have all had mesh reinforcing and been done quite well, not excellent but then they are not main highways.

    Robby, wake up from your dream, this is fairly typical, along with smooth river stones in stead of aggravate/gravel which means no surface for the cement to adhere to, within a week or two, you see the cement already lifting... if they use bitumen it is again low standard, even laying when the ground is wet, onto a surface that hasn't been compacted with a suitable material, eg crushed limestone. I've seen one road in Mukdahan where 12 months after being surfaced was worse to drive on that when it was an unsealed road. I think we have all seen the newly surfaced roads that look nice, but comes complete with dips and bumps and a week or two later potholes, which they fill with cement, but instead of a hole you now have a bloody big bump. Like in many things, Thais copy the west but lack the knowledge.

    • Like 2
  7. seajae, on 12 Feb 2014 - 10:27, said:
    outstripp11, on 12 Feb 2014 - 10:16, said:

    Basically, if you don't touch land, you are OK. You cannot engage in any commercial activities in the foreign waters, but freedom of navigation allows you to enter any water that is not specifically declared to be "off limits".

    try telling that to china.............

    Perhaps the last part of outstripp11's reply covers your reply. Did you read it?

  8. seajae, on 11 Feb 2014 - 11:38, said:

    now this will be very intersting, how much rice is there actually stored and how much of it is rotten. This could really be a big problem for the ptp as it will give people the real figures not the ones made up by the ptp. YL is also looking very bad as they are totally against her as well, she said she would do what the people wanted her to, looks like that is to resign as she only has the reds backing her now. The ptp are well and truly f**ked, lets hope this is the last nail in the coffin.

    A friend of mine has a government contract, to fumigated rice storage bins in areas of Isaan, he was telling me the government tells him what chemicals to use and how much to use, he told them they need to "turn over" the stockpile to allow penetration, which they wouldn't do. He tells me that in many sheds the rice level has dropped by 30%, either from rotting or rodent/insect infestation.

  9. smotherb, on 11 Feb 2014 - 18:22, said:smotherb, on 11 Feb 2014 - 18:22, said:

    As I type, the mosquito spray truck is making its rounds in my neighborhood. They have been doing it for at least six years here now--so there must be some Thais who have a clue

    It's a smoke screen so it "looks" like they are doing something, but look at what they do, they spray everywhere, but hardly spray areas where the mossies are breeding, especially rice paddies, they sprayed my area last week, guest what, that night we still had mossies.

    • Like 1
  10. HUAHIN62, on 11 Feb 2014 - 17:07, said:

    If you look at the deaths caused by mozzies as a percentage of the total you will understand why we dont worry too much about mozzies. Thais arent clueless about mozzies we have learned to live with them and to understand their threat in a balanced way.

    So, give us the percentage. Who really cares, if it was you, a member of your family or friends, then I'm sure you would be concerned, like most of the world. As for Thais not being clueless, what a load of rubbish, did someone pay you to make such a ridiculous comment. Basically the whole nation is clueless and not only about mossies, this is the way the powerful elite control the masses. Go and ask Thais about the dangers of anything, including mossies, and in most cases you will get that blank stare most of us are fully aware of. As for you being Thai, I actually don't believe you.

    • Like 1
  11. lol..having a good laugh, the OP says he's been "camping" many times, yet he has to rely in jiffy firelighters. I've always used the available wood, you know the stuff that come from trees and maybe a small amount of paper. Man, you really need to know how to make a fire.

    • Like 1
  12. meatboy, on 10 Feb 2014 - 16:26, said:
    edwinchester, on 10 Feb 2014 - 15:44, said:

    None of our friends who have small local restaurants pay the sign tax although I know it exists.

    None pay protection money to local thugs or police but then we live very far from anything remotely touristy.

    As for family and friends eating free or wifey loses face, absolute BS. It's a business and customers pay simple as that unless the owner is a doormat.

    I bet you don't get any visits from your inlaws if you make them pay for food and drink.whistling.gif

    And is that a bad thing....:)

  13. mimi9000, on 09 Feb 2014 - 21:59, said:

    Typical thai person who thinks they r practicing Buddhism, but they know nothing about Buddha nor his teachings, moreover nothing about how superstition has been manufactured by the people along the way as a misrepresentation of the ignorance.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Buddhism and superstition are two very different and separate issues, many people do not understand this. You are also right about Thai Buddhism, Buddha would be shaking head.

    • Like 1
  14. h90, on 10 Feb 2014 - 15:59, said:
    spirit47, on 10 Feb 2014 - 12:11, said:
    h90, on 10 Feb 2014 - 10:08, said:

    If I read that right, it is a waste/junk burning facility which is re-branded to "Biomass-plant".

    If I read it right, it is not producing bio gas and burning it. No word of fermentation and it shows wood which is difficult to ferment but easy to burn.

    Lets hope I am wrong.

    There is no hope, if the picture is the right one. It look like the bunker from a chipboard plant...coffee1.gif

    Maybe cheaper to rename the next coal power plant to Biomass plant.... Coal is actually just some old biomass...

    I think they use biomass deliberately to confuse the less intelligent.. wow biomass.. must be good, however it could simple mean burning wood to produce whatever.

  15. h90, on 10 Feb 2014 - 10:08, said:

    If I read that right, it is a waste/junk burning facility which is re-branded to "Biomass-plant".

    If I read it right, it is not producing bio gas and burning it. No word of fermentation and it shows wood which is difficult to ferment but easy to burn.

    Lets hope I am wrong.

    I agree, all I see is a pile of woodchips. Bearing mind, the term biomass can mean burning the wood or converting it to biofuel, it's a pity the article did not provide details...

  16. geriatrickid, on 10 Feb 2014 - 01:41, said:
    Rorri, on 09 Feb 2014 - 19:30, said:

    Call me sceptical, but far too often we see Hollywood "heroes" become real life "heroes." Nice for publicity., but hey, not ONE photo to prove it. At a very scrawny 83 I doubt he'd get enough leverage on 50 yo Steve, at 202 lbs.

    It's all about air pressure and positioning of the fist. One is compressing soft tissue.

    I doubt anyone is going to make this up. No need to. Clint is an icon and revered. He also keeps a very low profile. He doesn't need or seek the publicity.

    You should actually find the full story. “I can’t believe I’m 202 pounds and he threw me up in the air three times,” John said.

  17. ggt, on 09 Feb 2014 - 21:30, said:
    Rorri, on 09 Feb 2014 - 19:30, said:

    Call me sceptical, but far too often we see Hollywood "heroes" become real life "heroes." Nice for publicity., but hey, not ONE photo to prove it. At a very scrawny 83 I doubt he'd get enough leverage on 50 yo Steve, at 202 lbs.

    What kind of "publicity" does an 83 year old successful...retired...act need? This scrawny old man...could probably whip your ass with one hand...

    You can worship your heroes, if that is what you life needs...but hey, one day you will grow up and see the real world.

  18. Chicog, on 09 Feb 2014 - 20:15, said:
    Rorri, on 09 Feb 2014 - 19:30, said:

    Call me sceptical, but far too often we see Hollywood "heroes" become real life "heroes." Nice for publicity., but hey, not ONE photo to prove it. At a very scrawny 83 I doubt he'd get enough leverage on 50 yo Steve, at 202 lbs.

    If I saw someone get a camera out to film someone choking, I'd be quite tempted to give them a slap.

    Oh please, you would spend a lot of time slapping Thais, never mind the rest of the world...get real.

  19. Can anyone show me where it is illegal, hope some of you understand that word, to fund a protest rally. I fail to understand what the DSI is up to. If people funded a "terrorist" group, sure, charge them, but I have yet to see, any mention of, the protesters being, officially, declared terrorists. Until that happens then why is the DSI involved.

    Seems to me DSI is a lame duck, certainly the way they failed to achieve anything in Phuket, would show how lame they are.

  20. noikrit, on 09 Feb 2014 - 10:55, said:

    Mine slow too .... Windows 7 .. About 4 days now ..... Would also appreciate any thoughts .... Thanks ...

    Your problem may not be win 7 or firefox.. I'm using win 7 and IE 11, in the last few days, many international sites have firstly loaded slowly, yesterday, some were so slow they were unusable, today, those same sites do not load...

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