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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. Spell check did that I meant Negroid. To me it is not a nasty word forgive my ignorance if it is. Do you know anything about Isaan?

    Can tell you're not from the US by your choice of words, nasty word?....hell no it's not. What I know comes from wife...

    One of the neat things about going there is the folks don't know much about the world and don't really care. My lady at first didn't know there were blacks in the US. They know what's important to them. I have a laminated world map I show where I've been working last. She knows of other countries but not where they are in relationship to Thailand.

    Don't really have the ambition to learn the history.

  2. I think 15,000 baht is a fair amount (although 20,000 baht is now what I have been giving)

    I have hard working male staff, who take care of family rent room and earns 9000 Baht in Bangkok. With 20K you live like a King in Isaan.

    All these dollar amounts are OK if you don't want your family to have much of a life.

    It seems like everyone's goal in life is to be as frugal as possible. Sure it's possible to live on small $$ amounts but why would you.

    Everyone here on this site can't be Dutch.

    Washing machine goes out, stove breaks, maintanance for car, new clothes, school supplies, eat out, gas for car and motorbikes, take the kids to the pool, take a holiday, medical expenses, good food, have a little drink sometimes and the list goes on. 10,000 baht a month is a joke.

  3. I am a little confused, why is the focus of this discussion to be able to get laid, however ugly or fat you are? I mean; getting laid can't possibly be your sole goal in life?

    Some men actually define their masculinity by the number of women they can have sex with.

    That they have to pay for it doesn't factor into the equation.

    What is your point again?

  4. Jim Fixx died in the 80's.

    Fitness guru, actor and model Greg Plitt has died after being struck by a train in LA. 2015

    It's like this. One may die at any time. One may be fit and die. But there is absolutely no excuse to be so crude and rude and disrespectful to your elders to write, "You just can't do it so many times before your heart gives out and some poor girl has to wriggle out from underneath your sweaty mortal remains."

    Fat and polite is better any day than in shape and crude, rude and disrespectful.

    But does being fat guarentee politeness? I think not The only thing fat guarentees is the intake of too many calories.

  5. Ive found the el cheapo el crappo Thai watsadu unknown brand they sell will last ( if lucky) one whole day, at this point I dropped mine in the trash went out and bought a HONDA 4 stroke, never misses a beat, the two stroke ones are pretty crap here. Thai made Honda seem ok so far

    Today the new bolt cropper I bought ( Thai made always a sign of crapness) snapped whilst trying to cut thru 4 mm steel, now when I say broke I mean the cutting blade fractured and snapped off like a biscuit would break. Its the second time Ive used it

    A lot of stuff here is just junk!

    PS sounds like its seized up maybe wrong oil mix, when it cools down it might un seize, save yourself a lot of hassle and drop it in the scrap bin

    Off the top of my head I think its was 40-50/1 oil but its so long since I used a 2 stroke cutter I could be wrong

    Oh yes the guy in the shop WAS talking crap.

    Did you buy that 4 stroke in Thailand? The reason for asking is all the ones I've seen have the controls on the side bars and not on the shaft as it should be.

  6. I walk/job 45+ mins per day with friends. Had 3 hours at the driving range today...same as every Monday.

    I'm strong and feel great...BUT...I am so over weight. I just reviewed a video of me hitting with the 5 iron

    and I don't even know who that person in the video is.

    Thanks for the topic. I'm taking stock this evening.

    Exercise is great, but it can't do the whole job. You need to keep an eye on what goes in your mouth.


  7. I dig the buzz... and girls are easy to get here even if you're fat.

    Well if you are in good shape and add 20-30 kg you are still in good shape for USA or Australia and get the girls there as well

    If you're in your 50's ya better have some deep pockets or you know whay you're getting .....arrrrrrggggg

  8. For my 3 year old daughter the cure has been a big box of Lego's (Duplo's for her age)

    She now spends more time playing with these rather than trying to sneak onto youtube or playing one of the app games.

    Same, Same here. 3 yr. girl has notebook with games, no internet in house. Depends on where you live. But, we're in the country on very small deadend soi, she is constantly riding bikes and playing with kids. Too much notebook is not an issue. Helps that neither parent has smart phone.

  9. You stop kids from using the " i pad " by being a parent

    Your house, your rules

    They are not his kids. Now we're policing other's children.

    Yes, I police other peoples kid's that come to my house

    And, I agree that misbehaving kids (causing damage, disruptive etc etc) should be dealt with. But, we're talking about sitting quietly and minding their own business. Again, they're not his kids.

  10. My girlfriend is much younger and has spoke about marriage and a child some day so I have been thinking about this for a long time. I have many farang friends who have Thai kids and some who brought their farang families here from their country. Some live in the city and have access to international schools and and always saying how expensive kids are and not to have unless you can afford. Others live in the country and the cost is rarely mentioned but problems with the upbringing of the children seem to be the main topic, kids riding motorbikes with no helmet, being spoiled by grandparents, worried about dog and bug bites, etc.... Some of the country guys bitch about the education in the country but I think most are bringing up their kids as normal Thais and not Ivey league.

    Many factors to look at but education and finances are major if you want to bring up your kids to be basically a farang. If you can accept that your kids can go to normal Thai schools and grow up as a Thai then I think it will be a different mindset, I think more relaxed in some ways but worrisome in others.

    However you look at it there will be difficulties that you would not normally have in your home country.

    Don't over think matters. One of the main considerations is money. If you're there full time well that's another bonus. I'm not there full time so my 3 yr. old is raised as any other kid in the deep Issan. She was carried in one hand on the motorbike, rode standing up holding handle bars on motorbike at a very early age. Never used a car seat,

    I'll not be sending her to international schools but when I stay in Thailand full time in a few years we will relocate to an area that has an English Program School. She's treated no differently than any other kid in the village. She knows she's a farang, she's now become my thai teacher. She plays non stop with all the kids on the small soi. I joke with her mom and say when she grows up she can sell som tam. I want a good education for her but not obcessed with it. I don't teach her western style of eating, her potty training was definitely not western style.

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