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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. I can't believe anyone has not suggested Bang Saray beach. If you are talking about a day trip, this would be my first choice, but not on a Thai holiday. It will be packed on those days, and tranquil the rest of the time. Great views, great restaurants. Living in Pattaya, I try to go there twice a month. Just beautiful

    I went to bang saray 2 months ago, stayed 2 nights and couldn't stand the nasty smelling beach water. The last day there It was really bad. Took family to Jomtein beach, rented a condo for a month. Much better.

    To the OP - rent a motorbike and go explore. To bang saray its 20 km, ban chang has numerous beaches full of nothingness, well except garbage.

    Sattahip beaches are supposed to be nice.

  2. Some people seem to have a problem understanding that not everyone shares their opinions.

    I've been waiting for someone to take issue with you....It must be a quiet night in TVF if no one will argue with you!!biggrin.png

    I don't really see why. All I do is express a slightly different view of life to the entrenched one in these forums. I've no idea why people get bothered by this, or attribute all sorts of stuff to me that I never said. You'd have to be pretty insecure in what you believe to let that get to you so much.

    No room for such touchy people in the pub, surely?

    You still don't get it do you bikey. Your replies make for entertaining reading for us bored souls.

  3. First, what is a bin? Second, knives are used for preparing the food not eating the food. Me thinks you exagerate. Spelt wrong but you understand.

    You say farm dwelling as if it is repulsive. Get over yourself. She's used to eating many meals without utensils. Can't take long to show her how the very proper farang wants her to eat.

  4. This is pure gold. The ranting and umbrage of the Isaan Pensioners Millionaires that the local peasants aren't throwing themselves at their feet in gratitude for a few thousand baht is hilarious/sickening to behold though I suspect that 'anger is more a realisation that 'Tee Rak' is maybe not really into the wrinkled flabby, saggy old man body look after all....

    What a bunch of losers. Maybe you could form a "I hate Thai Culture' meeting at your local mom and pop store every Wednesday?

    Every morning the villagers gather at the entrance to my villa and bow down. It's becoming a bit tedious as I have trouble navigating my Fortuner around them.

  5. I learnt a long time ago to just ignore all the pleas of thais in our village about them not having any money. There are more new cars in our village than in an average small village in england.

    The best lesson i got was a few weeks after i moved here. I never minded buying a few beers for the thais. But one day we were walking past a local mom and pop shop, where 3 thai guys were having a drink, they called out for me to join them but i said i wasn't having a drink that day. One of them said something in thai to my wife, i asked her what he had said. she replied he said to tell you that you don't have to drink anything, just buy it. Since that day i usually drink alone.

    Can't blame the guys for testing the waters. You'd only been there a few weeks and it takes time for you to learn who are freeloaders and who are just having a go at you. Can't count the times I've been drinking a few beers at home in the evening and it turns into a drink fest. I'm not asked to buy, sometimes they toss down money for the booze and the party continues.

  6. I grew up on a dairy. had to feed the little buggers. Not as easy as it may sound. Are you going to castrate? If so which method, you can cut them or use rubberband. You got to be there feeding twice daily, proper fences, pay for grain, you have to be able to treat scours and the like yourself. If they drink standing water you got liver flukes to deal with. Have fun..........

  7. HooHaa, I am really only referring to looks, also in most cases Thai women don't drink alcohol.

    How many cascasian women don't drink alcohol, I have been with only two cascasion women who never drank alcohol.

    How can you make a blanket statement about Thai women not drinking? Absolute false statement.

    Where I'm at in the north when it's party time even the old, old ladies who show up to help prepare the food will take a shot from me. They get a kick out of having a farang making them drink.........all in good fun. They protest and say no but they all take a few.

  8. What's your partner make that's delicious, number 1 in your book, and what makes it special?

    my wife hardly cooks but can prepare an excellent and crisp Schweinebraten with Semmelknödel. to find out what makes it special be my guest and try.


    Show off - You photo her food often do you????

  9. if you know that rice has been sprayed with so many chemicals, on the field, that even farmers don't dare to eat the produice they sell to others (article months ago)

    after that, the governement sprays a nice bromine on the rice to kill more pests

    bromine makes the iodine leave your body ...

    same as fluorine does ...

    Folks who grow rice for their own table take precautions. After harvest the stalks are plowed under to better the soil, rice is planted by hand (shoots) and not by seed. So, no weed killer is needed. What weeds there are get pulled by hand.

    Don't know what processed rice is some keep talking about. Our rice goes straight from field to the rice house, gets shelled and eaten.

    I've asked why we don't just buy the rice because it sure isn't a money maker after you pay 15 people to plant, harvest, bundle the rice is piece work and pay for the shucker. The answer is they want to know what they're eating.

  10. Incredible that in 2015 there are still men who have a problem with seeing women as equals.

    Thaivisa - land of the dinosaurs.

    Some want to believe women are equal. In certain aspects of the work place women are inferior. They just are. I'm speaking of physical jobs not office jobs. How many women do you see swinging hammers in construction, steel plants and the like.

    So as the women become more masculine, the men are becoming more feminine. What's wrong with the mother staying at home raising the babies and the man working to support?

  11. And it is not necessary to be critical of questions people just ask out of interest. A reply is good, but advice from someone who does not know my situation is unwarranted and uncalled for.

    As most restaurants make a large profit on ice.

    Have you ever been thinking about the cost they have to make to serve you with that ice:

    rent, taxes, staff, electricity, water, .........

    stop moaning about some responses you don't like if you don't see the big picture

    I think the op is getting some flak for no reason. If you're, say, stuck on a beach somewhere hot with and eski full of beer and nowhere to buy more ice...what to do....water out or in....which keeps the booze colder?......are you missing the bigger picture?

    He's getting flak because he seems to be serious about a subject that can and should only be discussed between friends while getting pissed. Drunks discussing this would be funny. A poster asking for advice in a serious matter is in itself laughable.

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