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Everything posted by arick

  1. No idea and pretty hard to check but our pump is 60 metres down takes about 40 seconds for water to come. Our other wells were 30 metres but ran during the drought
  2. My well is 60 M deep and I get sand just buy a submersible pump and the size of the pump determines how deep your well is if it's 60 M then you need a pump a submersible pump that can pump at 60 m and just buy a sand filter to filter your water before it goes into the water tank.
  3. When I upgrade they always tell me keep my package I was shocked the for 900 baht you only get 20 data and 300 minutes
  4. The one I have from 7 years ago unlimited data and 600 minutes for 900 baht can't beat it. AIS
  5. If you have that much money you would just sign over power of attorney and let your servants and your workers do it for you why would you go to the police station yourself stupid idiot
  6. Who the hell would they wear a label Louis Vuitton shirt to the police station
  7. Has speeds limits now gone back down to 90km/h on all roads accept the highway to Pattaya . It's crazy how the speed limit can go from 120&110 to 90 in a matter of 18 months
  8. Friends just tried it but unable to get tickets can only get tickets to Vietanne
  9. You live in <deleted> and you get a sexy young Foreigner and you're still f****** complaining that's how stupid your city is
  10. That is all my friends say when I call them is they hear the birds. Always wondering if they are flying south or north
  11. I'm counting over a dozen different species in my yard kingfisher, Asian spring bird, pigeon & Sparrow looking things what type of birds are in your yard
  12. Mandatory vehicle insurance covers all medical expenses I'm sure the bike rental shop has mandatory insurance and all the vehicles
  13. It happens all the time last year the guy died looking for frogs in the night got to close to wiring around a well pump.
  14. Walking to the border from bkk would take a half a week. Bouncing. Might be quicker. How old are you where are you from???
  15. I don't think you can do a visa bounce I don't think it is possible in loa maybe Vietnam. Now we are all bouncing around
  16. If your looking for cheap Viagra, I wonder how cheap the girls or guys are you go with.
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