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Everything posted by arick

  1. Snatching is a 5 years minimum behind bars same as snatching a buffalo or anything dealing with a buffalo
  2. Becoming a joke they dare not kill me my village are all wearing my name in their shirts
  3. Of course they know that he's going to come back all his ID and credit cards are all in one place only going to take him 5 minutes to realize where he left it
  4. I wish they would intensify on the on the Thai people that steal billions of bat from foreigners I wish the DSi would intensify thieves I wish the police would intensify the real crooks forget about the f****** foreigners
  5. They don't lock up people any more in Thailand for drug possession
  6. Are they going to have a reenactment of the criminal offense? Are they going to save us from having to watch something really disgusting
  7. I am so upset yes he was always on here to sort out the nonsense and ridiculous
  8. You have to get a court order that she owes you money or that she's in breach of contracts or she's been breach of giving me money and then you have permission to look at everything land deeds bank accounts you name it but first you have to establish that
  9. I just don't understand on what grounds are you going to get a court order to look at your wife's financial statement that's the solution on what grounds are you going to have your lawyer get a court order
  10. You can also just ask the bank manager for transaction date of your x they might just tell you yes or no very easy
  11. I court order will allow you to look at your Xs account.
  12. Just like everybody was saying the end of April now you're saying the end of September
  13. It wasn't a news link. While I was working in Pattaya last year I saw it first hand horrible. One was a French guy swerved on his motorcycle to miss a dog. Ended up in ICU for 2 months and then they took him off life support. French government was paying a half a million baht a day to keep him alive.
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