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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. I have a Bangkok bank Visa debit card that i can use online and also a UOB credit card that is unsecured. As is normal here just try a different bank or branch.

    That's interesting.

    Bangkok Bank is the bank my wife talked to today and they said their debit card would not work online.

    My current debit card is with GSB.

    I have used it online many times in the past , but not for over a year now.

    A month ago, I tried to book a hotel with it and was declined and told to contact my bank.

    When I contacted GSB, I was told their debit cards no longer worked online.

    I deal with GSB because my wife is a retired employee of the bank and they have always been pretty good...

    But the debit card...no good now!

  2. I found out recently that the debit card I have from my Thai bank ( name withheld) can not be used for online purchases, hotel or flight bookings...it's only good to withdraw money at an ATM!

    My wife went to another large Thai bank today to inquire about a debit card that can be used online and was told " no, can't do".

    I will state the obvious here:

    I do not like to use credit cards.

    With a credit card you are borrowing money and paying interest.

    With a debit card you are spending money you have already deposited in the bank.

    It makes no sense to me that you are not permitted to spend your own money online, but it is o.k., to borrow money to spend online!!

    Does anyone know of a Thai bank that offers a debit card that can be used for online purchases, and booking hotels and flights?

  3. I think the "vacation areas" of Thailand are very nice for a vacation.

    I do not think the "vacation areas" are the best places to retire or reside.

    Unless you have a need to be surrounded by foreigners that are just like yourself.

    I think it is better to live in and learn about Thailand.

    and then visit the tourist areas when you need a break.

  4. The author lost all credibility in the second paragraph, when he stated his superstitious belief that some unnamed superior being created women!

    " women no doubt are beautiful creations of God,"

    Women, just like men, and other animals are created biologically, when the sperm fertilizes the egg.

    Get real!

    I do agree that Thai women are some of the world's most beautiful.

    But your "god" had nothing to do with it.

    P.S. the closest thing to a "god" in Thailand is the Buddha, and he is not a god!

    Thailand is only .2% superstitious christians ( note the decimal point ).

    Along with all of the beautiful women, this make Thailand an attractive place for me.

  5. Why did you mot lable the map according to the options in the poll?


    Purple = North East, = Essan???

    Some in my area consider it Essan, some Northen, some Eastern.

    This could skew the results of your pole.

    Consistency is important in science.

    • Like 1
  6. Since my first Songkran, many years ago, I have thought that bras should be banned during the festival.

    Wet t-shirts take on a whole new and beautiful dimension without the bra.

    Don't you agree?

    Well maybe , unless its a ladyboy.

    Even some of the ladyboys look good in a wet shirt! They should...they pay good money for those things!


  7. Interesting...

    I follow the "Accuweather " forecasts for my area and it mentions no bad weather at all on the 13th, 14th or 15th!

    In fact, the comments are as follows:

    • Today Apr 11
      A t-storm around in the p.m.91°Lo 74°
    • Sun Apr 12
      Some rain and a thunderstorm92°Lo 71°
    • Mon Apr 13
      Partly sunny and pleasant92°Lo 70°
    • Tue Apr 14
      Sunshine and nice92°Lo 70°
    • Wed Apr 15
      Mostly sunny and pleasant96°Lo 70°
  8. They don't care and will probably do it again, this kind of person will eventually kill someone and end up in prison.

    I know a guy like the above mentioned people from back in the UK (he went to the same school as me) and he's currently in prison awaiting trial for murder.

    Hopefully they are put away in prison before they actually kill someone.

  9. " They're caught and declare they're sorry for hurting tourism and Thailand's image"

    Can you show us where all of these people made this statement?

    Is it just something you created to try to make your post provocative?

    I seriously doubt that the kind of people who commit crimes like this care about Thailand's image or tourism industry in the least.

    I seriously suspect you are a troll.coffee1.gif .

    P.S., people who pray on tourist, "work" in the westernized tourist areas.

    This is not a problem here in the rest of Thailand.

  10. Me again.

    Not as smart as I thought I was...

    I have tried to access the immigration site reccomended ( www.extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do) and I can't get to where I apply on line for my 90 day report!

    Also, the info I do gt is written in passa Thai, that I can not read, and I find no option to translate it to English.

    It could be that I have not uses IE for years, and am just not familiar with it.

    I'm feeling frustrated and kind of stupid right now.

    Can anyone "walk me through" the proper way to do this?

    As I mentioned in my previous post, my 90 day is due on the 19th and I wld love not to need to travel to Korat to do it!

  11. Those of us who grew up in the 70's know that banning the wearing of bras would be appropriate for appropriate attire on Songkran.

    Having a three day national water fight and wet t-shirt contest is rather pointless when bras are under the t-shirts.

    Yes, pun is intended.

    Get the point(s)???


    So many agree with my suggestion for appropriate Sangkran clothing, I'll post another example.

    Please not that not just white shirts are appropriate.

    Color has little to do with it.


  12. I think it may be a window into the future the that the current Thai government has for the country.

    Until the coupe, the U.S. was the main supporter of Thailand, in both economic and military aid.

    The vast majority of Thai military hardware and training has been supplied by the U.S. for a long time.

    The U.S. has made it very clear that they can not and will not continue support for Thailand until there is an elected government and some sort of democracy reinstalled.

    There have been estimates and postponement by the current government as to when the next elections will be held in Thailand, but who's to say there will not be more" reasons" for more postponement (s)?

    Military hardware gets old and needs repair and/ or replacement sooner or later.

    Maybe the government is wise in it's recent interest in Chinese armaments and Russian aircraft ( both in the news this week ).

    Maybe those in the know realize it may be a very long time before the U.S. can or will provide military support to Thailand again. ( if ever!)

    Maybe, maybe, maybe...just maybe!

  13. Dear all Thailand bashers!

    as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

    so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

    is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?


    What you state may be the truth,

    But the " If you do not like it here, go home" reply has been so overused for so long, that it has been agreed by manyt, not to state the obvious any more.

    Use your imagination, at least try to find a new way to state it..

    .For example:

    " Maybe you would be happier and more comfortable elsewhere?"

    or even...

    "Get out of Dodge Cowboy"!cheesy.gif

    • Like 2
  14. This image used to be on the Ministry of Culture website (until the 2011 Songkran episode):


    The offending image was changed after the MoC condemned topless revellers during the 2011 celebration and a flurry of people pointed out that the MoC had an image of topless girls on their website !

    When my kids have grown up and left home I'm going to hang this in my bedroom if the wife is okay with it smile.png

    Why if the wife is OK with it? Is she a member of the Thai Moral Authority? or feeling inadequate? As for the kids, I am sure that they have seen more pornography on the internet than you have. I find this very beautiful and would love to hang it on my wall.thumbsup.gif

    I like it too.

    It's a beautiful picture.

    But, I do not think it is cultural accurate!

    The average bra cup size in Thailand is an A cup.

    That means half of the breasts in Thailand are smaller than a full A cup.

    Some of those look like they might even be a small B cup to me.

    Wishful thinking on the part of the painter?

  15. So what I learned from this announcement is that sexual assault is an accident (their words) caused by women wearing inappropriate clothing. Now I understand.

    I have read a few articals recently where Muslim men are claiming that if a woman is raped, it is her own fault because she was probably dress inappropriatly!

    The man who rapes her is not responsible for his actions since the bad women force men to rape them!

    It sounds to me like these "Moral Authorities" in Thailand are on the same page as these radical Muslim men!

    What century is this????

    • Like 1
  16. This image used to be on the Ministry of Culture website (until the 2011 Songkran episode):


    That image was a portion of this original painting by the Thai artist Sompop Budtarad:


    The offending image was changed after the MoC condemned topless revellers during the 2011 celebration and a flurry of people pointed out that the MoC had an image of topless girls on their website !


    Perhaps what is "appropriate" depends largely on how it looks when you wear it (or don't) yourself !

    I never have, and never will, understand why so many people think it is bad to show the female breast and or nipple!

    Some sort of strange puritan, victorian perversion I guess.

    Before western influence interfered, it was common for Thai women to not cover their breasts.

    Breasts and nipples are not all about recreational sex.

    If they were not kept hidden and secret, those who are so excited about them, would not be nearly as interested in them.

    I was told by a japanese girlfriend once that when Japanese women were prohibited to expose the back of their neck in public, Japanese men considered the nexk the most erotic part of the female body!

    Why are male nipples not taboo to display in public?

    IMO..the whole concept of bad breasts is ridiculous!

    Can anyone please explain to me what is so bad about a nipple?

    We all have them!

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