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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Although I am not against student having technology to aid them in learning, I am against giving students tablets in Thailand. Unless they can make a tablet that blocks all social media and chats it is a waste of funding. I have seen how thai students who received tablets last year utilize them in the classroom. 99% of the kids only opened them to talk with friends or look at vdos in YouTube. Using them for learning was not on their agenda. This is not to say they can't be used in this manner. The Thai kids were just more interested in social than learning. If they want Thai kids to have technology they need to find another way that ensures the kids will use it constructively.

    Good comment, but invalid .

    Today, even the children in primary school in Thailand have their own smart phones and can access social media when ever they like without any school issued "tablets.

  2. If you go to any expat bar in Bangkok, they are completely full of drones - by which I mean "worker drones", boring English teachers droning on about every subject under the sun as if they were an authority, whereas in reality they know absolutely nothing. They are the kind of people who would never be able to get a teaching job in their own country, but to be an English teacher in Thailand the main hiring criterion is being able to speak English. They make a 200 baht drink last a fairly long time, because each drink represents 1% of their monthly salary.

    You should show those English teachers more respect.

    They may be able to teach you how to focus, and compose a reply to a thread that is actually on topic!

    • Like 2
  3. Seriously, I can see that after 100 years, the quality of life has probably deteriorated to the point that you could be justified in deciding that enough is enough.

    I believe we all have the right to check out if the time and circumstances are right to do such a thing.

    But an Axe???

    There are so many ways to go that are easy, painless and not so messy!

    RIP, to both of them.

    • Like 1
  4. I agree.

    I am constantly dealing with Thai people who are more honest in doing business than many are in my home country of USA.

    I often wonder about those who are always complaining about the evil dishonest Thais who rip off every farang thy come into contact with.

    Could it be they do not understand the concept of bartering and automatically pay the first price asked for rather than counter with an off half of the original...that's a good way to rip yourself off..and neither you or the vendor enjoys it much!

    Maybe they just walk around acting rude and looking like helpless targets and attract the wolves to come in for the kill?

    Seriously, I am very impressed with the honesty of most Thai people.

    Example..A few weeks ago I was at DM airport waiting for a flight to Krabi. Got a bite to eat at a cafe in the airport and then left for a long leisurely stroll my boarding gate.

    Arriving at the gate almost an hour later, I realized when it was time to have my carryon luggage scanned that I had left my new laptop computer at the cafe an hour ago!

    It was time to board the plane, so I ran all the way back to the cafe ( a good distance ) and when I arrived the waitress was smiling at me, went into the kitchen and brought out my computer without my even asking about it.

    I smiled, gave her healthy tip and ran back to my boarding plane.

    That laptop had cost me about 15,000 baht a few days earlier.....she could have easily told me she had not seen it.

    I have had nothing but good experiences with good, honest Thai people.

  5. Very unAmerican not to use a gun.

    Hope I can still lift an axe at 100 years old!

    Dont worry you wont make it to 100....a crazy gun crazed American will help you out and take you out of your misery prior to that milestone. Us Americans can recognize people out who dont deserve to live. We are smart like that.

    I was never "crazed" about them, but while in America, I did own a few guns.

    What does not feel right here and makes me curious, is your claim to be an American.

    "Us Americans can recognize people out who...."

    I lived in America for over 58 years and never met an American who spoke or wrote in English the way you do!

    Why do you pretend ( poorly ) to be someone or something you are not?

    and claim to know about something you do not know about?

    Very curious indeed!

    • Like 2
  6. and to the USD?

    Still 31 / 1.00

    So, what is going on?

    Where are you seeing $31. it's been $32.42 to $32.46 for days.

    When I first read the OP yesterday, I just googled " baht vs usd" and it listed 31.0. ( no site name or source listed )

    I just googled the same a minute ago and now it lists:

    " 1 US Dollar equals

    32.31 Thai Baht"
    I refuse to cry over 1.31 baht!
  7. This tragedy happened in 2012.

    What possible excuse is there for taking three years to come to such a conclusion?

    And the conclusion is rather suspect as well.

    There is obviously misinformation in this article.

    "Canadian reports disagree with the conclusion as DEET is not toxic or deadly when applied correctly to kill insects".

    DEET is not an insecticide used to kill insects. It is a repellant, used to keep them away.

    If they got this simple fact wrong, what else is wrong with their information?

    Bad science,

    Bad journalism,

    Bad news!

  8. Orchids are not trees.

    They are epiphytes, that in nature attach themselves to tree limbs and other things with their roots. and get most of their moisture through their foliage.

    They will not survive a cold climate.

    That is why in non tropical areas they must be grown indoors, or in a greenhouse or "hot house".

    I am not sure about the the rules in different EU countries, but countries who value their agriculture, have very strict rules about importing any plants.

    This prevents importing haarmful diseases and insects with the plants you want to take home.

    Any plants will probably be put into quarantine for a period of time when they first arrive to assure they are "clean".

    High maintenance plants, like orchids, will probably not receive the care they need in a long term quarantine situation.

    Orchids of many varieties are available for sale in most western countries.

    Why not just avoid all of the problems and risks and just purchase the orchids you want there?

  9. Thank you for that.

    I have been told that they have massage places in Klang plaza on the top floor but as yet I havnt checked it out.

    There are a good many massage places around Klang Plaza II.

    Most are on the opposite side of the street from the post office.

    There are a few very good legit massage places there,

    But most are of the "Happy Ending " variety.

    It is pretty easy to tell the difference by who is sitting outside or waiting to greet you inside.

    Not being judgmental..

    What ever kind of massage you seek, you can find it at Klang Plaza II...even the "soapy" ones.

    • Like 1
  10. Thank you for that.

    I have been told that they have massage places in Klang plaza on the top floor but as yet I havnt checked it out.

    There are a good many massage places around Klang Plaza II.

    Most are on the opposite side of the street from the post office.

    There are a few very good legit massage places there,

    But most are of the "Happy Ending " variety.

    It is pretty easy to tell the difference by who is sitting outside or waiting to greet you inside.

    Not being judgmental..

    What ever kind of massage you seek, you can find it at Klang Plaza II...even the "soapy" ones.

  11. Agree.

    Opinions are great, if I agree with them or not.

    That is what a forum is for.

    People resorting to insulting and criticizing others they do not agree with is just wrong and add nothing to the topic being discussed.

    Posts that only insult and criticize others personally, and have nothing to do with the topic, should be eliminated, by " someone".

  12. This seems to be some pretty poor, sensationalistic journalism as well!

    Rolling Stone rape article 'journalistic failure'

    The title of the article seems to imply that the rock and roll band The Rolling Stones, had been accused of rape.

    I wonder how many clicked on this topic due to that implication?

    Has TV turned into The National Enquirer, or The Star?

    Not very creditable.

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