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Posts posted by willyumiii

  1. Very good!

    The first step is stopping police corruption and their need for "tea money" is to pay them a decent wage.

    When law enforcement is paid a decent living wage and provided some benefits, it is not worth the risk of losing their jobs for collecting tea money.

    When I was a child in the states, it was common for people to keep a $50 bill behind their driver's licence...pulled over, hand the licence to the cop, licence returned without the money...no violation issued.

    Since law enforcement in the states get paid well have good retirement and medical benefits..this does not happen any more.

    Offer a bribe to a LEO in America now, and you will probably be arrested for the offer!

  2. The issue is not if marijuana is good or bad.

    The issue is not a question of should marijuana be against the law in Thailand or not.

    The issue is that marijuana is against the law in Thailand and it is a law that is actively enforced in Thailand.

    You broke the law and got caught.

    Also consider that what you have done reflects on all foreigners living here.

    Good work, and thanks!

    End of story.

  3. What part of " Do not smoke pot in Thailand" do you not understand?

    I was a chronic pot smoker for 40 years before moving to Thailand.

    Where I lived it was virtually legal to smoke it ( as it is in many places in the world now )

    I had a perscription to smoke it and a permit to grow it as well.

    I was well aware of the laws in Thailand , the chances of getting caught and the consequences if I was caught.

    I new that if I wanted to live in Thailand, I had to give up smoking pot.

    I have seen it here and it has been offered to me several times.

    I have always declined and have not touched it since I started living here full time.

    In a country where the police can (and will) pull you over for no reason and make you take a wiz quiz, wait for results, and lock you up if you fail...

    Buying pot in a public place is even more foolish!

    This is a no brainer.

    You must be very stoned all f the time to think that nothing but luck will protect you!

    Maybe in 20 years Thailand will catch up with the western world and change their drug laws....

    Until then it's hands off, or live in a country where it is acceptable behaviour.

    No sympathy to be found here...sorry!

  4. 1) Thailand has plenty of tourist, it is the quality of the tourists ( and the amount of money they have to spend ) that has decreased, not the number of tourists

    2) Costas you are an intelligent poster and know the "go home" phrase is way over used here and goes without saying for those who hate it here! ( at least try to find a new way to say it!)

    3) Wen posters annoy and insult each other in a public post, it usually means they have nothing on topic to add to the post, When it's time for a personal insult, save it for a PM, yes, a personal message for a personal insult.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Georgie, you're obviously looking to pick a fight with TV members. Chill out, foo!

    You are the foo little unhappy man and lean to spell little man


    "Lean" to spell

    Boys, boys, boys...

    Most of us realize that when you resort to personal insults in a forum like this it means you have no more intelligent input about the topic itself to share.

    Your personal insults should be exchanged in a PM, yes, a private message for personal insults and criticisms.

    So, hold your breath, count to ten, and calm down and take a little "time out" now.

    Take a break and give the rest of a break as well.

    Let's try to be grown up about this....o.k.?

    • Like 2
  6. Why is assistance to farmers always referred to as a scheme?

    Farming is very difficult.

    Environmental conditions and market fluctuations make i event more difficult, sometimes impossible to make ends meet.

    Without assistance many could not farm.

    What would the world eat without farms?

    Farming has always been a gamble, assistance guarantees that people can continue to farm, even in bad times.

    Assistance to farmers in tough times is insurance....not a scheme.

    • Like 1
  7. I am guessing that most posters here on TV are older gentlemen.

    As people get older, many are unhappy and love to complain.

    Maybe unhappy when they realize most of their life has been spent and they did not really accomplish much they can be happy about?

    I also think many have come to Thailand as a result of not doing that well financially in their home country and find their limited income goes farther here...another reason to be unhappy in life.

    I think that most who are unhappy and complain here would be just as unhappy wherever they lived and would complain just as much if given a forum like TV to vent on.

    I have seen the same thing in other countries....it's not just in Thailand.

  8. I really don't care for the views of America on another sovereign territory. They should fix their own backyard.

    good advice, please go sort out your own life before criticizing the US. whistling.gif

    I agree.

    The U.s has a few weeds in their back yard and the lawn is not as green as it once was, but , the US still has the best yard on the block. It is still the world leader in yard maintenance and overall health......now, let's look over your fence into your back yard!

  9. After receiving continual critical comments from USA is it any wonder that Thailand is now cosying up to China and Japan as well as joining up to the new Asian bank

    And you think the U.S. should be giving Thailand praise for a military overthrow of an elected government and taking away the rights of it's people..including the right to elect a government?

    I understand why that China may be pleased about this, but not the U.S..

  10. There are a lot of wonderful, loving and respectful women in Thailand who are not just trying to get inot your wallet.

    There are a lot of old fools living in la la land too.

    Here's a clue,

    If you couldn't get one like this in the west ..................

    That comment is pretty good confirmation of your experiences and what side of the fence you are on.

    Too bad for you.

  11. A good friend who has been in Thailand for a while on a Non O, marriage based visa has been offered work at a local school.

    It is all above board and the school will take care of work permits and the like.

    Is it possible for him to obtain the work permit and not change to a type B visa.

    I have read that it is better to keep the Non O visa in the event that the job does not work out, so you can avoid starting the visa process over again if you find yourself unemployed.

    He told me he mentioned this to the school, but the school was not sure a work permit could be obtained on a Non O visa.

    What's the real story on this?

    Thanks in advance ( Joe )

  12. I must agree with Prayut!

    Those mini skirts are way to sexy and distracting.

    It make it difficult to concentrate on the news he has told them is o.k. to report to us!

    I really think he now needs to take a look at those sexy, skin tight uniforms that all of the BIB wear!

    It's difficult to take law enforcement officers seriously when they all dress like sex objects!


    And some of those soldiers too...wow!


    • Like 1
  13. I find it rather sad that, as usual, you can tell the TV posters who have good relationships with good Thai women from those who have only had contact with the "pay for play" girls in Thailand by their comments.

    Many have never gone to the right places and done the right things to meet women who were not "working them" and assume that all Thai women are like the only ones they have experience with,

    There are a lot of wonderful, loving and respectful women in Thailand who are not just trying to get inot your wallet.

    But when you only look in the factories, you only find workers!

    Here's a clue:

    If you fall for the girl you had to pay to sit and have a drink with you.....

    You will pay for everything else you want from her too.

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