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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. I did not attack her for espousing her Christianity or for being liberal.
  2. “If you want peace, prepare for war.”
  3. Did someone at RawStory cherry-pick a few verses for you? The pastor lives alone in a multimillion dollar six bedroom home in one of the nicest areas of DC. Why does she not take in a few illegal allen families? It’s the same with most all the rich leftists, they will benefit from the illegal aliens, but suffer none of the costs, of which there are many. Hypocrites
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 90 seconds  
  5. I am aware of what she said, and what I said was that she sounded pretty hateful on the news shows, and that you had become a real celebrity. To which you responded: You heard what you wanted to hear, not what was said. You want to create a narrative that supports your bias. I think it's you that wants to create a narrative that supports your bias. I am always amused at how the left generally has contempt for Christians and their point of view, and how they discount everything Christians say, but the moment the left can use a "Christian" to support their idiocy, they become a hero.
  6. I ain’t no leftist, I’m a liberal.
  7. Yes, but don’t you want to be looked after?
  8. Over 60% of US workers are college educated. In the US people (except leftists) generally do not want the government to look after them.
  9. I think I have the extra RAM card and a few other things for it around somewhere
  10. He had to pardon over 8,000 people because Trump
  11. She sounded pretty hate on the news shows, a real celebrity.
  12. I think it great that Trump is attempting to remove all the DEI nonsense from the federal government and all the schools that accept funding from the federal government and all the companies that do business with the federal government.
  13. So why should we take advice from a woman whose whole life is dedicated to convincing people that there is a fairy in the sky that will take care of them.? My Daddy’s favorite book was Michener’s Hawaii.
  14. Lame distraction. I never said it wasn’t.
  15. Judges almost never let all the evidence in.
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