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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. You get tax deductions, that’s welfare. Stay dishonest
  2. You mean when a factory work could buy a house? Now that the wages have been driven down it’s more difficult, yes?
  3. I think that’s all great. Sorry about your welfare getting cut. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
  4. Remember Chuck Schumer calling for violence against the Supreme Court? How about that moron “grilling” raw burgers? Now it “the people are aroused” Another anti-Israel Jew. What an embarrassment.
  5. Swensen’s does generally have pretty decent walking stock.
  6. You answer my questions, and I’ll answer yours.
  7. With the working poor earning much more. But I get it, the rich wants cheap strawberries and domestic help, and they don’t really give a fu*k about the poor, except yo virtue signal.
  8. You make the implicit assumption that savings on labor lowers prices, but scoff at the idea that savings on taxes would lower prices. How do you square that?
  9. I worked putting up hay and picking oranges, I know what it is. You? Over half the people doing those jobs now are US citizens. Paying more would make it more attractive.
  10. And notice how he claims he paid it off in 18 months, but then he switches to the average wage earner for the inflated price. How long would it have taken for the average wage earner to pay off the house originally? The house I grew up in was in Southern California, and costed $10,000. My folks bought it on a 30 year loan. My father was a mechanical engineer that worked in aerospace. That house sold (when my mom died) for $650K about ten years ago. A mechanical engineer working in aerospace can still afford to buy that home on a 30 year loan.
  11. If someone owns a house worth $500k, and they are $104k in debt, that means they’re $396K to the good, yes?
  12. So with the increased imports comes increased tariff revenue, yes?
  13. The price goes up because the farmer has to pay more. What do you have against higher wages for the working poor? Eliminate corporate income taxes and prices come down, so do you agree we should eliminate corporate income taxes?
  14. The left wants to social engineer, and then when people take advantage of it you howl.
  15. The lowest 150 million don’t even work.
  16. You mean like the creative “facts” you’re so fond of? Those are always a hoot.
  17. And if your aunt would have had balls she’d have been your uncle. Had the BLM rioters managed to burn down every precinct and killed every policeman they would have been running the country.
  18. And most of the people sending money back get some kind of subsidy. Need to tax it 20%
  19. Over $60B goes back to Mexico every year, I doubt that $2k a month expats are sending to Thailand is much of an issue.
  20. And they were going to overthrow the United States government with broomsticks and whatnot. No guns, brilliantly planned
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